Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
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Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
Hey all,
I believe I saw a github repository in the past for such a project: include the PSX Intro and Ending FMVs of FFIV,V & VI as MSU1 videos.
But for the life of me I cannot find this github/link again.
Did this project disappear in oblivion or am I imagining things?
I believe I saw a github repository in the past for such a project: include the PSX Intro and Ending FMVs of FFIV,V & VI as MSU1 videos.
But for the life of me I cannot find this github/link again.
Did this project disappear in oblivion or am I imagining things?
TheShadowRunner- Hardhat Beetle
- Since : 2015-06-26
Re: Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
Here's the one for FFIV.
And here's something for FFVI!
Here's DancingMad bitbucket:
There's probably more out there, but that's all I could find on short notice. Not too sure if those packs include psx msu videos through.
And here's something for FFVI!
Here's DancingMad bitbucket:
There's probably more out there, but that's all I could find on short notice. Not too sure if those packs include psx msu videos through.
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
Thank you, that's indeed the FFIV github I saw in the past!
But while it says "Currently the Introductory sequence (before the main menu) and the opening
cutscene are implemented.", I've no clue how to build that from the available data in the github.
Can a dev make sense of it?
But while it says "Currently the Introductory sequence (before the main menu) and the opening
cutscene are implemented.", I've no clue how to build that from the available data in the github.
Can a dev make sense of it?
TheShadowRunner- Hardhat Beetle
- Since : 2015-06-26
Re: Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
The code is written in the "snes-cpu" syntax for byuu's BASS-Assembler.
I'm assuming you have to download all the asm files and apply the main.asm and sound.asm files to your rom using the bass assembler.
Look in the main.asm file for exemple:
- Code:
mapper lorom
// Entry poins for videos
org $008003 // Before title screen
jml main::title_entry
org $019b06 // New game from title screen
jml main::intro_entry
org $019911 // New game from save screen
jml main::intro_entry
org $00c592
jml main::outro_entry
incsrc "data.asm"
org $0ef100
incsrc "dma.asm"
incsrc "joypad.asm"
incsrc "handlers.asm"
incsrc "setup.asm"
incsrc "msu.asm"
incsrc "helpers.asm"
incsrc "fadeout.asm"
namespace main
define return_point $103e // $00: title; $01: intro; $02: finale
define current_track $1040
rep #$20
lda #$0000
sta {msu::vid_seek_bank}
lda #$0000
sta {msu::vid_seek_addr}
lda #$0000
sta {msu::audio_track}
jsr init::backup_registers
sep #$20
lda #$00
sta {return_point}
jml main
rep #$20
lda #$0a8e
sta {msu::vid_seek_bank}
lda #$f405
sta {msu::vid_seek_addr}
lda #$0001
sta {msu::audio_track}
jsr init::backup_registers
sep #$20
lda #$01
sta {return_point}
jml main
rep #$20
lda #$0d36
sta {msu::vid_seek_bank}
lda #$380a
sta {msu::vid_seek_addr}
lda #$0002
sta {msu::audio_track}
jsr init::backup_registers
sep #$20
lda #$02
sta {return_point}
jml main
rep #$20
lda #$027f // our routines are at $0200, so we move the stack
sep #$20
lda #$00 // Set direct bank to 00
jsr msu::check
lda {msu::msu_present}
cmp #$00
beq end
stz $4200 // inhibit IRQs
jsr init::handlers
jsr dma::killdma
// TODO: Why wait 10 frames?
jsr helpers::waitblank
jsr helpers::waitblank
jsr helpers::waitblank
jsr helpers::waitblank
jsr helpers::waitblank
// TODO: Skip this if we're not at the title video
jsr init::snes
lda #$01
sta $420d // fast cpu
jsr init::gfx
jsr init::colortest
jsr init::hdma
jsr init::screen
// If we're playing the intro or outro, we need to tell the
// sound engine to play the 'empty' song, else the gamesound
// and videosound will overlap
lda {return_point}
cmp #$00
beq {+}
jsr ost_check
lda #$05
sta $1e01
lda #$01
sta $1e00
jsl $048004
+; sep #$20
jsr msu::init
jsr msu::main
jsr cleanup
jmp end
jsr init::clear_oam_tables
jsr init::clear_vram
jsr dma::killdma
jsr init::restore_registers
rep #$10
sep #$20
lda {return_point}
cmp #$00
beq title_return
cmp #$01
beq intro_return
cmp #$02
beq finale_return
jml $008007
jml $019b17
jsl $13fffd
jml $00c596
print "ost_check {$}"
rep #$10
lda #$34
sta $1e01
sta {current_track}
lda #$01
sta $1e00
jsl $048004
ldx #$0000
print "ost_check_2 {$}"
-; jsr helpers::waitblank
lda #%11100000
sta $2122
lda #%00000000
sta $2122
cpx #$04b0
bne {-}
print "fuckkkkrrrrr {$}"
lda {current_track}
sta $1e01
sta {current_track}
lda #$01
sta $1e00
jsl $048004
ldx #$0000
bra {-}
Look more specifically at these lines of code in the main.asm file:
incsrc "data.asm"
org $0ef100
incsrc "dma.asm"
incsrc "joypad.asm"
incsrc "handlers.asm"
incsrc "setup.asm"
incsrc "msu.asm"
incsrc "helpers.asm"
incsrc "fadeout.asm"
...those lines of code are bundling all the other project files when you apply the main.asm file. The only other asm file which isn't bundled together is the sound.asm file, so I'm thinking this one needs to be applied separately.
command to apply ASM to ROM is:
bass -o romfile.smc asmfile.asm in this case it would be something like:
bass -o romfile.smc main.asm
bass -o romfile.smc sound.asm
Get bass here:
Hopefully someone can make an ips patch of this project so it's easier to apply for others
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
Thanks for clearing this up but there's still a mystery, even after building the patch and eventually patching the ROM, where are the video files?
Seems like the most important is just missing from the repository xD
Seems like the most important is just missing from the repository xD
TheShadowRunner- Hardhat Beetle
- Since : 2015-06-26
Re: Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
I'm sorry, I didn't give this a proper try! :-)
You might want to try to contact the author directly if he can give you more details. I know it's been five years since his last commit on this github project, but he seem to have been much active in other projects, so there's hope you'll get an answer I guess!
You might want to try to contact the author directly if he can give you more details. I know it's been five years since his last commit on this github project, but he seem to have been much active in other projects, so there's hope you'll get an answer I guess!
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
No worries ^^;
I sent him a message, I'll update this thread if I get news!
I sent him a message, I'll update this thread if I get news!
TheShadowRunner- Hardhat Beetle
- Since : 2015-06-26
Re: Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6: PSX FMV inclusion as MSU1 videos
So this project has been entirely dropped, or forgotten, how sad
TheShadowRunner- Hardhat Beetle
- Since : 2015-06-26
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