Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file?

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Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file? Empty Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file?

Post by yvx Thu 23 Feb 2023 - 15:55

I need help to do the MSU-1 hack on Chrono Trigger: Bugfix and Uncensoring Patch

But unfortunately, it is not compatible.  I made the MSU-1 hack work for the original game rom, but would love to play some of the fan made hacks with CD quality music.

Or do you know if there is any chrono trigger fan made rom patches would able to work with MSU-1?


Since : 2023-02-12

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Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file? Empty Re: Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file?

Post by PowerPanda Tue 14 Mar 2023 - 10:16

yvx wrote:I need help to do the MSU-1 hack on Chrono Trigger: Bugfix and Uncensoring Patch

But unfortunately, it is not compatible.  I made the MSU-1 hack work for the original game rom, but would love to play some of the fan made hacks with CD quality music.

Or do you know if there is any chrono trigger fan made rom patches would able to work with MSU-1?

When I did the Chrono Trigger Soundtrack Expansion hack, I had to deal with the same code where you would put hooks for MSU audio. Looking in a hex editor, I *BELIEVE* that the Bugfix and Uncensoring patches have MSU audio already enabled.

Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file? Image213

Since : 2019-11-05

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Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file? Empty Re: Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file?

Post by yvx Tue 14 Mar 2023 - 22:31

I put the MSU audio in the same folder with my Chrono Trigger: Bugfix and Uncensoring patched file, it's not working. Do I need to do anything else?

url=]Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file? Test10[/url]


Since : 2023-02-12

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Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file? Empty Re: Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file?

Post by Cubear Tue 14 Mar 2023 - 22:37

all files need to have the same name (so rename rom to chrono_msu is easiest)

Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file? Image211

Since : 2021-11-17

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Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file? Empty Re: Is there a way to do the MSU-1 hack on a Patched file?

Post by yvx Tue 14 Mar 2023 - 22:44

I am just coming back here and post, yes I just figured that part out, @PowerPanda thank you so much. I would never know, it's so nice now, I have the best of both world MSU and patched file. Once again, thank you guys.


Since : 2023-02-12

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