The lens of truth hack to work with Y button

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The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Empty The lens of truth hack to work with Y button

Post by scawful Tue 8 Oct 2013 - 18:32

This is a small hack hopefully that's possible, I haven't added in the lens of truth yet since I'd prefer if it works by just using the Y button and maybe as a side thing someone can make it so the Ether medallion warps you out of the dungeon like the mirror can (Like Farore's Wind from ocarina of time) As well as removing the warping functionality entirely from the mirror.

The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Image211

Since : 2013-07-04

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The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Empty Re: The lens of truth hack to work with Y button

Post by Euclid Fri 11 Oct 2013 - 17:15

The mirror -> medallion thing is definitely possible, in PW the book of mudora is used as a mirror in the dungeons, switching it to ether medallion is not hard.

I could've answered this like a few days ago but however my poorly documented notes only has the following. i'll go take a look at PW later this weekend to decipher my cryptic notes so bear with me.


activate dungeon warp routine:
$07/A965 22 B1 A1 02 JSL $02A1B1

book asm

$07/A489 A9 3C      LDA #$3C                A:0200 X:0016 Y:000B P:envMXdiZC
$07/A48B 20 28 80    JSR $8028  [$07:8028]  A:023C X:0016 Y:000B P:envMXdizC
The lens of truth however - not too sure what I can do there - wouldn't the y button be using the item - which item did you want it hooked out of?

The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Image212

Since : 2012-06-21

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The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Empty Re: The lens of truth hack to work with Y button

Post by scawful Fri 11 Oct 2013 - 17:44

The lens of truth item (using the mirror slot) has two versions using the X button or X+R and there are even ways to change the button combination

byte-buttons pressed
80 - A (not recommended)
70 - X+R+L
60 - X+L
50 - X+R (default), command C9 50.
40 - X
30 - L+R
20 - L
10 - R
However the Y button is not included and I'd prefer that the revealing secrets function be priority

The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Image211

Since : 2013-07-04

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The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Empty Re: The lens of truth hack to work with Y button

Post by Puzzledude Fri 11 Oct 2013 - 18:15

I didn't include the Y button, because it will conflict with the used item. The current Asm of the Lens simply requires the Mirror in the inventory. So you can have (for instance) the Hammer, which is equipped and used with Y, but the X+R is the Lens.

The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Empty Re: The lens of truth hack to work with Y button

Post by scawful Fri 11 Oct 2013 - 18:22

Oh, so you mean that this hack basically just makes it so when you have the mirror that using X+R to use the lens is possible? I'd like it so that the mirror is the only item that can perform this function but I think I understand why its like that

The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Image211

Since : 2013-07-04

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The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Empty Re: The lens of truth hack to work with Y button

Post by Puzzledude Sat 12 Oct 2013 - 8:04

Yes, I know what you want by looking at the first post. However, the current Asm will not do that. You will need another Asm to able to use the Mirror as the standard item as Lens of truth/disable layers (with Y) and bring the Mirror's warping effect to the Ether medallion.
I would say, you need to trace the Mirror's code, when it is executed and jump to the new code with the disabeling layers instead. Similar with the Ether, don't execute but jump to new location, which has the Mirror's code (warping) and the Ether code (to be still able to use the Ether's normal effect).
But what the current Asm is doing is this: original version: disable bg2 layer if indoors if pressing X+R (this is a separate disable layers code). But I added this: check if you obtained the mirror, then jump to separate disable layer code.
As you can see, this is quite different and it does not "hook" the original Mirror code, when being used with Y (which you need in your version).

The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Empty Re: The lens of truth hack to work with Y button

Post by XaserLE Sat 12 Oct 2013 - 9:11

This is no Problem. There are function pointers for each item. I needed to manipulate some of this code to make the shovel work in the TotT menu. to make the mirror act as Lens of Truth by pressing y is easy. But keep in mind that this restricts your level design seriously. If you hide hammer-tiles in a secret area or something else that needs another item, the player can't use the mirror/lens while using the hammer. This will be really annoying. It's better if the player for example can hold one shoulder button to disable BG2 while using other items.


The lens of truth hack to work with Y button Image111

Since : 2013-01-22

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