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Post by Polargames Tue 28 Aug 2018 - 18:05

Hey, Could you please think postive thoughts for my mom, A part of or living room ceiling fell and hit her. She said shes fine and she up and about, but I am just a tad bit worried about her. We had 2 days of very bad storms and the drywall just gave way and landed on my mom. It was a large peice that fell. Again she is fine, but I am just a little worried. Sad Thank you

My mom Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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Post by pev Wed 29 Aug 2018 - 1:14

Will keep good thoughts from me, Polar. I still recommend she sees a doc to rule out a concussion. Many Blessings, Brother.


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Since : 2017-10-16

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Post by Relikk Wed 29 Aug 2018 - 2:41

Very sorry to hear that, Polar. Best wishes go to your mom. Pev's words are wise, also.

Take care.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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Post by Conn Wed 29 Aug 2018 - 6:10

Oh wow, next to my wishes that your mom is all right, I hope you have some sort of insurance for the house...

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Since : 2013-06-30

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My mom Empty Re: My mom

Post by Polargames Wed 29 Aug 2018 - 9:53

@To All, Thank you for all of your kind wishes, It really means a lot to me right now. @Pepv, She has a Doc appominet I belive to day actually so she told me she get check out there, thank you very much for your concern dude. @Relikk Thank you very much also, and yes for sure I will make sure my mom gets checked out asap. @Conn, Thank you also for your will wishes and we do have insurance for our house, the claims adjuster is comming by us on Saturday, Was supposed to be today, but they are very busy.

So as I had said we had very bad storms, It had rained pretty heavy by us. Some of the areas a round us lost power, My aunt and Uncle did lastnight and there were 3 twisters that had touched down according to our local news. Still to be finalized by the NWS.One of them was by the area my other grandparent is and the last one was by a Tourist attraction I belive they said, and between where my aunt and uncle live and the country. My other grandparent is fine because the twister was reported to be by a highway about 50 miles where she lives, but for me that was a little to close for confort. There is a lot of trees down in my area, and branches all over the place. I will be sure to update to let you all now whats going on for sure. Thank you all very much again. Blue4

My mom Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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Post by wizzrobemaster Thu 30 Aug 2018 - 19:11

how strong were the tornadoes? those storms are scary because of how unexpected they show up.

anyway, it is a good idea to get checked out whenever getting hit in the hard by a heavy object to make sure there is no severe head trauma. anyway, I hope everything gets better.


Since : 2015-01-04

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My mom Empty Re: My mom

Post by Polargames Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 14:02

wizzrobemaster wrote:how strong were the tornadoes?  those storms are scary because of how unexpected they show up.  

anyway, it is a good idea to get checked out whenever getting hit in the hard by a heavy object to make sure there is no severe head trauma.  anyway, I hope everything gets better.

The strongest twister was an EF1 and that was about 50 to 100 miles away where my other grandparent lives, So I am happy she is safe. And thank you for your well wishes and concern, It means a lot to me :-)

My mom Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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My mom Empty Re: My mom

Post by Polargames Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 14:15


Sorry for not keeping you as updated like I wanted to. We have been cleaning up so to speak. First of my mom is all right, Just some bruses and a little shaken still,but fine. We had the insurence people come by and they well cover the damage done by the storm. I was veryy happy to hear that because I was scard that they would not cover it. I know that might sound dumb of me, but it was a actual fear. We had about 7.5 inches total that fell in our area. The next county to the left of us had about 14+ inches of rain. Also the NWS had finished the twister zones and the total for all the counties around us was 16. The biggest twister was a EF2. There also is a lot of flooding in many areas as well.

My mom Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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Post by Relikk Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 16:43

Polargames wrote:I was veryy happy to hear that because I was scard that they would not cover it. I know that might sound dumb of me, but it was a actual fear.

Not dumb at all. They'll usually try to find some excuse to not give out any money. Glad they didn't.

My mom Image212

Since : 2017-02-17

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My mom Empty Re: My mom

Post by Polargames Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 18:29

Relikk wrote:
Polargames wrote:I was veryy happy to hear that because I was scard that they would not cover it. I know that might sound dumb of me, but it was a actual fear.

Not dumb at all. They'll usually try to find some excuse to not give out any money. Glad they didn't.

