Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 18:50

Alright, thanks for the work.


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Colines Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 18:53

Using the normal patch and the matching PCM set you'll need to boost the audio by about +9db in the SD2SNES menu.

Using the emulator patch you shouldn't have to do any audio boosting.

Oh yes, if using irregular PCM music sets, you can use the "emulator" version, it's not ideal, but gets the job done without having to work on the PCM files directly.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:03

Just curious, how did you source the PCM files? Did you record from an OG Genesis?


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Relikk Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:11

I converted the raw VGM files to WAV for editing.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:15

I thought VGM files are so you can play them on original hardware or a software emulator?   Where does the Genesis simulated audio come in when you edit?  A plug in?

Is it VGM, VGM Player (Hardware or Emulation), Record, Edit, Save as PCM? Is that the workflow?

Last edited by SegaSnatcher on Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:20; edited 1 time in total


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Relikk Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:19

SegaSnatcher wrote:Where does the Genesis simulated audio come in when you edit?  A plug in?


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:23

Relikk wrote:
SegaSnatcher wrote:Where does the Genesis simulated audio come in when you edit?  A plug in?


Ok, I assumed so. What do you recommend for general audio playback of VGM files?

I'm currently using Rymcast and it sounds pretty good.


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Colines Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:25

SegaSnatcher wrote:I thought VGM files are so you can play them on original hardware or a software emulator?

Yeah, plugins for VGM files are literally software emulation of the sound hardware used. xp

Is it VGM, VGM Player (Hardware or Emulation), Record, Edit, Save as PCM? Is that the workflow?

I believe in some media players you have the option to just save into disk the Wave output of the decoded media file. ;-)

What do you recommend for general audio playback of VGM files?

For video game music I would say foobar, vgmstream is actively developed for it.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Relikk Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:26

Personally I use the foobar plugin.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:41

I must be doing something wrong. I patched the rom, added the PCM files, but it still only plays the original Super Nintendo music.


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Relikk Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:42

Did you rename the ROM to mmx_msu1?

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:52

I rename it mmx_msu1.sfc


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Relikk Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:56

Yeah, did it work?

Another thing to take note of if it didn't work... The patch is for the 1.1 revision of ROM. Also not to forget to include the mmx_msu1.msu file in the same folder as the ROM and PCM's.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 19:58

Yes, it works now. Sweet.

I was reading Darksofts readme file and it said to add .SFC.

I just named it mmx_msu1 and that fixed it. I guess his instructions are out of date.


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Relikk Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 20:03

SegaSnatcher wrote:I guess his instructions are out of date.

Depending on the patching program that was used, sometimes the file extension isn't added automatically and you have to add it yourself. Anyway, glad it's up and running. Enjoy!

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 20:06

Great work, this was very much appreciated.


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Conn Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 20:26

OK, I'm confused. I own a REV F SD2SNES. Where is the patch that I need, thanks.
Plain and simple: the "emulator" patch no longer serves any purpose, it only exists to counter act the high volume present in RetroDan's music pack.
If my note is still unclear, I'd happily take suggestions for re-phrasing.
Best solution: somebody will normalize RetroDan's pcm set to FF (one day, the current solution works for me, too Wink ) and the emulation patch eventually gets erased from DS' package.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Sun 11 Mar 2018 - 21:27

Just curious, are these files compressed at all, or are they basically lossless?


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Colines Mon 12 Mar 2018 - 3:58

VGM -> WAV = Lossless

Of course, if they are accurate, that's another story.

You would have to record the direct console audio output with the VGM files being played in the Mega Drive and compare it to the Wave dumps, and then see if they are bit perfect.

(Preferably using a VA3-VA6.8 model 1, which is considered to have the best sound out of every Mega Drive model).

Regarding RetroDan's soundpack, they are a mix of Redbook CD audio and rips from youtube, along a few other lossy sources.

From what I can tell about Anapan's description of his packs, they seem to be lossless too.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Relikk Mon 12 Mar 2018 - 5:25

There shouldn't be any major differences between the VGM's and the WAV's. You can compare them side by side in foobar with the vgm plugin (and with qwertymodo's pcm plugin).

Colines wrote:From what I can tell about Anapan's description of his packs, they seem to be lossless too.

Hard to say. Lossless maybe from a conversion point of view, but he has compressed and EQ'd them. I left the normal patch set alone as Savaged Regime intended them to be if the source VGM's he provided are what he intended. Admittedly the emulator patch PCM's are slightly compressed (1db) to compensate for the patch volume.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by smokemonster Tue 13 Mar 2018 - 11:39

I could do a direct audio capture from my Sega Nomad (ASIC YM3438) if you want yet another mix to draw from? It's recapped and has a nice sound.

I have 14 samples of captures from it in this playlist:

Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Relikk Tue 13 Mar 2018 - 13:13

You can if you want to, SmokeMonster. I'll make a set out of them if SegaSnatcher prefers them, but to be honest, I don't believe it's necessary.

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Colines Tue 13 Mar 2018 - 18:44

Hm... Direct captures from the hardware itself? I would like to work on these ones.

Given software emulation of any Yamaha set isn't totally on par with real hardware, having such recordings would definitely please the audiophiles.  Razz (Conn)

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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by SegaSnatcher Tue 13 Mar 2018 - 18:55

I mean if someone would do it on a early Model 1 Genesis or a later model with Mega Amp installed that would be awesome.  Just from an accuracy perspective.

Thats the thing with direct capture out of an actual Genesis. Making sure you are using the optimal revision, because just about all the Model 2 Genesis have much worse audio quality than early model 1 Genesis.


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Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack - Page 2 Empty Re: Please test my MMX MSU1 Genesis hack

Post by Colines Tue 13 Mar 2018 - 19:22

Sure thing!

Though at some point it kinda gets subjective, I myself lived with a YM3438, despite acknowledging YM2612 being "superior", I'm just used to it Razz

Also, later games created music having those models in mind, which just makes the situation even worst, despite still having better sound on early models. Nevertheless, I will make sure to make notes of which revision the tracks are recorded from. Wink

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