Dragon Quest V

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Dragon Quest V Empty Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Fri 28 Jan 2022 - 2:14

Here's a beta patch for dragon quest 5.

Track Map

PCMs (DQ5 PS2 orchestral converted by Relikk)

April 29, 2023
Fixed a blackscreen error
Fixed short tracks not waiting to be completed before the next track will play

April 8, 2023
Ver 0.4
New mute
Fixed thunder SFX
Cleaned up some track resume issues.

March 28, 2023
Ver 0.3 fixed some crashes and one instance of track play weirdness.

March 18, 2023
Ver 0.2 Fixed numerous issues (I don't even remember everything I fixed.)

July 21, 2022
ver. 0.1 initial release. should work for most things but has not been tested far into the game.
Dragon Quest V Attachment
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Last edited by Cubear on Sun 30 Apr 2023 - 0:02; edited 8 times in total

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Thu 21 Jul 2022 - 3:07

This patch is now in beta release. I've attached it to the first post.

tested through the initial parts of gameplay.

SPC fallback should work, might be a bit strange on noloops with waits (victory, saving, sleeping in inns, etc)

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Polargames Thu 21 Jul 2022 - 21:26

Sweet, that's awesome news 😃

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Since : 2018-06-06

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Gedankenschild Tue 14 Mar 2023 - 15:25

Hey there! Let me first say thank you for these Dragon Quest MSU1 patches! I have been hoping for those since the day I heard about the whole concept. With the Symphonic Suites existing no other series seemed to be asking for them more.

Has anyone been working on a PCM pack for V already? I've been looking into the process of making these and experimented with converting the orchestral tracks of the PS2 version. Seems to be pretty straightforward, so I thought I'd offer to finish and share the whole thing if no one else is about to. Smile

Since : 2023-02-18

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Conn Tue 14 Mar 2023 - 15:52

Yeah, I'd wish we could advance the in progress patches somehow. But to do this we need beta testers and pcm artists.
For example I coded der langrisser recently, but nobody seems to be interested to test it or making a pcm set. It's downloaded 2 times, so there isn't much interest in this game I think.

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Tue 14 Mar 2023 - 17:15

I've been working on getting this going in some spare moments.  it should be ready for a much better beta soon (iirc this one softlocks! oops!) 

Relikk also converted a lot of the music for this a while back, so maybe by this weekend we'll have something worth testing (as far as DQ5 is concerned)

PS2 tracks conversion by Relikk:

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Gedankenschild Tue 14 Mar 2023 - 20:47

Well I'm glad to hear that! I did notice problems when pcm tracks were missing. The game seemed to softlock but continued after a minute.
Another was the music not stopping when it's supposed to in the castle intro (right before the baby starts crying). Oh, and a bunch of weird sound effects after the gate slams down early in the haunted castle.

Guess I'll do more testing and reporting once the update is out. Looking forward to the new version!

Since : 2023-02-18

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Sat 18 Mar 2023 - 23:44

Updated the first post with a new patch.  this one works a lot better now that I've caught (hopefully) all of the redundant ways this game checks to see if SPC music is playing or not.

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Gedankenschild Tue 28 Mar 2023 - 14:53

Thanks for the update! I've had time to do some testing and found a few issues.
Results are based on the original Japanese ROM with the correct checksum and Snes9x 1.60.
I'll attach two save files that showcase certain problems.

- When starting/loading a game the "Intermezzo" track starts over for a very short moment, right before switching to the next screen
- Intro: the music is supposed to fade out before the baby starts crying, but it continues playing until the scene ends
- PCM music has a general tendency to skip the first 1 or 2 seconds of a song

Crashes involving the day/night cycle in the 2nd town:
- Loading a game saved at night causes a crash (1st srm file, save slot 2)
- Talking to Bianca at the inn to initiate the switch to night-time leads to random freezes - rarely the game continues normally, but more often the result is a black screen with a random song playing (2nd srm file, save slot 2)

PCM set issues:
- Track 21 is labeled "Overture (looped)", but it's actually the complete, non-looped one in the original game (from the intro). Right now it plays till the loop point and abruptly cuts off.
- The victory jingle is too loud
Dragon Quest V Attachment
dq5_msu Saves.zip You don't have permission to download attachments.(1 Kb) Downloaded 3 times

Since : 2023-02-18

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Tue 28 Mar 2023 - 22:50

thanks for providing saves, it'll make debugging a lot faster!

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Wed 29 Mar 2023 - 0:20

game start intermezzo restart: the game is trying to play "imperial scrolls of honor" before playing intermezzo again. so.. sort of native behaviour... the fix is slightly destructive, not sure if this gets called elsewhere, but i did fix it.

fixed loading at night issue, missed one instance of 
CMP $7F needing to be CMP $007F

this seems to also have solved the night time switch with bianca in the inn. it's likely the same bug.  updated the first post with a new patch.

