Force Bot NES Looking for testers

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Force Bot NES Looking for testers Empty Force Bot NES Looking for testers

Post by Erockbrox Sun 10 Feb 2019 - 1:14

Hey guys I actually made a NES game.

Looking for testers. I will PM you the rom.

Its  a puzzle game, but its also a homebrew. All of the graphics will be changed.

Force Bot NES Looking for testers RNqgKEd

I didn't code the game engine, but the guy who did is allowing me to use it to make my own game! He is actually helping me put it all together.

A game I can actually sell too!

Force Bot NES Looking for testers Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Force Bot NES Looking for testers Empty Re: Force Bot NES Looking for testers

Post by Erockbrox Sat 16 Feb 2019 - 16:10

Actually its really hard to have people test this because the data is in the save file or something, but I made a playthrough. Oddly enough I think I came up with some new puzzle ideas for Zelda 3 with pushable blocks.

I might do a kickstarter on this game or something.

Force Bot NES Looking for testers Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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