Vital hex addresses

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Vital hex addresses Empty Vital hex addresses

Post by Puzzledude Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 6:51


Last edited by Puzzledude on Fri 17 Apr 2020 - 13:55; edited 7 times in total

Vital hex addresses Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Vital hex addresses Empty Re: Vital hex addresses

Post by Puzzledude Wed 23 Jan 2013 - 8:04


Last edited by Puzzledude on Fri 17 Apr 2020 - 13:55; edited 1 time in total

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Vital hex addresses Empty Re: Vital hex addresses

Post by Puzzledude Wed 23 Jan 2013 - 8:26

Here is the rest of the TXT file, which is dealing with the Ending sequence

Last edited by Puzzledude on Wed 8 Jun 2016 - 14:27; edited 2 times in total

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Vital hex addresses Empty Re: Vital hex addresses

Post by Puzzledude Tue 29 Jan 2013 - 8:09

This really is an incredible job by Euclid. Who knows how he did it. Since he had to add all the new data for hacker credits and preserve the original credits, plus, the text has to go up quicker, to match the music interval correctly (so more credits have to go through in the same amount of time).

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Vital hex addresses Empty Re: Vital hex addresses

Post by Euclid Tue 19 Feb 2013 - 2:22

That PW ending, there's a trick to it.

I doubled the scrolling speed Smile

Along with my perl scripts i can insert the ending at the back of the rom and have it scroll up twice as fast. If you guys want to decipher my perl scripts i can put them up for you.

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Since : 2012-06-21

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Vital hex addresses Empty Re: Vital hex addresses

Post by Spane Sat 23 Feb 2013 - 10:03

1. Change maximum of rupess: (with no header)

On address - 0x6DBEC - you see E8 03 <--- Maximum amount of rupess (in dec = 1000)
On address - 0x6DBF1 - you see E7 03 <--- There where the rupess counter stops (in dec = 999)

A little test:

Open your windows calculator and choose dec. Now typ 100 and convert to hex. You see 64 so your bytes are 00 64 <--- Maximum amount of rupess.
Typ 99 and convert and you see 63 so your bytes are 00 63 <--- rupess counter will stop here.
Go to address 0x6DBEC and replace the E8 03 by 00 64.
Go to address 0x6DBF1 and replace the E7 03 by 00 63.
Save the rom in your hex editor and open it in hyrule magic. Go to entrance 01 and put 300 rupees (number 70) in a chest. Play the rom on your favourite emu and open the chest. The rupees counter will stop at 99.
Euclid managed to change the bytes to 10 27 (10000) and 0F 27 (9999) so you can hold up to 9999 rupees in parallel worlds but i think the rupees counter needs asm to hold the 1000 digits Very Happy

2. Remove annoying low life beeping sound
Go to the adress 0x6DCA1 and you see the byte 2B. Change it to 00 and you will have no annoying low life beeping sound or replace it with other bytes and you will have other sounds Very Happy Play a little bit with the bytes Razz

Greetz Spane


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Since : 2013-01-22

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Vital hex addresses Empty Re: Vital hex addresses

Post by Puzzledude Sat 23 Feb 2013 - 14:04

Spane wrote:
On address - 0x6DBEC - you see E8 03 <--- Maximum amount of rupess (in dec = 1000)
On address - 0x6DBF1 - you see E7 03 <--- There where the rupess counter stops (in dec = 999)

2. Remove annoying low life beeping sound
Go to the adress 0x6DCA1 and you see the byte 2B. Change it to 00 and you will have no annoying low life beeping sound.

This is really good news! I was always wondering how to turn that annoying beeping off. I know players, who considered a two harts to be the minimum health, for they knew that in one more hit comes the beeping.


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Since : 2012-06-20

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Vital hex addresses Empty Re: Vital hex addresses

Post by Puzzledude Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 6:50

That woot2 by Math on Napkins rellay is some awesome ASM modification! I will look in the hex code to find the actual data, so that we can choose which Asm new things to include (like use of R button, or flashing magic bar, while I would not include all the bomb-hacks yet, since it is not entirely finished (can make a bug with Link holding hands up with no bomb, as described in the readme).

SePH, do you happen to have a green magic autorefill code, as presented in Parallel Worlds. I think it is in optimal rise-level rate (and when you get half magic it rises faster, but still at the optimal rate). (The refill in woot2 is somewhat to fast). I know players who really would panic in the dungeon when running out of green magic, so a small autorise is really a huge relief for them. But we dont want to give them to much slack, with the magic filling up to fast.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Vital hex addresses Empty Re: Vital hex addresses

Post by Euclid Mon 25 Feb 2013 - 6:01

The auto fill code was put as part of the redraw code of the hud - quite lazy i know since i have to disable it when the dialog box is up =P Afraid that i can't help you much but the only thing i can tell you is that it fills up 1 magic every 255 cycles of the 1A (timer) variable, ie the code below gets put somewhere and get called.

LDA $1A A5 1A
AND #$7F 29 7F
BNE $0D D0 12
LDA $7EF36E AF 6E F3 7E
CMP #$80 C9 80
BEQ $05 F0 05
STA $7EF36E 8F 6E F3 7E

That bomb hack had sprite issues i believe.

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Since : 2012-06-21

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