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by nico7550 Fri 31 Mar 2023 - 4:58


FYI, I follow these steps and it's seems to work:
Dragon Quest V - Tenkuu no Hanayome (Japan).sfc - CRC32 BC955F3B
TUSH by Killa B - Add header - https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/608/
Dragon Quest V - Tenkuu no Hanayome (Japan).smc - CRC32 A2E6F36A
English Translation by dejap and partial - https://www.romhacking.net/translations/341/
4 party member hack by Mr. 45 and AustNerevar - https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7430/
TUSH by Killa B - Remove header - https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/608/
MSU Patch
Optional, IpsAndSum Snes tool by Bongo` - Fix checksum - https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/499/


Since : 2022-01-04

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Fri 31 Mar 2023 - 13:05

as far as the baby cry fading out the music, it does not do this in the SNES version at least, in an unmodified rom. the SPC music plays until the dragon quest theme starts playing.

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Gedankenschild Sat 1 Apr 2023 - 5:20

Cubear wrote:as far as the baby cry fading out the music, it does not do this in the SNES version at least, in an unmodified rom. the SPC music plays until the dragon quest theme starts playing.

I'm using an unmodified Japanese SFC ROM with a CRC32 of bc955f3b, which seems to be the confirmed checksum across the net.
I've tested this ROM with Snes9x 1.60, Higan and bsnes (accurate) and I get the same result as seen in this playthrough of the Japanese version at 1:50.

Baby is picked up, music fades out, baby starts crying.

I don't know how to reproduce what you're describing.

Since : 2023-02-18

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Sat 1 Apr 2023 - 11:13

odd. maybe it glitched when i tested. i stand corrected.

e: it seems a signal is not sent to the APU in the english patched rom here. might have been a control code in the text script that got missed upon reinsertion.

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Gedankenschild Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 11:29

Interesting. The other issues addressed by the latest patch (Intermezzo track, loading a night save) seem to be working fine now.

Another example of a music fade out is when talking to Bianca to initiate night-time: The track is supposed to slowly fade out as the screen fades to black. Doesn't work when MSU1-patched.

Two more things I've noticed in the meantime:

- When entering and leaving a town, world map music is normally reset to play from the start (which makes sense). But if the party leaves town after being brought back there by dying in battle, the music resumes where it was when the last battle started.
- When entering the haunted castle with Bianca (the first quest after all the previously discussed day/night cycle stuff) the gate comes down behind the party, followed by a thunder sound effect. That effect doesn't work right with the patch and some wild collection of instrument samples is heard instead. (I can provide save states if needed)

Since : 2023-02-18

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:25

there's also a fade in intermezzo when a file is loaded on the title screen that is missed. all probably called in roughly the same way.

i can fix the track resume error fairly easily, just need to make the resume clear on death to fix that issue.

i'll look into that thunder sfx issue, even a save ram close to it would be fine.

Last edited by Cubear on Sat 8 Apr 2023 - 0:48; edited 1 time in total

Dragon Quest V Image211

Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Fri 7 Apr 2023 - 13:36

fixed the track resume error. 

figured out the root of the thunder issue, but it's going to require a new SPC mute I think. possibly even changing the hook location.

i'll issue a new version once i have this implemented.

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Sat 8 Apr 2023 - 16:38

fixed all but the fades:  

the new mute I found seems to stop a fade signal from being sent, so the code I put in place to catch the native fade instructions doesn't work anymore ;___;

still, new version plays thunder SFX properly and does not resume world map / dungeon themes after a death.

updated first post with a new patch.

the new mute will probably deal really poorly with missing looped tracks, but i don't think there's many/any of those left to find.

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Sun 9 Apr 2023 - 2:12

known new bug: level up theme ends too quickly with the new mute.

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Gedankenschild Mon 24 Apr 2023 - 14:35

Got to doing some testing again. Nice to see the thunder sfx fixed, sorry I didn't get to provide save data in time!
I do have some ready this time.

There's a strange thing happening in the dark castle corridor with the latest beta. Once you've defeated all enemies in battle the screen goes completely dark including menus and you have to click through the exp and gold text blindly. Things continue normally once out of the battle screen. (save state 001 - just go down the stairs and get through a battle)
As you progress further you get to a kitchen with a well inside. Checking the pot next to the stove should resut in a jingle that doesn't play and instead restarts the music. (save state 002 - check the pot in front of you)

I've attached two save states (made with Snes9x 1.60) for two versions of the game - original Japanese and Ver 0.4 patched Japanese. File names should make obvious which is which.
Dragon Quest V Attachment
Saves.zip You don't have permission to download attachments.(259 Kb) Downloaded 1 times

Since : 2023-02-18

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Tue 25 Apr 2023 - 19:49

that second issue is probably the same as the short level up.  i'll have to look into the dark screen glitch though.. it's possible that the ram i am keeping my values in isn't as free as i thought.

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Since : 2021-11-17


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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Gedankenschild Fri 28 Apr 2023 - 4:16

I forgot to mention that the dark screen issue was introduced in v0.4, just double checked and previous versions work fine in this regard.

Since : 2023-02-18

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Dragon Quest V Empty Re: Dragon Quest V

Post by Cubear Sat 29 Apr 2023 - 23:57

updated patch with early track end fix (level up, item from pot)
updated patch has darkness fix as well.

fadeouts not yet implemented.

Dragon Quest V Image211

Since : 2021-11-17


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