problem with sound tracks

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problem with sound tracks Empty problem with sound tracks

Post by Jan300omega Sat 6 Jun 2020 - 17:47

I have a problem, it happens that I download the Castlevania Dracula X patch and download the kurrono sound tracks, but for some reason when I open the game no music plays, the ROM is called the same as the patch just like the tracks of sound, but it doesn't work, and I already tried other sound tracks, but for some reason, the kurrono ones don't work for me.

Snap Dragon
Snap Dragon

Since : 2020-03-06

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Relikk Sat 6 Jun 2020 - 19:13

That set seems to be named incorrectly, in that it has an underscore after "cdx" instead of a dash/minus.

They're named cdx_msu* when they should be cdx-msu*

A quick remedy would be to rename the ROM and the MSU file to match those PCMs, instead of renaming every PCM. It's entirely up to you, of course.

problem with sound tracks Image212

Since : 2017-02-17

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Jan300omega Sat 6 Jun 2020 - 20:53

fix the aforementioned problem but now there is another one, it seems that the sound tracks stop playing at some point, the music turns off and nothing is heard anymore

Snap Dragon
Snap Dragon

Since : 2020-03-06

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Conn Sun 7 Jun 2020 - 3:51

Does this problem also happen in Relikk or PepillloPev set? There are sometimes issues with Kurrono's pcm files.

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Since : 2013-06-30

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Relikk Sun 7 Jun 2020 - 4:46

Jan300omega wrote:fix the aforementioned problem but now there is another one, it seems that the sound tracks stop playing at some point, the music turns off and nothing is heard anymore

Most likely there are no loop points specified in the PCM files.

problem with sound tracks Image212

Since : 2017-02-17

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Jan300omega Sun 7 Jun 2020 - 11:01

I have not had a problem with any other sound track pack, the only ones that suit me like this are the kurrono ones

Snap Dragon
Snap Dragon

Since : 2020-03-06

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Conn Sun 7 Jun 2020 - 12:44

Well then I hope one of the remaining pcm artists take on fixing the pack (but that's a case of luck).

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Since : 2013-06-30

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Jan300omega Sun 7 Jun 2020 - 12:50

oh so it's a matter of waiting i think

Snap Dragon
Snap Dragon

Since : 2020-03-06

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Conn Sun 7 Jun 2020 - 13:54

...or learning to loop pcm yourself. We have good tutorials, and though I'm not an auditive person and never made even one pcm myself, I heard it's not hard at all Wink

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Since : 2013-06-30

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problem with sound tracks Empty I have a problem...again

Post by Jan300omega Thu 20 Aug 2020 - 20:12

I'm trying to download the MSU-1 patch for Chrono Trigger, but for some reason I can't download the patch or the Robinson soundtracks

Snap Dragon
Snap Dragon

Since : 2020-03-06

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Relikk Thu 20 Aug 2020 - 20:38

The Mega link for that soundtrack seems to be fine, but yes the patch link isn't available as the host says it's site is in maintenance mode. You can keep trying every now and then, or maybe someone has a copy of it that can upload it somewhere as a backup link.

problem with sound tracks Image212

Since : 2017-02-17

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by Relikk Sun 23 Aug 2020 - 19:43

Jan300omega wrote:I'm trying to download the MSU-1 patch for Chrono Trigger, but for some reason I can't download the patch or the Robinson soundtracks

The patch link is back up now, thanks to qwertymodo.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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problem with sound tracks Empty Re: problem with sound tracks

Post by edale Sun 13 Dec 2020 - 13:46

Jan300omega wrote:fix the aforementioned problem but now there is another one, it seems that the sound tracks stop playing at some point, the music turns off and nothing is heard anymore
Conn wrote:There are sometimes issues with Kurrono's pcm files.
Conn wrote:Well then I hope one of the remaining pcm artists take on fixing the pack (but that's a case of luck).
All that needed to happen was me stumbling on this thread Wink

Dracula X MSU Kurrono fixed v0.9:

It's v0.9 because there is an issue with track 29 (stage 4 / Cemetery / Underground Cavern / Catacombs) that can't be fixed unless I can locate the original track used for the set.


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Since : 2017-10-03

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