The Lion King

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The Lion King - Page 5 Empty The Lion King

Patch (v3, 15/Sep/19: demo circle of life continues):

Track Map (Final): LINK

PCM Packs:

PepilloPeV "2019" Pack (English):
*track 15 is missing, get it from the classic.

Kurrono "Classic" Pack v5 (English):

Last edited by kurrono on Sun 15 Jul 2018 - 23:53; edited 3 times in total

The Lion King - Page 5 Image111

Since : 2015-03-22

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The Lion King :: Comments


Post Mon 16 Sep 2019 - 17:34 by pev

@alex_tenjo Funny, I am using a lower class SD card on my end compared to yours and do not exhibit this problem on my Sd2SnesPro (at least with a superNT).
The Lion King - Page 5 Img_2910

I can get a hold of a NTSC original SNES and sd2snes non-pro to test. This will probably take me a day or two to obtain for testing. Will update on my results. Will also record some footage.

Last edited by pepillopev on Mon 16 Sep 2019 - 20:23; edited 1 time in total

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Post Mon 16 Sep 2019 - 17:50 by Conn

Hmm... Nothing I could add further regarding the problem. It seems like much background calculations are done during the black screen, e.g. I see it in the trace log that is greater than 1.5 mb. I think that these calculations slow down for some reasons the msu stream on real hardware (at least original and not NT), what is a pity, but also beyond my capabilities to fix.

But now we know that people, experience this problem will need the "old" patch or enjoy playing on emulator. In the end the effect of the new patch is negligible (most people playing the game will skip it or enjoy the theme on youtube).

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Post Mon 16 Sep 2019 - 18:38 by alex_tenjo

@pepillopev Many thanks for taking time and gathering resources to test it. I'm very interested in what results you will get.

@Conn Regarding your first paragraph, what you wrote completely make sense to me. With your explanations, I'm sure you're right (and if pepillopev confirm the issue, fixing such a thing seems quite hard indeed).

I agree with your last paragraph also, sure it's not a real problem, people will mostly do how you wrote it (skip the intro or hear the theme using another way).
To let you know, in the first place I was only thinking that hearing the full track while the demo plays, should have been how code could be implemented if MSU1 or Nintendo PlayStation were real during the Super Nintendo commercial time. Back in the day I can easily imagine a Super Nintendo switched on in a local video game store with no controller plugged, that leaves The Lion King loops for hours just for advertisement. That's why I've ask for it, but in the end it's a detail and your patch works extremely well.

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Post Mon 16 Sep 2019 - 20:08 by pev

@Conn Yup, I think this issue is pretty much settled. There is only so much our poor little SNES can do. This aside, sadly, this NTSC SNES exhibits the same behavior alex_tenjo faced (music stopping between screens). It was as expected. This happens on both sd2snes and sd2snesPro. At least emulators and superNT are safe from this drawback, phew. At least with Lion King. The SNES is a model number SNS-001 (NTSC). Below are the test videos using both flash carts.


I now also consider this matter closed and concur with Conn's reasoning in leaving two separate patches to enjoy.

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Post Tue 17 Sep 2019 - 5:33 by Conn

ok, in the patch I renamed the "old" folder into "sd2snes" so people with normal snes use the old patch that disables the intro, and mada notes that SuperNT plays the normal version.

I hope here's a pcm artist who one day will make a set with the 2019 animated version music, and cleans the portuguese version from the rom, so we can provide that too Very Happy

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Post Tue 17 Sep 2019 - 7:21 by alex_tenjo

@pepillopev Many thanks for your time, it's reassuring to see that it's not again a new rare bug that only affect my system.

@Conn As you said this thread is now closed (the Portuguese version set aside).
Please don't thing I would like to ask for an original hardware fix (I well understand what enormous amount of work should be needed to fix a so small issue), but I please have a technical question.

Do you think that particular lag problem on the original hardware comes from a too low bandwidth of the game port or for a too weak CPU that can't make the demo calculations and stream MSU pcm enough faster to prevent an interruption ? (Or maybe for another reason I don't think about).

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Post Tue 17 Sep 2019 - 8:21 by pev

Conn wrote:...I hope here's a pcm artist who one day will make a set with the 2019 animated version music, and cleans the portuguese version from the rom, so we can provide that too Very Happy
@Conn Funny, it is like you know deep down in your soul someone is working on this 2019 set. In this case, I am. I finished 10 tracks with proper loop. The other 8 are proving difficult as there is no possibility of looping due to the nature of the track recording. I will see what I can do to the best of my ability.

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Post Tue 17 Sep 2019 - 8:37 by Conn

Pev saved the day... again Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

This is one of the rare msu1 we have with vocals, there is no problem if you need to restart the track from the beginning without loop imo Wink

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Post Wed 18 Sep 2019 - 9:16 by Conn

Pev updated the first post with a 2019 english movie pack and hosted the de-romed portuguese packs by snesforever (for our brazilian friends here).

Also the code of the patch has been revised, but we were not able to fix the sd2snes bug (which apparently also happens on bsnes). It is suggested to use snes9x or sd2snes with SuperNT. For bsnes/higan/sd2snes on normal snes use the patch in the folder sd2snes(bsnes), that disables demo play.

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Post Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 9:29 by Retroplay

I could have sworn I saw a hex edit to disable title music playing during the demo, can't find it now, somebody still have the offset and value ?

Found it, Wayback Machine to the rescue.
Here's the offset and value:

Go to offset 0x46785
Change 80 into D0

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Post Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 13:51 by Conn

Yes, but this only works in the (old, now) sd2snes version, therefore I deleted that note, but now again inserted it in the readme files.

