Conker Pocket Tales MSU Hack Instructions?

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Conker Pocket Tales MSU Hack Instructions? Empty Conker Pocket Tales MSU Hack Instructions?

Post by bleedweed94 Thu 28 Nov 2024 - 15:15

(reposted because accidentally put in wrong thread earlier)
Hi, so I recently stumbled upon the MSU1 hacks of the pokemon gameboy games and I was hoping to figure out how I could create a patch/pack for Conker Pocket Tales but everything I find is outdated, or the links are dead or the instructions are garbage. Was hoping somebody might be able to point me in the right direction?


Since : 2024-11-28

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Conker Pocket Tales MSU Hack Instructions? Empty Re: Conker Pocket Tales MSU Hack Instructions?

Post by Cubear Thu 28 Nov 2024 - 19:40

do you know much about z80 asm? you won't get far if you can't locate the code that loads + plays the music.
you need to find this, silence the music without silencing the SFX or causing the game to glitch, and then you could start working on an MSU1 patch.
to do so you'll need proficiency with a debugger (i'd recommend Mesen) and knowledge of the assembly code of the system(s) you intend to to work on.

unfortunately, the code and such will be different between different games, so there's no way to really give a proper tutorial on the process of making a patch start to finish.  if it were so easy, everything would be done by now.

Conker Pocket Tales MSU Hack Instructions? Image211

Since : 2021-11-17

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