Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1?

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Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Empty Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1?

Post by gameseeker86 Sun 19 Jul 2020 - 1:28


I just want to check whether this will work. But I'd like to take Secret of Evermore (USA).sfc, apply a header with TUSH, and then hack it using this 2-player patch:

Then I'll remove the header with TUSH, and apply the MSU-1 patch:

Are these patches compatible if they are applied via these steps?



Since : 2020-07-18

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Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Empty Re: Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1?

Post by mattdawson75 Thu 21 Jan 2021 - 13:26

Sorry to revive an old topic, but looking for assistance with Secret of Evermore 2 player.

I have the USA ROM, and the IPS 2 player patch. I used Lunar IPS to try to patch it. I start the game, it's just a black screen and retroarch crashes. The regular Secret of Evermore works fine.

I thought maybe the ROM had a header or something so I opened SNES Utility and tried to remove the header, but "Remove header" is greyed out. Does that mean it doesn't have a header?

What should I try?


Since : 2021-01-21

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Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Empty Re: Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1?

Post by Conn Thu 21 Jan 2021 - 15:41

Try attached patch, it is the merged 2 player and msu1 patch. Don't apply any other patch.

You need the correct rom (USA SOE, no header).

It is bps format, so you also need flips:

The advantage of bps is that you get an error if trying to patch the wrong rom.
Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(3 Kb) Downloaded 13 times

Last edited by Conn on Fri 22 Jan 2021 - 3:48; edited 1 time in total

Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Empty Re: Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1?

Post by mattdawson75 Fri 22 Jan 2021 - 2:28

Thank you so much! The game plays. It doesn't have any music though. In the read me it says:

"to have msu1 music rename the patched rom into soe_msu.sfc and copy the soe_msu.msu and the soe_msu-*.pcm into the same folder."

So I can rename the patched rom easily enough. But I don't know what it means by "copy the soe_msu.msu and the soe_msu-*.pcm into the same folder."


Since : 2021-01-21

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Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Empty Re: Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1?

Post by Conn Fri 22 Jan 2021 - 3:48

You see, the 2player patch isn't my work and I only made it compatible with msu1. The patch uses a hard mute, so if you want to play without msu, simply apply the romhacking patch only.

If you apply this merged patch you need a pcm set, e.g.,!P74z3IiK!lGHq4uGzgjy9xOb6Mlaodaq62tBJ_ioHPO0YLnj3LKg

as for the soe_msu.msu, just make a new txt file and rename it into soe_msu.msu
I attached one into above patch file if you cannot create one yourself (just redownload)

Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Empty Re: Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1?

Post by mattdawson75 Sat 23 Jan 2021 - 10:47

Just so I'm understanding correctly, the patch uses a hard mute, so there's no way to just play the regular game with the regular music? Or I have to use this patch file with the MSU that you provided? Just trying to wrap my head around all this, I'm not even sure what MSU is, or why people would want to mute the game's music.

Thank you for all your help and information.

Edit: I was able to get it working! Thank you so much for your help!


Since : 2021-01-21

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Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Empty Re: Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1?

Post by Conn Sat 23 Jan 2021 - 13:59

If you don't want to play with msu1, simply apply the romhacking net:

I'm not even sure what MSU is, or why people would want to mute the game's music.
Uh, what shall I say... this complete subforum is about msu1 Breakdance

Probably you may want to watch this video:


Secret of Evermore: 2-Player + MSU-1? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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