Nimbus additional properties

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Nimbus additional properties Empty Nimbus additional properties

Post by Founder Fri 3 Nov 2017 - 23:31

I was wondering if there was any way to edit the nimbus money requirement and also disable the health and magic requirements. It might have been documented already or its a direct hex edit, I am not sure... however it would be amazing to lower the price it requires.

Thanks Smile


Nimbus additional properties Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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Nimbus additional properties Empty Re: Nimbus additional properties

Post by wizzrobemaster Sat 4 Nov 2017 - 3:10

There is a hex edit because I did change the cost and its properties. you need to know the address of the asm. Conn once gave it to me if I recall correctly.


Since : 2015-01-04

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Nimbus additional properties Empty Re: Nimbus additional properties

Post by Conn Sat 4 Nov 2017 - 6:41

If you use the all-in / complete items (Conker is different I think):

Ruppee cost:
03/FE6F: 2c 01 -> to new number
Note, it is reversed bytes, so it is currently 01 2c = 300 rupees
50 ruppees would be 03/FE6F: 2c 01 -> 32 00

Magic cost:
03/FE7D: 00 -> xx
while 80 is full magic meter (don't give above 80, 00 is zero magic)
Disable it: 03/fe7e: 8f 6e f3 7e -> ea ea ea ea

Heart cost:
03/FE62: 04 -> xx
(be careful here, you should not give more hearts than your actual number of heart containers can hold). 04 is a half heart.
If you want to disable health cost,
03/fe63: 8f 6d f3 7e -> ea ea ea ea

But mind, that if you lower the prize, people most probably run through the complete game with 3 golden guard bees - also you can make big business at the bottle seller if the call is too cheap Wink

Nimbus additional properties Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Nimbus additional properties Empty Re: Nimbus additional properties

Post by Founder Sun 5 Nov 2017 - 18:09

Awesome, thank you very much! It's not for Conker, no worries I have no intentions of creating a new patch for that or change anything else, its good enough as it is. I do however have other 'sideline' projects, tis' all! Nothing I'll announce myself because I'm no longer a project leader... :-D


Nimbus additional properties Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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Nimbus additional properties Empty Re: Nimbus additional properties

Post by Conn Sun 5 Nov 2017 - 19:08

Awesome that my all in gonna be used, thought oos would be the only project implemented it Very Happy

Nimbus additional properties Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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