Identify a sfx

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Identify a sfx Empty Identify a sfx

Post by Conn Fri 17 Jun 2016 - 7:06

Here's a sfx used in AST, which I cannot identify. Has anybody an idea, where it comes from or knows a similar sound?

(at 57:35, after Zelda saying sayonara and while you are beamed back)

Identify a sfx Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Identify a sfx Empty Re: Identify a sfx

Post by Jeimuzu Fri 8 Jul 2016 - 1:59

Based on your post, I gather you're searching for it in the rom? Sounds like an mp3 quality sound effect to me so I doubt it's in there. Are you trying to identify it for an MSU-1 version?

Fortunately, the sound plays after Zelda says "sayonara" as opposed to during so the only audio playing over it is the music. Assuming you haven't already found a solution at this point, you could probably just source the sound effect from the video, and sync it up with the music in an english dub.

Identify a sfx Image213

Since : 2015-10-01

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Identify a sfx Empty Re: Identify a sfx

Post by Conn Fri 8 Jul 2016 - 5:34

Oh, I am sorry that I didn't update. FirebrandX was so nice to recreate this one with rather awesome outcome:

Identify a sfx Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Identify a sfx Empty Re: Identify a sfx

Post by qwertymodo Fri 8 Jul 2016 - 11:35

I was going to say, it's a pretty standard frequency sweep, shouldn't be too hard to reproduce. Glad to see you've gotten what you needed.

Identify a sfx Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Identify a sfx Empty Re: Identify a sfx

Post by Jeimuzu Fri 8 Jul 2016 - 12:26

Conn wrote:Oh, I am sorry that I didn't update. FirebrandX was so nice to recreate this one with rather awesome outcome:

Impressive! As far as I can tell it's spot on.

Identify a sfx Image213

Since : 2015-10-01

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