Thank you Relikk for telling me that, I had heard it from other people but I did not know if it was actualy common at all. Thank you Smile

My mom Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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My mom Empty Re: My mom

Post by Polargames Tue 12 Mar 2019 - 19:07

@ToAll, Hello everyone, Sorry for being way late on the updates for what has happened, Things have been crazy here. I am back at my place, but the contractors have done more harm then good. The have trashed our upstairs bathroom. What I mean by that is the put a unneeded and unnecessary hole in our floor, our bathtub which had never been damage at all from the storm, they took the main plumbing pipe and replaced it with pvc pipe, again it was no way ruined in the storm. And our toilet they had it uninstalled and during the remodeling of our place, some one was not feeling good and barfed in our non working toilet. Yes, you did read that right. That is part one of the tail so far, here is part 2 and 3. Our water presser is now all messed up for some reason, So water trickles from the sink. Our kitchen sink faucet is broke, No water comes out from it. The pipes for the sink also leak badly now, They did not do that before, and our downstairs bathtub our drain does not work at all. Now here is the final part. Our hot water is now faulty, they redone some of our water pipes that did not need to be fixed at all and our spear room, Where we have our main computer, they also destroy that as well. The had plugged something into the socket and it caused a voltage spike that TKO ed it. We have not paid the so called contractors at all due to what we all found. It sucks all the way around. Again sorry for the late update, its a headache.

My mom Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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Post by pev Tue 12 Mar 2019 - 19:19

@Polar Sorry to hear about your contractor nightmare, my friend. I know you are at that point you just want everything back to normal. I hope you will get there soon.


My mom Image211

Since : 2017-10-16

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Post by Erockbrox Wed 13 Mar 2019 - 14:19

So it looks like you were hit with a very bad storm. We got hit too due to a hurricane, many people in my area got flooded but luckily I didn't.

I can't believe that a piece of ceiling fall down and hit your mother on her head. Was she sleeping when it happened? Hopefully its just a bruise that will heal with time.

As for the construction crew tearing up your house... maybe get the company name and call up a manager and state what is happening. If they have broken stuff then document this and tell the boss that you want compensation for the broken items.

As far as recovering goes, just try and hang in there until things get back to normal. I know it can take a while but just keep your hopes high.

My friend got flooded and he paid out about $40,000 to fix and remodel his house and it took about a year for him to recover.

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Since : 2013-02-05

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My mom Empty Re: My mom

Post by Polargames Thu 14 Mar 2019 - 19:36

pepillopev wrote:@Polar Sorry to hear about your contractor nightmare, my friend. I know you are at that point you just want everything back to normal. I hope you will get there soon.

Thank you very much for your kind words Pepv, They mean a lot. I 100% like things to be back to normal soon, I feel like a hamster in a wheel, but I cannot get out of it. I hope that makes sense.

My mom Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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My mom Empty Re: My mom

Post by Polargames Thu 14 Mar 2019 - 19:46

Erockbrox wrote:So it looks like you were hit with a very bad storm. We got hit too due to a hurricane, many people in my area got flooded but luckily I didn't.

I can't believe that a piece of ceiling fall down and hit your mother on her head. Was she sleeping when it happened? Hopefully its just a bruise that will heal with time.

As for the construction crew tearing up your house... maybe get the company name and call up a manager and state what is happening. If they have broken stuff then document this and tell the boss that you want compensation for the broken items.

As far as recovering goes, just try and hang in there until things get back to normal. I know it can take a while but just keep your hopes high.

My friend got flooded and he paid out about $40,000 to fix and remodel his house and it took about a year for him to recover.

Erockbrox, I am happy that you were safe when a hurricane had hit your area, I also wish a speedy recovery for the people that were not so lucky. She was sitting on our couch when it fell, she had only minor bruises and just a little shook up from it. But all right, Thank you for the well wish also. :-).

That is what my family is doing right now, and its just been very slow for unknown reasons. I am clueless when or if anything will get fixed. That is the part that scares me the most. I am not trying to rush things, but I would like for this to be done and over with.

Thank you also for your kind words, I also happy that your friend was able to get things back to normal, and I hope they are well also. I have to say your friend is way stronger then I, because I do not know what I would do if I got hit by a hurricane.

My mom Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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Post by antromhacker2 Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 14:23

I am a year late, but i'm very sorry to hear about your mother. Im sure shes doing better by now im guessing? I have lived in Florida all my life, i've been through many storms and hurricanes. They are scary, but we always managed to make it through them. Just pray and batten down the hatchets!

Since : 2019-10-11

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