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Post Sun 3 Jan 2021 - 10:28 by thedoug

Hi, in the Pepillopev set the tracks 12 and 13 are the same. Is this correct?

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Post Sun 3 Jan 2021 - 10:31 by Relikk

It appears to be intentional from looking at the track map.

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Post Sun 3 Jan 2021 - 11:07 by thedoug

Ah, ok. But the file 15 is missing? The other packs has the track 15.

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Post Sun 3 Jan 2021 - 11:15 by Relikk

You can use the track from the other pack. Reading a page back in the thread suggests that Pev was working on it here and there and never got around to finishing it.

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Post Fri 8 Jan 2021 - 10:53 by pev

Relikk wrote:...the thread suggests that Pev was working on it here and there and never got around to finishing it
Yup, this would be the case. I totally forgot about this project.

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Post Sun 10 Jan 2021 - 12:39 by retrojaro

Sorry but I'm at a big hurdle and I don't know what to do. Running through retroarch bsnes and can't wait to be king plays during the first level.. like I don't get it.. first I applied the normal ips file, tested.. can't wait to be king.. so I applied the bsnes patch on top of it.. can't wait to be king.. OK fine I deleted the patched sfc file thinking that was the problem, reapplied only the ips file in the bsnes folder on a fresh rom, fired it up.. can't wait to be king.. OK maybe it's just bsnes.. deleted it, did another fresh rom, applied the original (not the one in bsnes folder) ips file, tried it on snes9x which is the recommended emu... can't wait to be king.. am I just stupid or what? Sorry for bringing up a old topic but... IDK! Looking at other posts, the patch is broken for bsnes? but that doesn't explain why it does the same thing in snes9x 1.55 msu...

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Post Sun 10 Jan 2021 - 14:02 by Conn

It sounds more like a problem with your pcm set... which one do you use?

Try maybe another one, it is possible that this track is wrongly assigned in the pack you use.

Edit: yes, Kurrono set has it wrong.

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Post Sun 10 Jan 2021 - 14:49 by Conn

I puzzled it together, most K themes were correct, but e.g., he had the hakuna matada twice. Pride land wasn't part so I took it from the portugeuese set (there aren't vocals so this is fine).

Corrected Kurrono classic set:

can you compare the new set with the track list:
you can play pcm files with this tool:

...if I did it alright?

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Post Mon 11 Jan 2021 - 14:18 by retrojaro

Conn wrote:I puzzled it together, most K themes were correct, but e.g., he had the hakuna matada twice. Pride land wasn't part so I took it from the portugeuese set (there aren't vocals so this is fine).

Corrected Kurrono classic set:

can you compare the new set with the track list:
you can play pcm files with this tool:

...if I did it alright?

Well.. I patched the rom only using lk_msu.ips with this new music pack.. guess what? IT WORKS. Not only with snes9x on retroarch, BUT bsnes on retroarch as well. I must test this more but I think in my case I don't even need the bsnes patch. Edit: OK sooooooo... yeah the tracks work... granted I can't get past level 2 because those stupid double jump trees always mess me up but just can't wait to be king played in level 2... maybe someone who's actually halfway good at this game can test it more. Edit: Screw it.. shame me if you want.. I did the BARRY code... the track list seems to be correct now because I tested up to hakuna matata and all the tracks play correctly now. Safe to say this revised pack did the trick.

Last edited by retrojaro on Mon 11 Jan 2021 - 14:46; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Additional testing BARRY)

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Post Mon 11 Jan 2021 - 15:07 by Conn

Lol, wonderful review Very Happy
I never played past L2 as well. It's a beautiful game but unplayable beyond level 1 unfortunately.

I compared kurrono set with the Portuguese pack, so if that author didn't make any mistakes, we should be good Wink

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Post Sun 23 Oct 2022 - 7:06 by Deathbyillusion

Hey so I'm having a issue. When I try to play this msu1 rom hack of Lion King the game intro will start and it will play the music fine. But when I go into a level I just get a constant buzzing sound and if no other in-game sound effect is made at a specific time the buzzing sound gets louder and louder. But if it sound effect is initiated it goes back down to low again.

When I get to the boss level of the first level it plays the music fine and same when I die it plays the music fine. But then when I get to the second level again it's got a constant buzzing sound.

I had downloaded a MSU 1 rom hack that included all the PCM files. But I even went in and tried both of these PCM files and renamed them to match what the BML file says they should be.

If I do the sound test from the main screen it plays the songs Just fine.

Also I mentioned that the opening title it plays the music fine but if I hit the reset button it will do that same buzzing sound that it does on the levels.

I'm I doing something wrong?

I'm also playing this on my flat screen TV and I'm using a HDMI to AV converter.

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Post Sun 23 Oct 2022 - 7:34 by JUD6MENT

I dislike using those all-in-one download sets that include a rom that are almost always outdated because they cause problems. If you look at the mega man x2 forum you will find a list of people that complain that the volume levels are wrong, but turns out once they download the most current patch, everything was fine.

Anyway, that is my first suggestion, download our current patch that is up to date, apply it to a noheader rom, and then see what happens. I also would use an emulator like snes9x v 1.60 , it can often be the emulator that is the problem.

Right now we are having trouble with some of our posted links, it would be fixed soon, but you can download the patch here.

If you are having any trouble patching roms, or need to know where to find a good emulator, here is a good link

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Post Sun 23 Oct 2022 - 10:19 by Conn

The buzzing probably occurs since you use a fxPak (it usually does not happen on an emulator) - or do you use another, more exotic system (mister or whatever)?
The patch is long time out, and several people should have tested on fxpak, so for now I would not assume a problem with the patch and advice to follow J's suggestion first to patch yourself with the version we have linked on this site.

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