Hazelnut Bastille (new Zelda 3 like game)

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Hazelnut Bastille (new Zelda 3 like game) Empty Hazelnut Bastille (new Zelda 3 like game)

Post by Erockbrox Tue 2 Jul 2019 - 18:16


Normally I don't get excited that often with current games being released, but this one apparently pays a lot of homage to A Link to the Past so I might be interested in checking it out.


Hazelnut Bastille (new Zelda 3 like game) Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Hazelnut Bastille (new Zelda 3 like game) Empty Re: Hazelnut Bastille (new Zelda 3 like game)

Post by Tropylium Thu 8 Aug 2019 - 16:36

Looks promising.

On the topic of LttPalikes, I got a Steam game called Ittle Dew a while ago that would pretty obviously count as one too; it's much smaller than what this looks like to be (just three levels / three main items to get) but was fun enough for a spin.

Since : 2015-01-17

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