Radical Dreamers

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Radical Dreamers Empty Radical Dreamers

Post by Sara Tue 8 Aug 2023 - 11:11

Download Set

MSU-1 Info
Title: Radical Dreamers
Publisher: SquareSoft
Loops: Yes
Source: Synthetic Origins: Chrono Trigger/Radical Dreamers (FLAC)
Composer: Mathew Valente (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqNek98rqpapwTTGxjTGjQ)
Original Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda
Rip Date: 08/08/2023

MSU-1 set compiled by Saralene

I previously made an MSU-1 pack for Chrono Trigger based on Mathew Valente's Synthetic Origins remasters, which are basically close to the originals, just if they were CD-quality audio with uncompressed samples.

But Radical Dreamers was also remastered in the same album, and I feel like it would benefit even more than Chrono Trigger did from a proper MSU-1 pack, since the audio quality in Radical Dreamers is quite low to begin with.

As a visual novel, the audio quality and overall ambiance of the game is very important and would be improved a lot if there were a patch to allow us to utilize the Synthetic Origins remasters.

So, I made the PCMs, at least. I can adjust the volume levels if needed; I just kinda eyeballed it based on most other MSU-1 packs I've done for now, but I still have my files with unmodified volume on hand as well. Link to the PCMs is at the top of the post. I've included a track listing as well to make it simpler. It's 15 tracks in total.

I'd be incredibly grateful if anyone would be willing to make a patch, especially one that's compatible with the latest fan translation available (v1.4 by Demiforce).

Last edited by Sara on Mon 14 Aug 2023 - 7:24; edited 1 time in total

Since : 2020-12-11


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Radical Dreamers Empty Re: Radical Dreamers

Post by Cubear Tue 8 Aug 2023 - 20:36


track map done, i think. going above what is recorded results in silence. tested up to $1f (track 31)

can throw up a beta patch later tonight, need to identify the control codes for fading out a track but this should come together fairly quickly.

Radical Dreamers Image211

Since : 2021-11-17


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Radical Dreamers Empty Re: Radical Dreamers

Post by Cubear Wed 9 Aug 2023 - 2:00

Beta patch released. needs your tracks to be renumbered, i've done so in this download here:

I've attached the beta patch to this post. Target rom is an unheadered english translation 1.4
Radical Dreamers Attachment
rd_msu - patch.zip You don't have permission to download attachments.(2 Kb) Downloaded 6 times

Radical Dreamers Image211

Since : 2021-11-17


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Radical Dreamers Empty Re: Radical Dreamers

Post by Sara Wed 9 Aug 2023 - 13:23

Oh my gosh. Thank you for having a look at this!

The patch seems to mostly work great, and it even seems like my volume level assumptions were pretty good!

After a full test run with the beta patch, I did find just a couple of specific issues compared to the original game:

- Sometimes the music starts over unnecessarily where it normally wouldn't, when moving between areas. I'm guessing the game is sending 'music start' commands or something without checking if the same song is already playing? Or something like that. Noticeable when just walking around the halls without entering any rooms.

- In a couple of cases, the music stops suddenly when a looping SFX starts, even if it didn't interrupt the music in the original game. (Easiest way to see this is to go into the Execution Chamber.) I don't know if this would be resolved by having PCM recordings of the looping SFX or anything like that?

Whatever the case, thank you so, so much for working on this at all for me.

Since : 2020-12-11


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Radical Dreamers Empty Re: Radical Dreamers

Post by Cubear Wed 9 Aug 2023 - 18:46

Both of those issues seem easy to fix. I'll add a check to ensure the currently playing track doesn't restart, and a second check to not attempt to play the SFX tracks via MSU1. I hope their system is robust enough to send a stop or a fade any time they actually do want the music to stop.

This game was a nice thing to work on. Short, simple, and with a soundtrack already converted. This is a perfect example of a request thread Smile

Radical Dreamers Image211

Since : 2021-11-17


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Radical Dreamers Empty Re: Radical Dreamers

Post by Cubear Thu 10 Aug 2023 - 1:57

my first thought fixes didn't clear up the issue with track stop, so it's going to take a little more reverse engineering. perhaps this weekend.

Radical Dreamers Image211

Since : 2021-11-17


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Radical Dreamers Empty Re: Radical Dreamers

Post by Cubear Sun 13 Aug 2023 - 22:58

okay i think i got it figured out this go-round

if i really wanted to fancy it up i'd throw multiple fade speeds in but overall this seems fine.

corrected track repeats + incorrect track stops.
Radical Dreamers Attachment
rd_msu - patch.zip You don't have permission to download attachments.(3 Kb) Downloaded 10 times

Radical Dreamers Image211

Since : 2021-11-17


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Radical Dreamers Empty Re: Radical Dreamers

Post by Sara Mon 14 Aug 2023 - 7:30

After a full test run, this patch pretty much seems like the one. Everything seems great, no complaints, it all seems to work as it should and all of the functionality seems to be there.

No SPC fallback if the game doesn't detect the MSU or one of the PCM files, but I can't really imagine there will be more sets for it anyway, and mine covers everything, so I think that's perfectly fine. No need to get fancier.

I've updated my own upload of the pack while at it. Basically this seems to be done now.

Thank you so much for all the work on it!

Since : 2020-12-11


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