One drive storage extension needed

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One drive storage extension needed Empty One drive storage extension needed

Post by Conn Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 19:41

Microsoft has unfortunately changed policies and instead of hosting 15 GB, it only allows 5 GB from now on.

So the files for AST and BSZelda1 are in danger due to limited storage (15 GB are enough to host all files, but 5 GB are already exceeded).

But I can get up to 10 GB more space if you help me out by linking here:

For each friend who signs in to OneDrive as a new customer, both you and your friend will receive an extra of 0.5Gb of free storage (max 10GB):

If you have win10, but not yet signed in for onedrive, please help me out!
Thanks to all who participate!

One drive storage extension needed Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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One drive storage extension needed Empty Re: One drive storage extension needed

Post by Floki Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 19:53

Would help out for sure if I had Windows 10!

But good ol' Windows 7 for me, I'm a purist. Very Happy

Will surely need to find some storage somewhere soon to host that 1.5gb msu-1 ost for my hack through... I wish bsnes/higan/sd2snes would support compressed music or nsfs/spcs, as waves and pcms tend to be rather big in size!

Crying or Very sad


One drive storage extension needed Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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One drive storage extension needed Empty Re: One drive storage extension needed

Post by Conn Fri 29 Jul 2016 - 8:22

No worries, nevertheless anybody here with win10 and who does not have set up this onedrive account, please do use that link above (both you and I get 500 MB more storage then).

One drive storage extension needed Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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One drive storage extension needed Empty Re: One drive storage extension needed

Post by qwertymodo Fri 29 Jul 2016 - 10:46

If you ever need archival storage, I have a 12TB file server I'm more than willing to share. I say archival because I don't necessarily want to deal with the bandwidth requirements of hosting things that will get downloaded a lot, but just throwing that out there.

One drive storage extension needed Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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One drive storage extension needed Empty Re: One drive storage extension needed

Post by Conn Fri 29 Jul 2016 - 11:57

Thanks for the offer, I may get back to you if needed. Right now I use 6.1 GB for all the mario msu, f-zero msu, alttp msu etc.
I also have a google drive which is at 15 GB, but I'd like to have the onedrive as security mirror. If nobody can help me I would surely use some of your webspace as mirror (though this means retransmitting all that stuff to romhacking net and so on).

So I wait first a bit whether here are some people willing to help Wink

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Since : 2013-06-30

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One drive storage extension needed Empty Re: One drive storage extension needed

Post by Conn Fri 29 Jul 2016 - 20:03

Thanks to the two who helped me out. One more and I can leave the current files where they are Smile

But: if I get enough (about 4GB=8 users more) I can use this as mirror for the AST files as well, when they finished Very Happy

One drive storage extension needed Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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One drive storage extension needed Empty Re: One drive storage extension needed

Post by Floki Fri 29 Jul 2016 - 20:35

Good to know about the google drive! I'll probably use that one for my msu-1 ost needs! Smile


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Since : 2012-06-19

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One drive storage extension needed Empty Re: One drive storage extension needed

Post by Conn Sat 30 Jul 2016 - 9:38

Yes, maybe also quertymodo offers you server space as well. It is always quite important to have a mirror... so you would have googledrive and quertymodo's privat server. If one falls out, the other surely will work.
Quertymodo, as soon Trovsky and I am finished with the AST msu stuff, I'd be grateful if I can get back to your offer (should be 4-8 GB of Data; 8, because we make 2 sets, one original (that was a mix out of CD-quality and spc) and one with only CD-quality. If 8 is ok, with you, it would be awesome, but if you only can give 4 this is also more than ok!

In the meanwhile: I have exactly 6.01 GB of Data, and after two (to which I am more than grateful) signed in, I have now 6 GB... I only need 1 more so I do not have to delete SuperMarioMSU from the onedrive... PLEASE!!!! ANYBODY!!! Sign in:
(I also gave a fake name and spam mail address, so no need to give MS your personal data...)
I hate MS to change these policies! Always trouble with this company.

One drive storage extension needed Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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