Airoheart - Zelda like game

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Airoheart - Zelda like game Empty Airoheart - Zelda like game

Post by Erockbrox Sun 13 Dec 2020 - 16:17

There is a KS for a Zelda 3 clone game that looks promising. If anything, you can always rip the graphics from the game and put them in your Zelda 3 hack because these graphics seem to be ideal.

Airoheart - Zelda like game Image211

Since : 2013-02-05

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Airoheart - Zelda like game Empty Re: Airoheart - Zelda like game

Post by JUD6MENT Mon 14 Dec 2020 - 1:04

Seems pretty solid, and very clone like, not that has to be a necessarily bad thing.

Airoheart - Zelda like game Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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