Question: Overworld Tiles

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Question: Overworld Tiles Empty Question: Overworld Tiles

Post by Jared_Brian_ Tue 25 Jun 2019 - 1:35

Quick question (i hope) is there anyway to expand the number of tiles and blocks available in the overworld editor? i often find i need tile that dosen't exist and i have to either find a double of the tile such as tiles 37 and 111 or 2214 and 2244 which are essentially the same or decide to overwrite i tile that i hope i wont need later on but i know ill run out of those eventually, plus i plan on adding a whole set of beach (sand to water) tiles for a particular part of the map and will need more space.
thanks in advance. -Jared_Brian_

Question: Overworld Tiles Image213

Since : 2019-05-06

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Question: Overworld Tiles Empty Re: Question: Overworld Tiles

Post by Puzzledude Tue 25 Jun 2019 - 2:37

No, unfortunately not. The amount of 64x64 tiles is fixed (big tiles), as well as 32x32 (middle tiles) and the amount of smallest tiles, ie gfx (16x16). The only thing you can do is to change them. This basically means if you take the original rom, you can not add new areas, you need to take certain areas out or change them to new areas.

Question: Overworld Tiles Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Question: Overworld Tiles Empty Re: Question: Overworld Tiles

Post by Jared_Brian_ Tue 25 Jun 2019 - 2:41

Ah well it was worth a shot, my goal here was to try and change as little as possible as i like the wasy alttp looks already. Thanks anyway

Question: Overworld Tiles Image213

Since : 2019-05-06

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Question: Overworld Tiles Empty Re: Question: Overworld Tiles

Post by Jared_Brian_ Tue 25 Jun 2019 - 2:45

Oh another question si there a way to change the physics of a block ie. If you can pass through, or walk on top of it or not?

Question: Overworld Tiles Image213

Since : 2019-05-06

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Question: Overworld Tiles Empty Re: Question: Overworld Tiles

Post by Puzzledude Tue 25 Jun 2019 - 18:50

Jared_Brian_ wrote:Oh another question si there a way to change the physics of a block ie. If you can pass through, or walk on top of it or not?
Yes, it's in HM under block properties and it is on the scale of the smallest tile, ie GFX, but the property can actually only be changed for the location onto which multiple GFX sets will be loaded, so this is not something, which would be subject to change, as you will have conflicting property of another tile, when it is loaded on the same location. This only shows how limited the original authors were and how packed the game is (since obviously they should have made it so, that every GFX set has a separate property).

Question: Overworld Tiles Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Question: Overworld Tiles Empty Re: Question: Overworld Tiles

Post by Jared_Brian_ Tue 25 Jun 2019 - 19:01

Huh thats interesting, ive noticed that as well that they really had to cram down the information as small as possible but in other occassions ive noticed that they left space slip such as the reapeating blocks and tiles as well as there are several dungeon rooms that are blank, never used.
So one last question i thought of, is it possible to change what GFX number loads which tiles? For example to have a outdoor bombable cracked wall sprite load properly in GFX number 39? which i believe is the lost woods number. Im guessing no but worth a shot either way. And if so is there a set number of sprites that can be loaded into a GFX number or is it expandable?

Question: Overworld Tiles Image213

Since : 2019-05-06

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Question: Overworld Tiles Empty Re: Question: Overworld Tiles

Post by Devan2002 Thu 27 Jun 2019 - 0:18

I'm not sure if you can extend the different types of 32x32 tile blocks that can be drawn on each overworld screen (such as making out of bounds areas either cacti, solid walls, or something that prevents out of bounds).

Question: Overworld Tiles Image213

Since : 2017-10-30

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