Looping assistance please

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Looping assistance please Empty Looping assistance please

Post by MiniComputer Wed 19 Dec 2018 - 1:34

Yes as the title states I need a little help looping this one song here.
I am not that great at finding loop points correctly in songs.

Here is the original sound track from OC remix, I got this early this year, pretty good remix besides the voice rapping.


Here is what it sounds like in game, if anyone is good at looping please lend me a hand.


Armos Knight
Armos Knight

Since : 2017-11-04

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Looping assistance please Empty Re: Looping assistance please

Post by Relikk Wed 19 Dec 2018 - 6:45

Try these...


I did two versions. From the starting point of your trimmed file, I did one with the whole instrumental part, and the second is just the first half of the track looped.

I just did them quick. You can use them or I can spend more time on them to refine them if you want.

Looping assistance please Image212

Since : 2017-02-17

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Looping assistance please Empty Re: Looping assistance please

Post by MiniComputer Wed 19 Dec 2018 - 9:20

Sweet I'll try them out later on tonight, thanks for the help.
Armos Knight
Armos Knight

Since : 2017-11-04

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