HUD Re-positioning

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HUD Re-positioning Empty HUD Re-positioning

Post by scawful Fri 6 Sep 2013 - 16:52

So awhile back potentialing asked for the horizontal magic bar from parallel worlds and I just recently implemented it, but I also want the hud day and night system that JaSP made. I was wondering if anyone could re-position it for me? From what I read in the ASM file this is where the positioning lies.


; tiles locations on HUD (status bar)
!hud_min_low = $7EC79E
!hud_min_high = $7EC79C
!hud_hours_low = $7EC798
!hud_hours_high = $7EC796
!hud_template = $0DFF07
Now I don't know how to move this but the HUD appears like this right now
HUD Re-positioning Jus18Fx
And I'd like it to be re-positioned below the arrows, bombs and rupees. Just in case this isn't the only thing that controls the HUD position here's the ASM file

This shouldn't be too much of a hassle for anyone who understands the ASM but I have no idea what to do Surprised

HUD Re-positioning Image211

Since : 2013-07-04

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HUD Re-positioning Empty Re: HUD Re-positioning

Post by Euclid Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 9:03

Lucky i saw this topic!

Use this guide! (the overlay is from parallel universe, but should be similar in positioning to your screenshot, only difference is the battery/magic bar)


C700                          /--\    C700
C740  HHHHHHHHHH  R  BO AR K  |IT|    C740
C780  HHHHHHHHHH ### ## ## #  |EM|    C780
C7C0                          \--/    C7C0
C800                          BATTER  C800

The way to read this:
the very top left tile is 7ec700
you can draw up to where the XXXX are in a default lttp rom (7EC848)
the R symbol (rupee) is at 7ec75c (horizontal + vertical hex value)

so if you want to move it to under the item box you would put it where the battery tiles are (~7ec834 area)

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Since : 2012-06-21

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HUD Re-positioning Empty Re: HUD Re-positioning

Post by Puzzledude Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 12:08

First thing I have to say is, that the day and night patch is not fully compatible to the new menu and hud. The new menu is using more tiles, which are on the same position as the gfx for "time" and the "-" and ":" simbols. This basically means you can have digits only.
Optimal solution (no header of course): at E7F4B change 98 into A0 (position of hours, second digit), at E7F51 change 9E into A6 (position of minutes, second digit), at E7F5D change 96 into 9E (hours first digit) and at E7F63 change 9C into A4 (minutes first digit). This will bring minutes just under bombs and hours right under rupees. But the pal will be grey instead of white, and no "Time" or ":" or "-" is possible.
At E7F98 the 1F is better if it is changed to 3F (the time goes on a bit slower). Another problem is that when you are on the darkest palette and have the rain or other overlays it is just tooo dark. So I think we should also manipulate the pal to make it less dark, when fully dark (havent looked into this yet).

Further testing revealed that this patch works only, if you apply it when the menu and hud are still Alttp, then traverse the menu+hud via hex and make the edit. But I've tried to make the shift edits directly on Gates of Darkness demo, and it didn't work (since the original positions are filled with fixed 0 values and the actual ones with dark digits).

HUD Re-positioning Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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HUD Re-positioning Empty Re: HUD Re-positioning

Post by scawful Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 21:40

That guide is actually really helpful Euclid. Puzzledude jumped on it before I managed to though so that spares me some time. Razz 

Thankfully, because of wiiqwertyuiop's program bottle ( hud graphics editor ) I can move the "time" and "-" somewhere else in the tiles and just fill them into the blank space Very Happy The rain thing won't be much of a problem since I probably won't use it at all anymore, however if it's necessary the palette editing isn't that hard. 

The only problem now is the NPCs dialogue bugging in my rom, most likely because the day and night hack was made for link to the past. Euclid, SePH said you had done a patch or something to parallel worlds to fix JaSPs day and night patch since it's replacing some of the NPCs dialogue with "A->" If you could tell me anything about this that would be great.

HUD Re-positioning Image211

Since : 2013-07-04

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