Aghanim part 1 send location

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Aghanim part 1 send location Empty Aghanim part 1 send location

codes for first transport:
light world?
pc 00/7983: 40 -> 00 ; must be 00 to tell the game you want to get into light world. If you want to be sent into dark world, leave this 40

pc 01/5E2E: 5b -> xx ;your desired screen number (native 5b is pyramids)

pc 00/793c: 20 -> xx ;your desired exit number in that Screen (native exit 0020 is the exit on top of pyramid)

Aghanim 2 is a bit more complicated. I hacked this too but with ganon bat it is way more complicated. Ask SePH in case you like to go down that road.

Aghanim part 1 send location Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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