I moved into my own apartment!!!

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I moved into my own apartment!!! Empty I moved into my own apartment!!!

Post by scawful Tue 25 Oct 2016 - 1:54

So I finally got out of living out of friends houses, and now I'm in my own apartment and my long distance girlfriend of 2 years is moving here next month! It's cool.

I'll probably be working on Oracle of Secrets a lot now, and zQuest.


I moved into my own apartment!!! Image211

Since : 2013-07-04


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I moved into my own apartment!!! Empty Re: I moved into my own apartment!!!

Post by SunGodPortal Tue 25 Oct 2016 - 3:53

Nice to see some movement out of you again and to hear that things are going well for you. Keep on rockin' moegami-san.
Very Happy

I remember when I first got my own place. It was extra special because there was an acute lack of neighbors so I could be as loud as I wanted! Play drums at 3 AM? Not a problem.

I moved into my own apartment!!! Image213

Since : 2015-01-26

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