Look what just came in the mail :D

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Look what just came in the mail :D Empty Look what just came in the mail :D

Post by scawful Thu 15 Aug 2013 - 20:42

So I ordered this a few days ago and it finally came and I'm crazy excited!


It's called the retro duo portable and it lets you play snes games and nes games on to go ( nes games need an adapter, which it comes with but it makes a tower lol ) I got super mario world for like 10 bucks and I ordered link to the past alongside this but it hasn't arrived yet. This was only 75 bucks and its awesome! The colors and sound are amazing I can't even describe it. Eventually I want to get the super ufo pro to be able to play parallel worlds, goddess of wisdom and soon parallel universes! But yeah it was a pretty good buy

Look what just came in the mail :D Image211

Since : 2013-07-04


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Look what just came in the mail :D Empty Re: Look what just came in the mail :D

Post by Puzzledude Fri 16 Aug 2013 - 6:00

This reminds me on a device made in China, very similar to PSP. The thing had 5 emulators and 500 roms (snes, nes, sega) preinstalled. Naturally I bought this thing. Regarding the super ufo, this is very usefull, similar to Snes game doctor. Those devices are actually real hardvare "emulators", since someone actually made a you tube video and you could see him using savestates and fast forwarding on such devices. Some of them even have a floppy device to actually extract the carts info files and vice versa (so the function of the copier).

Look what just came in the mail :D Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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