Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp

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Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp Empty Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp

Post by reesekaine Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 17:17

I'm trying to throw together a custom soundtrack for Free Enterprise, but one track in particular is giving me problems. For whatever reason, WAV2MSU is not convinced the source file is 44.1k 16-bit. I have ran this file through all the converters I can think of, but it's just not convinced that it's compatible. I'm hoping someone here can take a look at it and see what I might be getting wrong?

For the record: The track in question is from the first Might & Magic.

Since : 2019-06-04

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Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp Empty Re: Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp

Post by Conn Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 17:26

I'm one of the last persons to ask with pcm problems but try load the track in audacity and export as... Was it 16 bit pcm the correct adjustment?

Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp Empty Re: Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp

Post by Relikk Tue 4 Feb 2020 - 16:19

The OGG in question is 48kHz. It needs to be downsampled to 44.1kHz for WAV2MSU to convert it.

Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp Image211

Since : 2017-02-17

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Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp Empty Re: Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp

Post by edale Wed 5 Feb 2020 - 18:28!rBYUQCiD!QB7DOMUOnnwijZKNZkf5Qsdl62hmfegfhaMz2Wh_Jzg

5 files in the rar:
28-NoNormalization.pcm - looped PCM, hasn't been normalized.
28-18.pcm - looped PCM, normalized to -18 dB
28-21.pcm looped PCM, normalized to -21 dB
28-full.wav - Unedited WAV, full track. Properly formatted to work with WAV2MSU
28-LoopTo563241.wav - Track 28 with the end trimmed off for looping. Loop point is 563,241.

The edited WAV is provided in case neither of the provided normalized tracks are normalized to the proper level for Might & Magic. -18 dB and -21 dB are the most common normalization levels, so hopefully one of those works right.


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Since : 2017-10-03

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Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp Empty Re: Audio track conversion problem, Knead Halp

Post by reesekaine Fri 7 Feb 2020 - 15:25

Thanks, all. Smile

I'll provide the link to the 98% finished soundtrack (Still have nothing for the ending and credits) to whomever might be interested.

Since : 2019-06-04

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