Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks

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Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks Empty Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks

Post by Erockbrox Mon 26 Aug 2013 - 0:35

I'm wanting to know what everyone here thinks regarding putting some of the original Zelda 3 mini-games in hacks.

For example, the 3 chest mini-game in the lost woods in the light world. There are three chests and one of them has a hundred rupees in it or something like that. There is also the heart piece in the chest mini-game.

These mini-games are easily broken by use of save states. So what do you guys think about putting these games in hacks?

Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks Empty Re: Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks

Post by Puzzledude Mon 26 Aug 2013 - 6:24

I would definitely leave out the 3 chest game (since it can make you rich with save states). One of the chests has 300 rupees.

Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks Empty Re: Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks

Post by MathOnNapkins Mon 26 Aug 2013 - 9:11

I'd like to just mention that nearly all aspects of video games are made easier with savestates, and even more so if you're using a rerecording emulator that has rewind and frame stepping and stuff.


Easily breakable mini-games in Zelda 3 hacks Image111

Since : 2013-02-08

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