FMV request: Metroid FMV concept, coder needed

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FMV request: Metroid FMV concept, coder needed Empty FMV request: Metroid FMV concept, coder needed

Post by JUD6MENT Sun 2 Oct 2022 - 16:11

I have a fun idea to place 4 different videos into Super Metroid. To show my idea, I video edited them into my gameplay to give an idea what the finish product could look like. I can video edit, I can music edit, I can make PCM, I can send save points to anywhere in the game, I can playtest, I just cant code. If a coder is interested, I think this idea would be a blast to work on and I will fully help anyway I can.

On a side note, I am working on a new PCM set that is almost finished, so you will hear some new tracks and some new add ins to the tracks that give it a good touch in my opinion.

I can clean up the FMV audio tracks to sound better if we really do this project together

FMV request: Metroid FMV concept, coder needed Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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FMV request: Metroid FMV concept, coder needed Empty Re: FMV request: Metroid FMV concept, coder needed

Post by JUD6MENT Sat 27 Jan 2024 - 21:25

Here is another very good potential FMV scene for Super Metroid, one that i think is better than my Ridley fight concept i did 2 years ago.

Just adding this video to this post in case there is a very slim chance that a future coder joins zeldix can do fmv, i fully know there is no current coder on zeldix interested at this time and that is alright, i appreciate the large amount of msu-1 that has been accomplished by this community.

FMV request: Metroid FMV concept, coder needed Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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