Editing the color palette

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Editing the color palette Empty Editing the color palette

Post by ChrillePan Mon 23 Jun 2014 - 14:17

Hey guys,
finally i find a way to change the color from sprites and apply them to my JP 1.0 version Very Happy

But now i want to change more then i can imagine Wink To change the color of the tunic/mail, sword and shield is easy.
But how can i change the color e.g. for the boomerang?
Which palette is that? Which sprite will it effect too?

Grtz Chrille


Since : 2014-06-19

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Editing the color palette Empty Re: Editing the color palette

Post by Conn Mon 23 Jun 2014 - 21:34

Learn how to use geiger and make the breakpoint

You will get this when opening a chest with an item
$08/C6A4 BF 9C 84 09 LDA $09849C,x[$09:84A3] A:0024

in the clamp is the Palette address for the item, in above example at
snes 09/84a3 = pc 04/84a3

the byte there determines the global palette
04: green, 02: blue, 01:red

ice rod: 04:84A4: 02 (blue)
byrna: 04:84B4 02 (blue)
somaria: 04:84B1 01 (red)
shovel: 84AF 01 (red)
hammer: 04:84A5 01 (red)


Editing the color palette Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Editing the color palette Empty Re: Editing the color palette

Post by Puzzledude Tue 24 Jun 2014 - 7:13

Conn wrote:Learn how to use geiger and make the breakpoint

You will get this when opening a chest with an item
$08/C6A4 BF 9C 84 09 LDA $09849C,x[$09:84A3] A:0024

in the clamp is the Palette address for the item, in above example at
snes 09/84a3 = pc 04/84a3

the byte there determines the global palette
04: green, 02: blue, 01:red

ice rod: 04:84A4: 02 (blue)
byrna: 04:84B4 02 (blue)
somaria: 04:84B1 01 (red)
shovel: 84AF 01 (red)
hammer: 04:84A5 01 (red)

Nice, but it is interesting that the OP wants to edit the non-standard Japan version of Alttp, which has all the data misplaced (in comparisment to the standard US version). So I don't think the upper data will help him, or did you actually run the Japan version JP 1.0 through Geiger to produce the upper data?

Editing the color palette Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Editing the color palette Empty Re: Editing the color palette

Post by ChrillePan Tue 24 Jun 2014 - 7:15

I edit the US Version with Hyrule Magic and create a IPS. Than i can change the "position" of the palettes so it will work for the JP version after i apply the patch.


Since : 2014-06-19

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Editing the color palette Empty Re: Editing the color palette

Post by Conn Tue 24 Jun 2014 - 10:01

well, snes 08/c6A4 = pc 04/46A4.
Simply check where the code there is located in the japa Version and adjust the breakpoint

Editing the color palette Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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