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Ukraine Empty Ukraine

Post by qwertymodo Sun 27 Feb 2022 - 20:06

At times like these, it is tempting to take the easy road as a platform and "remain neutral" or "not want to get into politics", but the truth of the matter is that this is not "just politics" and that what is happening right now is deeply affecting people in tragic ways, so I just want to be very clear in saying that we here at Zeldix stand with the people of Ukraine.  We also stand with the people of Russia who oppose the senseless warpath that their leadership is driving down.  With that in mind, do try to keep in mind that this is still a place primarily intended for discussion of video games.  Please keep discussions about world events in The Bar, keep them civil, and please refrain from posting graphic images or videos.  I understand that this is a huge deal that is affecting a lot of us in different ways, and many of us may want to talk about it, and that's fine.  Be kind to each other.

Ukraine Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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