Hidden Objects in Zelda 3

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Hidden Objects in Zelda 3 Empty Hidden Objects in Zelda 3

Post by Erockbrox Sat 22 Jun 2013 - 19:16

So one day while messing around in Hyrule Magic I found a hidden staircase. Since then I have always wondered if other hidden objects exist in the original Zelda 3 rom. So I painstakingly went though each dungeon room searching for these "hidden treasures" and to my surprise I found more hidden stuff. These are the results. 

I'll start off with the lanterns. 

Of course we all know of Gannon's room and probably most of us have seen the lit lantern that is off screen. What most people probably didn't know is that these off screen or hidden lanterns actually were there to control the lighting certain rooms ans were intentional.

Hidden Objects in Zelda 3 Buriedtreasureroom0_zpsc6953383

Did you know that there were two hidden lanterns in the famous room where you meet your dieing uncle?

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And there a some more in this room as well.

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Now on to something even more mysterious.... Secret Hidden Star-cases OMG!!! 

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So what were these stair-cases intended for? Were they planned to be used at one point, but got scratched from the final project. Why are they all staircases and not something else? It's a secret to everyone!

By the way does anyone know why there is a movable block just sitting out in the middle of nowhere on this screen?

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And does anyone know what this screen was used for?

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And last, but not least while I was hunting for hidden stuff I found this!

Hidden Objects in Zelda 3 Treasurebigtime_zps5e8ad78b

It was hidden under some other tiles and I am dieing to know if I can open this or whats in it because this is crazy! But I'm at work right now and I'm too busy to check it out at eh moment.

Hidden Objects in Zelda 3 Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Hidden Objects in Zelda 3 Empty Re: Hidden Objects in Zelda 3

Post by Erockbrox Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 1:05

Yeah, after posting in the Random Zelda 3 facts about that staircase it encouraged me to do like a full sweep thought the game to find anything else.

I'll double check to see if that chest is set to anything next time I open up the rom.

And those torches aren't useless as they were placed there to control the light brightness level in those rooms!!

Hidden Objects in Zelda 3 Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Hidden Objects in Zelda 3 Empty Re: Hidden Objects in Zelda 3

Post by Tropylium Tue 25 Dec 2018 - 13:10

Any chance the pictures that used to go with this post would happen to be live somewhere else?

Since : 2015-01-17

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