ALtTP US Dissasembly?

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ALtTP US Dissasembly? Empty ALtTP US Dissasembly?

Post by Pandela Sat 6 Aug 2022 - 17:26

I'm trying to find a disassembly for the US version of ALtTP, that compiles the full rom.
Doe this exist yet? I'm able to get this asm to compile a JP 1.0 rom just fine, but need the US version to be able to use it in editors like ZScream or SuperZed or have english support in general.
I've used this patch but it overwrites more than just the Japanese text and textures; for example any edits to the Triforce opening animation is overwritten by said patch.
Anyone have any clues?


Since : 2022-08-06

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ALtTP US Dissasembly? Empty Re: ALtTP US Dissasembly?

Post by Polargames Sat 6 Aug 2022 - 18:50

Hello, I'm Polar. I think this might be the answer your looking for.
It seems to be a whole disassembly of the game. I hope this helps out. 😃

ALtTP US Dissasembly? Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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ALtTP US Dissasembly? Empty Re: ALtTP US Dissasembly?

Post by Pandela Sat 6 Aug 2022 - 20:50

Polargames wrote:Hello, I'm Polar. I think this might be the answer your looking for.
It seems to be a whole disassembly of the game. I hope this helps out. 😃
Hey there, thanks for trying to help but that seems to compile a .gba/gameboy advanced rom, which I don't think ZScream, SuperZed or any ALtTP level editors support yet.


Since : 2022-08-06

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ALtTP US Dissasembly? Empty Re: ALtTP US Dissasembly?

Post by Pandela Sat 6 Aug 2022 - 20:55

There is this disassembly too, but I have no idea how to make it compile an SNES rom,
any ideas?


Since : 2022-08-06

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ALtTP US Dissasembly? Empty Re: ALtTP US Dissasembly?

Post by Polargames Sat 6 Aug 2022 - 22:00

Pandela wrote:There is this disassembly too, but I have no idea how to make it compile an SNES rom,
any ideas?

I don't know at all, but if I did I would not be able to tell you because it's copyrighted. It would fall in the same area of how to get roms. I hope you understand.

ALtTP US Dissasembly? Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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ALtTP US Dissasembly? Empty Re: ALtTP US Dissasembly?

Post by Pandela Sun 7 Aug 2022 - 5:19

Polargames wrote:
Pandela wrote:There is this disassembly too, but I have no idea how to make it compile an SNES rom,
any ideas?

I don't know at all, but if I did I would not be able to tell you because it's copyrighted. It would fall in the same area of how to get roms. I hope you understand.

If that were the case the other dissasemblies on this forum, much like the ones like the Ocarina of Time decompilation wouldn't be allowed, but we're not providing the assets so that is not an issue. If you dont know thats fine don't worry about it! Very Happy I'm asking for whoever may know how to compile the US dissasembly which has already been talked about on these forums before, I just don't know myself whether or not the US dissasembly is compilable as much as the JP 1.0 assembly is?


Since : 2022-08-06

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