Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1

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Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Empty Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1

Post by Arasoi Wed 13 Dec 2023 - 16:21

Recently Kid Icarus was ported to the SNES in a similar manner to how infidelity does his NES to SNES ports, but the author is uninterested in adding MSU-1 support to the port.

I think this would be a nice one to get MSU-1 added to, there is the FDS version OST to make a pack for, as well as an official arranged album from the 80s made by Hip Tanaka, as well as other fan arrangements.
Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2016-01-24

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Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Empty Re: Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1

Post by Conn Fri 15 Dec 2023 - 9:47

The problem with ports is that they contain original code, and we are legally not allowed to add intellectual property of original creators to our site (roms and such).
The legal sideway is to use Project Nested NES, where we can add additional code (our IP). We did that for MegMan 1 I think where infidelity made a SNES port which we aren't allowed to publish here, but I then made a project nested equivalent.

Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Empty Re: Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1

Post by Arasoi Fri 15 Dec 2023 - 13:49

If you are speaking about infidelity's preference to release fully patched ROM files and not the patch itself, I would like to point out that this conversion has a patch file posted on
Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2016-01-24

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Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Empty Re: Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1

Post by Relikk Sat 16 Dec 2023 - 4:06

Conn wrote:The problem with ports is that they contain original code, and we are legally not allowed to add intellectual property of original creators to our site (roms and such).

I personally don't see much issue with something like this, as the game is already made and just needs an MSU1 patch. The resulting patch would be the same as every other MSU1 patch listed here. It also doesn't have to be listed here if needs be, from what I can see it's just a general request for someone to have a look at doing it.

Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Image211

Since : 2017-02-17

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Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Empty Re: Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1

Post by Conn Sat 16 Dec 2023 - 4:26

I personally don't see much issue with something like this, as the game is already made and just needs an MSU1 patch. The resulting patch would be the same as every other MSU1 patch listed here. It also doesn't have to be listed here if needs be, from what I can see it's just a general request for someone to have a look at doing it.
I completely concur on that in this case. Was generally speaking about the ports infidelity makes - here we must use project nested.

If we (or infidelity) creates msu support as an "add-on" extra patch or alike for his port we of course can post that

Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Empty Re: Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1

Post by Arasoi Sun 17 Dec 2023 - 6:34

Here is the standalone patch file for converting the nes version to the SNES version. This port was not done by infidelity, but rumbleminze though infidelity helped him learn the methods for doing so.

I think since this exists in patch form everything should be cleared up.
Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2016-01-24

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Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1 Empty Re: Kid Icarus SNES port MSU-1

Post by darknior Sat 3 Feb 2024 - 8:19

Excellent idea Smile

Snap Dragon
Snap Dragon

Since : 2017-10-15

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