Zelda3 IQ test, Revenge of the Einstein, release
Zelda3 IQ test, Revenge of the Einstein, release
Latest version: 1-0
Original ROM CRC-32: 777AAC2F
The final installment of the IQ series, The Revenge of the Einstein, includes some of the most difficult block puzzles ever created in a Zelda game. The already existing puzzles from the IQ and Conker, which were considered to be of a better design, were used in this game and remodeled to be even more difficult, yet some rare puzzles are brand new.
A very short hack with very difficult riddles, which will test the limits of your intelect, while still being beatable if you invest enough time into solving. The hack also has some "breathing rooms", in which you don't need to think much to proceed.
Download IPS PATCH (IQ Rote)
Download README on how to use the patch (IQ Rote)
This game is compatible with:
All PC SNES emulators for Windows, Linux, Mac; SNES emus for PSP, Wii, DS; flashcart, powerpack, sd2snes, repro carts, SNES clones, such as Game doctor; online SNES emulators etc; and even Zelda3 editors, such as Hyrule Magic, zcompress, YYchr etc.
Original ROM file info (to patch the IPS to):
Name: Legend of Zelda, The - A link to the past [U] [!]
Region: US
Header: No header
Size: 1.024 KB
Extension: SMC
File CRC-32: 777AAC2F
Rom CRC-32: 777AAC2F
File MD5: 608C22B8FF930C62DC2DE54BCD6EBA72
Rom MD5: 608C22B8FF930C62DC2DE54BCD6EBA72
Do Not patch to other ROMs or headered ROMs.
Puzzledude- Since : 2012-06-20
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