General MSU Hacks

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General MSU Hacks Empty General MSU Hacks

Post by RetroBasti Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 9:30

Hey im new here and i just checked the F zero MSU Hack out.
but is it possible to increase the volume of the .pcm soundfiles?
when i play it seems a bit quiet.
is there any option to increase the volume??


Since : 2015-08-19

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General MSU Hacks Empty Re: General MSU Hacks

Post by Conn Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 20:02

Reading tutorials clearly has sometimes an advantage Wink

Optional adjustment (decrease volume, bsnes/higan):
If the audio volume is too loud in bsnes or higan, apply the dec_vol_bsnes.ips. You can also adjust it manually by opening the rom in a hex editor and change at pc address at
0x0014272: FF -> 60 (00= mute, FF max volume, 60 is maybe the best value)
Means, go to address 0014272 and change the value there to something higher should do the trick on emulators

If you play on sd2snes where FF is already the highest value you must ask Colines or kurrono to supply pcm:s with a higher "global volume".

General MSU Hacks Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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General MSU Hacks Empty Re: General MSU Hacks

Post by RetroBasti Fri 21 Aug 2015 - 8:13

Hi Conn,
thanks for your answer.
yes you are right reading a tutorial is an advantage but its hard for me to understand these programming stuff Confused . I am a bloody newbie but i will not give up Wink
 Best regards from germany


Since : 2015-08-19

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General MSU Hacks Empty Re: General MSU Hacks

Post by Conn Fri 21 Aug 2015 - 8:30

Ich auch...

Mh, I hope the following image is self-explaining:

General MSU Hacks Image312

General MSU Hacks Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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General MSU Hacks Empty Re: General MSU Hacks

Post by RetroBasti Fri 21 Aug 2015 - 16:42

Very Happy

ist ja leichter als ich dachte^^

I found the Adress but it already contains the value "FF".
But i think i can increase the " global Volume" by myself.
it will be enough to increase the volume by 1-2 dB.
Thanks anyway.


Since : 2015-08-19

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General MSU Hacks Empty Re: General MSU Hacks

Post by Conn Fri 21 Aug 2015 - 17:59

Ah then you're playing on sd2snes, - yes, the volume here is always maximum and you need to adjust the pcm:s' global volumes. Altering the given address is only possible on emulator, where you need to decrease the volume to 60.

Don't ask me why, but the volume level is different on both systems so each msu enabling hack needs an emulation and sd2snes version

General MSU Hacks Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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