Did I ever tell you guys that I play video games professionally

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Did I ever tell you guys that I play video games professionally  Empty Re: Did I ever tell you guys that I play video games professionally

Post by Euclid Sun 22 Sep 2013 - 8:56

link requires me to login.

But that's an awesome job! i wish i was you =(

Always want to ask someone who plays professionally and/or a play tester though - does it ruin your experience in playing games in general?

Did I ever tell you guys that I play video games professionally  Image212

Since : 2012-06-21

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Did I ever tell you guys that I play video games professionally  Empty Re: Did I ever tell you guys that I play video games professionally

Post by Erockbrox Sun 22 Sep 2013 - 16:33

You can login with your facebook if you want.

This link is to Twin Galaxies which keeps track of video game high scores.

I don't get paid for it, but compete for high scores against people for all over the world.

So I'm not a paid beta tester, more of a video game champ! Razz 

Did I ever tell you guys that I play video games professionally  Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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