How to move doors in dungeon rooms

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How to move doors in dungeon rooms Empty How to move doors in dungeon rooms

Post by Animdude Fri 1 Feb 2019 - 17:14

I'm really new to Hyrule Magic so I just want to make Link's house bigger on the inside.
The .pdf manual says that you use the arrow keys to move doors, but that just selects other doors.

If it helps, the executable name is HM (New). If I figure it out before anyone responds I'll let you know.

Thanks! Smile

Since : 2019-01-31

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How to move doors in dungeon rooms Empty Re: How to move doors in dungeon rooms

Post by Puzzledude Fri 1 Feb 2019 - 19:00

This is a rookie quastion, but not so obvious actually.
Press the number 4, but it must be on the Numpad, not on the main keyboard. So you need a numlock on. And this can be a problem if you are on a laptop with no Numpad on the right.

You have certain laptops, which have the Numpad as a secondary option on the keyboard with the Fn option. Then after this the J,K,L,U,I,O turn to 1,2,3,4,5,6. On my laptop I need Fn On, plus U, since U is now 4.

I suggest you read the Orochimaru's perfect guide to Hyrule Magic, which has all those not-so-trivial keyboard commands listed. Like + to change the chest item etc. As well as tricks: like primary vertical door is not down-door, but up-door if this door is on the middle of the room instead of on the room's edges etc.

Also: Link's house is problematic. Lower door also has the second invisible "door", which is the walk-outside instead of the default walk-down command. It's also in the +255 room area, which is fragile if filled above the original game's limit. And guess what: the original game has it packed down almost to the last byte.

How to move doors in dungeon rooms Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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How to move doors in dungeon rooms Empty Re: How to move doors in dungeon rooms

Post by Animdude Fri 1 Feb 2019 - 19:18

I do have the numpad, but I just plan to make a door to a separate screen. Also, the .pdf guide i was referring to is the Perfect Guide.

Also, to deal with the game limit, couldn't I delete some random doors in the neighboring rooms?

Since : 2019-01-31

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How to move doors in dungeon rooms Empty Re: How to move doors in dungeon rooms

Post by Puzzledude Fri 1 Feb 2019 - 22:30

I do have the numpad, but I just plan to make a door to a separate screen. Also, the .pdf guide i was referring to is the Perfect Guide.
I just checked this. It's a copy paste error. It says "arrows" but it should be saying "numpad 4" to "move the door".

Also, to deal with the game limit, couldn't I delete some random doors in the neighboring rooms?
Yes. The more material you take out, the better. But the less you edit rooms 255-295 the better. The more you edit rooms 255-295, the worse.


How to move doors in dungeon rooms Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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How to move doors in dungeon rooms Empty Re: How to move doors in dungeon rooms

Post by Puzzledude Fri 1 Feb 2019 - 22:44

By the way, Zarby is just about to put out the ZScream Magic as alternative to Hyrule Magic. Should be Alpha, so still unstable. But this editor has a transparent and public source code. So when it is polished, this should be your choice of editor for this game. With Hyrule Magic, you also need a lot of knowledge on how the game works directly in hex, so you can manually fix all the bugs, which HM is making.

How to move doors in dungeon rooms Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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