Weapon Lord SNES

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Weapon Lord SNES

Post by VVV18 Fri 27 Dec 2019 - 19:39

I'm Brazilian and my English is bad ... ( Let's go )
Like me there are a lot of people around the world who like this game,
please make an MSU-1 version for him...
I still can't do it unfortunately !!!

I'm discovery a Secret player Weapon Lord Snes...
Bane has a kind of secret deal in "story mode." If you lose every fight as Bane on The Cursed Path and none of your opponents does a finisher you face a shadow version of Bane. Lose to it even without a finisher and you get a game over. Weird and I presume they left out a story element to explain it more fully. Help_me please a Pro Action Replay code for access this character???

It would be like accessing the Shin Akuma in Street Fighter Zero/Alpha 2 on Snes!

Last edited by VVV18 on Fri 27 Dec 2019 - 19:42; edited 1 time in total


Since : 2019-04-28

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by VVV18 Fri 27 Dec 2019 - 19:41

Thanks to all of you who work on this wonder MSU-1, thank you on behalf of the players from Brazil, we love it !!!


Since : 2019-04-28

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by Erockbrox Sat 28 Dec 2019 - 2:20

There is a MSU-1 audio section in this forum. If you post over there that might be better than here.

Weapon Lord SNES Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by Relikk Sat 28 Dec 2019 - 5:48

Moved to the appropriate forum.

Weapon Lord SNES Image211

Since : 2017-02-17

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by Conn Sat 28 Dec 2019 - 6:41

I am not sure what you are looking for, a PAR code to access him or does MSU1 not play if you play him?
The PAR code is here:

Weapon Lord SNES Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Post by VVV18 Sat 28 Dec 2019 - 12:19

Erockbrox wrote:There is a MSU-1 audio section in this forum. If you post over there that might be better than here.

Thank you!!!


Since : 2019-04-28

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Post by VVV18 Sat 28 Dec 2019 - 12:37

Conn wrote:I am not sure what you are looking for, a PAR code to access him or does MSU1 not play if you play him?
The PAR code is here:

Look this LINK...


Player 2 is a secret character ( Demon Bane-Evil Bane-Shadow Bane or similiar )

I want to access it but it's very difficult

Pro Action Replay is the only solution

Thanks for all!!!


Since : 2019-04-28

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by Conn Sat 28 Dec 2019 - 15:33

If I understand you correctly, you are requesting a special feature to implemented in the code (selecting a character without using cheats), which has nothing to do with MSU1.

Thus you are probably posting in the wrong forum (we do not make mods here), better you post your request at romhacking.net

Weapon Lord SNES Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Post by VVV18 Sun 29 Dec 2019 - 9:21

Conn wrote:If I understand you correctly, you are requesting a special feature to implemented in the code (selecting a character without using cheats), which has nothing to do with MSU1.

Thus you are probably posting in the wrong forum (we do not make mods here), better you post your request at romhacking.net

Thanks Conn and sorry for this!!!


Since : 2019-04-28

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by Conn Sun 29 Dec 2019 - 12:55

No worries, I guess you request also weaponlord having msu1 support. I however cannot promise this will happen Sad

Weapon Lord SNES Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by kyletempest Wed 17 Jun 2020 - 2:06

I´m from Brazil too, and i do love so much this game, this Bane you have faced my friend is the Bane [maybe/no sprites for it] with a Demon Armor, as you told before, maybe a resort not implemented on the final game, or maybe Bane is Zarak in the end... its terrible that this game has been throwned in a dark dungeon for ages... An easy moves version has been released on romhacking.net, search there! this version is perfect gift from hacker Docrow [hes brazilian too] to make hard moves on WL more easy. Good Grief. I will try make a MSU can´t promise too as Coon says, i´ve found heavy metal tracks of this game, maybe it fits on it.

Since : 2019-12-06

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by VVV18 Wed 17 Jun 2020 - 20:24

kyletempest wrote:I´m from Brazil too, and i do love so much this game, this Bane you have faced my friend is the Bane [maybe/no sprites for it] with a Demon Armor, as you told before, maybe a resort not implemented on the final game, or maybe Bane is Zarak in the end... its terrible that this game has been throwned in a dark dungeon for ages... An easy moves version has been released on romhacking.net, search there! this version is perfect gift from hacker Docrow [hes brazilian too] to make hard moves on WL more easy. Good Grief. I will try make a MSU can´t promise too as Coon says, i´ve found heavy metal tracks of this game, maybe it fits on it.

Olá, como vai?

Rapaz, mais um Brasileiro aqui, show!!!
Mano, o @Gizaha, me esclareceu bastante à respeito do assunto e, infelizmente este ( Shadow Bane ) não é um personagem secreto, talvez sim, seria mas, não é; assim como este ( Shadow Bane ) também há uma ( Shadow Jen Tai ) e, o procedimento é o mesmo e tal para abilitá-los; depois de abilitá-los, nosso próprio personagem também ficará ( Shadow ) assim, bastando escolhê-lo com o botão ( B ) e, uma exceção é para com Zarak que, após feito este truque com o Bane e ou Jen Tai, escolhê-lo com ( B ) na tela de seleção-de-personagens, ele ficará super verde, parecendo um Zarak alien!!!


Since : 2019-04-28

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by VVV18 Wed 17 Jun 2020 - 20:29

Se gosta do Weapon Lord, veja alguns combos que fiz, são cinco para cada personagem, exceto Jen Tai pois, não consegui descobrir os tricks-bugs-glitches dela, seguem os LINK'S:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et3tPK3T-CU&t=51s   ( combos 100% )

  ( 5 vídeos pra cada personagem )


WEAPON BREAKER = ensinando como quebrar as armas dos oponentes!

KILL COMBOS = são combos com fatalities!

KILL BUG COMBOS = combos e bugs, usando as falhas do jogo!

HAIR TRICK COMBOS  = mostrando como arrancar o cabelo ou o capacete do oponente!

SUPER COMBOS = aqui tem combos simples aos mais complexos!


Since : 2019-04-28

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by Relikk Thu 18 Jun 2020 - 4:31

Gentlemen, please try to speak in English when using the public forum. I understand that it's not your native language and you need to use a translator from time to time, but if you really need to converse in Portuguese then you have the option of private messaging.


Weapon Lord SNES Image211

Since : 2017-02-17

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Weapon Lord SNES Empty Re: Weapon Lord SNES

Post by VVV18 Thu 18 Jun 2020 - 13:18

Relikk wrote:Gentlemen, please try to speak in English when using the public forum. I understand that it's not your native language and you need to use a translator from time to time, but if you really need to converse in Portuguese then you have the option of private messaging.


Oops ...

Sorry there,
I will write in English from now on !!!


Since : 2019-04-28

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