Problem with MSU Player Luigiblood's and Seru-kun on SD2SNES

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Problem with MSU Player Luigiblood's and Seru-kun on SD2SNES Empty Problem with MSU Player Luigiblood's and Seru-kun on SD2SNES

Post by D2DEZEL Thu 28 Mar 2019 - 3:18

Hello everyone, I have a problem with the msuplayer program on sd2snes, to select the music is too fast and some music is several times, while I have that once. I will make a video on youtube to show you.

Since : 2018-10-30

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Problem with MSU Player Luigiblood's and Seru-kun on SD2SNES Empty Re: Problem with MSU Player Luigiblood's and Seru-kun on SD2SNES

Post by Conn Fri 29 Mar 2019 - 17:05

Luigiblood isn't active on this forum, neither much active is ikari. You probably should report your problems directly to these authors. nobody here has the expertise to help you I'd guess.

Problem with MSU Player Luigiblood's and Seru-kun on SD2SNES Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Problem with MSU Player Luigiblood's and Seru-kun on SD2SNES Empty Re: Problem with MSU Player Luigiblood's and Seru-kun on SD2SNES

Post by MiniComputer Sat 30 Mar 2019 - 16:44

Drop by the ever drive forums and mentioned the problem to them.
Is it just those 2 authors msu-1 games that don't work or is it  any other msu-1 games that have the same issues ?
Armos Knight
Armos Knight

Since : 2017-11-04

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