Super Mario All Stars Deluxe MSU-1

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Super Mario All Stars Deluxe MSU-1 Empty Super Mario All Stars Deluxe MSU-1

Every level in the game now has a randomized playlist of songs to choose from. All songs in the playlist matches the level theme but they are now all from different music artists. This will give a larger variety of music to hear as you play the game.


Patch by Cubear + Conn + Kurrono:
(The update to extend music was created by Cubear)

Mirror Download:

PCM Sets:

JUD6MENT's SMAS Deluxe Orchestral PCM

Mirror Link:

Mirror Link:

YouTube Preview
Music Artist Credit - In YouTube Preview Description


Here is a quick link to the original Mario All Star MSU-1 if you do not want the extended music choices and just want more of a base game build.

Last edited by JUD6MENT on Thu 26 Dec 2024 - 10:45; edited 1 time in total

Super Mario All Stars Deluxe MSU-1 Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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Super Mario All Stars Deluxe MSU-1 :: Comments


Post Wed 25 Dec 2024 - 3:14 by JUD6MENT

Merry Christmas!

I have been working on this since mid June, I am very busy, lol, finally got it done. Thank you Cubear for creating a patch. As the preview shows, every time you go into a level one of many different possible songs can upload. They are all the same track but different music artists. This gives a variety to the game.

Cubear and I have done a few Deluxe versions of games in the past where very last stage had its own theme. However, Cubear and I like our sanity so we decided to just do a playlist that randomly select songs instead since the 4 games included in all stars would have way to many tracks to code and do.

Any, hope everyone enjoys! If you find any trouble with the patch, you shouldn't, but if you happen to do so please let us know and we will update the patch with a fix.

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