OOT2D Updates

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OOT2D Updates Empty OOT2D Updates

Post by TheFinalOOT2DProject Thu 31 Mar 2022 - 6:52

Hello everyone!  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

It has been a long time since we posted and there's a good reason for that, life gets in the way of passion projects and this one is massive.

But over the last year we have started a company, created a website, and right now we are trying to build a community.

We are getting ready to launch our first original games in the next week or two and we would love it if you could come and sign up. We need users to make OOT2D viable, we need interaction.

One thing we pride ourselves on is our transparency so when we say we are going to make this remake and finish it when nobody else could, we mean it. But in order to do that we had a think and decided early last year to make a game studio, make original content, build a userbase, and then we can dedicate more time to the project because we aren't wholly reliant on our regular jobs anymore.

We have podcasts, we have games, we have comics, all that's left is that we need you!

You can sign up using this link and view all we have on offer, reach out to us if you want to help with anything or you have questions, just use the contact page Smile


We really hope to see you there soon and hope you like what we make.

Some exciting news we want to share is that we are creating a PvP mini-game that allows you to play as Link and fight other players within the OOT2D maps, the first of which will be Kokiri Forest. You will only have access to the items you would have during that part of the actual game and the more kills you get the more upgrade points you earn to swap your slingshot for a sword, or your stick for Deku nuts. Its going to be awesome!

If you want to get in touch about anything please go to https://ichor-studios.co.uk/p/contact-us


Since : 2021-01-20

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OOT2D Updates Empty Re: OOT2D Updates

Post by DarakuTenshi Tue 26 Apr 2022 - 19:41

Wait... is this the same as the OOT2D from like over a decade ago? So, is that still being made?


Since : 2019-03-27

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OOT2D Updates Empty Re: OOT2D Updates

Post by TheFinalOOT2DProject Wed 27 Apr 2022 - 0:33

DarakuTenshi wrote:Wait... is this the same as the OOT2D from like over a decade ago? So, is that still being made?

No this is a new team independent from them. That project stole assets from ALTTP and used that style and they subsequently got a C&D from Nintendo for it.

Our artist briefly worked on the level and item design for that project back in 2014.

All of our artwork is original and we are putting our own spin on the game by adding some extras and eastereggs.

If you sign up to ichor-studios.co.uk you can be kept in the loop about it but also play our other games Smile


Since : 2021-01-20

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