Pcms for wolfenstine
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Pcms for wolfenstine
Hello everyone, I am currently looking for someone to make pcms for Wolfenstine 3D. To whoever repost to my inqurie I do have some Roality Free music to use. The music is heavy metal, because I think that would fit the game. I have said music at the ready, So whever your project is done, or your looking for a new one. This is it. :-D And to repay you of your work you will be given proper credit for it and my most humbled thank you also. No need to hurry though.
Polargames- Since : 2018-06-06
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
@Polargames, I'll help you out with the PCMs, Polar. If the music is royalty free, then I see no problem in posting a download link for me to get them here. Or just send me a PM and provide me the link there. Your choice.
pev- Since : 2017-10-16
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
pepillopev wrote:@Polargames, I'll help you out with the PCMs, Polar. If the music is royalty free, then I see no problem in posting a download link for me to get them here. Or just send me a PM and provide me the link there. Your choice.
Thank you very much, Here is the link http://teknoaxe.com/Genre_Code_2.php?q=Metal. When you download you can also fill out a for stating that his music is under the CC and that he gives permission to use his music. It free in mp3 format, I did already pick out the songs, but I do not know how to send them to you. I had made mp3s to wave to be helpful and I also have said doc to show that you are free to use it. Its under my username, but I can make a new one for you if that makes you feel better. https://i.servimg.com/u/f68/19/92/58/23/untitl10.jpg. Here are the names of the music I have picked Breaching_the_Gates_Remastered, Basic_Metal_5,Bring_the_Pain,Burning_Victory,Gloriously_Overcast, and Strange_Dealings_Afoot. There they are. If you do not like them or you find something better thats sweet as well :-)
Polargames- Since : 2018-06-06
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
@polargames Please upload the audio files you already have to the following server (link below).
Upload Link (expires June 30th)
Upload Link (expires June 30th)
pev- Since : 2017-10-16
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
pepillopev wrote:@polargames Please upload the audio files you already have to the following server (link below).
Upload Link (expires June 30th)
I have it uploading now, From my end its still spinning, but I just wanted to let you know :-)
Polargames- Since : 2018-06-06
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
Sounds good, Polar. I’ll start as soon as I get them. Is there any particular order you have in mind? What about the track list derived from the ASM?
pev- Since : 2017-10-16
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
pepillopev wrote:Sounds good, Polar. I’ll start as soon as I get them. Is there any particular order you have in mind? What about the track list from the ASM?
No not really, I did not have any order that I wanted them to be in, For the ASM that can be in the order of whater ever track sounds best. :-)
- Code:
; hardcore mute
org $ce9921 ; mute spc
db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
; hook section
org $C061EB
JML msuTrack
org $c019ea
JSL pauseStart
org $C0DA24
JSL dying
org $C031F9
JSL pauseEnd
; code section
org $Cfff30 ; free space
LDA #$0000
STA $002007
JSL $C02E89 ; native code
LDA #$0003
STA $002007
JSL $C01439
LDA #$0000
STA $002007
JSL $C06190
SEP #$20
STA $002004
LDA #$00
STA $002005
STA $002006
lda $002000
AND #$40
BNE loop
LDA #$ff
STA $002006
LDA #$03 ; all tracks loop?
STA $002007
TSC ; native code
SBC #$000C
JML $C061F0
Polargames- Since : 2018-06-06
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
@polargames I added a GoogleDocs link for the WIP track map list below:
I will update it as needed. I guess it is time to play the "what music fits in what stage" game.
I will update it as needed. I guess it is time to play the "what music fits in what stage" game.
Last edited by pepillopev on Fri 15 Jun 2018 - 21:32; edited 2 times in total
pev- Since : 2017-10-16
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
@Conn Hey, Bud. While making the PCMs for this game I noticed that there is an "alarm" like sound in Snes9x. This is not present in bSnes. It occurs with or without the PCMs present. You'll hear it immediately as the game loads up (at intro screen and stays).
Update: Never mind, I read an earlier post somewhere else where you are aware of the music distortion in Snes9x. Bsnes it is then.
Update: Never mind, I read an earlier post somewhere else where you are aware of the music distortion in Snes9x. Bsnes it is then.
pev- Since : 2017-10-16
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
@polargames Apparently, we are going to need more tracks. At least 6 more in addition to the ones you provided (unless you want them to repeat in other stages). Look at track list to see what has been done so far (click link below):
Wolfenstein Track List
And below is the link to get the PCMs I already finished:
Wolfenstein Incomplete Set
Wolfenstein Track List
And below is the link to get the PCMs I already finished:
Wolfenstein Incomplete Set
pev- Since : 2017-10-16
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
pepillopev wrote:@polargames Apparently, we are going to need more tracks. At least 6 more in addition to the ones you provided (unless you want them to repeat in other stages). Look at track list to see what has been done so far (click link below):
Wolfenstein Track List
And below is the link to get the PCMs I already finished:
Wolfenstein Complete Set
Sweet, Thank you so much pepillopev you rock, :-D I have sent you more music tracks like you said you needed, I sent you 7, The extra one is for filler if needed or you think it works better in a level then the one I picked. If it does feel free to swap it out thats more the fine with me. :-D Will test out what you have made so far as well. And Thank you on letting me know you needed more music as well :-)
Polargames- Since : 2018-06-06
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
@polargames Ok, the track list and PCM set are now complete. Download the complete PCM set for this game by using the link in the upper post I previously made. Happy Gaming!
pev- Since : 2017-10-16
Re: Pcms for wolfenstine
pepillopev wrote:@polargames Ok, the track list and PCM set are now complete. Download the complete PCM set for this game by using the link in the upper post I previously made. Happy Gaming!
Wow, Thank you so very much pepillopev , I have also made a msu-1 cd cover so to speak when I was board and playing in photoshop, As a Way to say thank you would you like me to send you it?
Polargames- Since : 2018-06-06
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