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Bomb message Empty Bomb message

Post by SunGodPortal Wed 18 Feb 2015 - 18:01

Has anyone ever made a fix to where it doesn't show a message every single time you get bombs out of a chest? That had to have been a mistake.

PS: I'm starting to ask so many questions here I almost wonder if I should just create a generic thread for this so I don't pollute the board so much.

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Since : 2015-01-26

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by Conn Wed 18 Feb 2015 - 19:38

mh, bombs Messages are shown at 3 bombs (HM: 40) and 10 bombs (HM: 49) but not a single bomb (HM 39).

But I never received a bomb out of a chest in ALTTP though the possibility is given - they rather appear as enemy Drops or below pots. It surely is possible to disable the monologues (but then they never Show up.

MoN's ram log: $1CF0[0x02] -   Dialogue Message Index. e.g. 0005
E.g. 10 bombs:

$08/C5C1 B9 DD C2    LDA $C2DD,y[$08:C33F]   A:0162 X:0004 Y:0062 P:envmXdizc
$08/C5C4 C9 FF FF    CMP #$FFFF              A:006A X:0004 Y:0062 P:envmXdizc
$08/C5C7 F0 2E       BEQ $2E    [$C5F7]      A:006A X:0004 Y:0062 P:envmXdizc
$08/C5C9 8D F0 1C    STA $1CF0  [$08:1CF0]   A:006A X:0004 Y:0062 P:envmXdizc

I made a tracelog when opening a chest box with 10 bombs. The monologue is hex6A, this is dec106 (you can also find this monologue in HM with the dec value 106).
The A: gets this value 6A from snes $08:C33F= pc $04:433F
So if you Change at $04/433F: 6A 00 ->FF FF  the monologue won't appear anymore if 10 bombs out of chest (the CMP #$FFFF in the log means compare with FF FF; if true skip monologue message).

In your hack you could e.g., give the first time 3 bombs with the monologue and then 10 bombs with disabled monologues... or whatever

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by SunGodPortal Wed 18 Feb 2015 - 19:58

Cool. It'll be awesome when I learn how to read all of that stuff and be able to make sense of it. So was the stuff in the code section here part of what was loaded into RAM at the time? Or have I got it all wrong?

EDIT: Nevermind. That was a stupid question because I just read it again and it says "ram log".

Anyway, if I remember correctly there are bombs in a chest in the secret area in the sewer and a few caves.

Last edited by SunGodPortal on Wed 18 Feb 2015 - 20:01; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wasn't paying attention)

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Since : 2015-01-26

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by Conn Thu 19 Feb 2015 - 5:48

Sorry I wasn't very clear. MathOnNapkins made a log of nearly all ram addresses, get it here:

scroll down until you see
Zelda_3_RAM.log - this is one of the most useful documents in ALTTP hacking ever, as you can look what to trace for. You can find important ram addresses like the Music Banks $012c and the dialogue message index $1cf0 and many other things here.
also important is the
Zelda_3_SRM.log; here are the ram addresses of all items and other stuff stored into your save state.

So with These ram/srm maps you will know what to search for in your trace.log (in above case it was $1cf0, message index). This trace you will get with geiger snes9x Debugger. Follow the steps in my hacking tutorial: run the game with geiger and open your chest with bombs with cpu tracing and "trace once" on. Then open your trace.log and search for STA $1CF0 (that's the code sniplet in my above posted message) and you will see where to edit your Rom addresses  to manipulate the code.

Here's a pic of what I mean. You find the trace.log in a Subfolder called Logs usually. Name is "yourromname".log

Bomb message Image210

Then open and search when there's a store to the dialogue index ram address sta $1cf0:

Bomb message Image211

I wrote the rest what to Change already above (6A in A: Comes from y[$08:C33F]; snes 08/C33F= pc address $04/433F, Change to FF FF to disable monologue).

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by Puzzledude Thu 19 Feb 2015 - 10:01

Has anyone ever made a fix to where it doesn't show a message every single time you get bombs out of a chest? That had to have been a mistake.
This has not been fixed, since the original authors thought, that you don't need any extra messages, since it is only one bomb. If you get one arrow, one bomb or key in a chest, there will be no dialog (since the item is self-explanatory). But you can choose 3 bombs in a chest, to get a dialog.

Making a new dialog is not that easy. You would have to use some non-used existing dialog and do a small ASM fix, pretty much similar to Conn's ASM of the upgraded items, where new dialogs had to be done.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by Conn Thu 19 Feb 2015 - 14:57

Uh did I get the request wrong? I thought he wanted to get rid of the monologues.

Anyways the procedure is the same, place the one bomb (HM item #39) in a chest, trace it while opening:

$08/C5C1 B9 DD C2    LDA $C2DD,y[$08:C32B]   A:014E X:0004 Y:004E P:envmXdizc
$08/C5C4 C9 FF FF    CMP #$FFFF              A:FFFF X:0004 Y:004E P:eNvmXdizc
$08/C5C7 F0 2E       BEQ $2E    [$C5F7]      A:FFFF X:0004 Y:004E P:envmXdiZC
you see, the monologue index is loaded from snes 08:C32B=pc$04:432B
So if you go to 04/432b you find FF FF (=skip monologue), Change this to 6A 00 to have the normal bomb monolgue.

If you want to have extra monologues you Need to renounce on others. In my all-in/complete items hacks I rennounced on the fortune teller, as he Needs many monologues and is actually not needed (so much Wink ).

To give a custom monologue, you Need to know which HM monologue you want to map to.
E.g.: 6A 00 (reverse reading!)=006A and that is  dec 106; so you find this bomb monologue in HM indexed with 106.

If you want to map a monologue beyond dec 255 (hex FF), you Need to do this the same way, as example I take the above traced address
pc$04:432B: FF FF. If you want to map monologue dec106=hex006A you must write
pc$04:432B: 6A 00 (reverse reading).
If you want to map monologue let's say dec331 ("Don't do it) which is hex 14B=01 4B (Byte read), you must write
pc$04:432B: 4B 01 (reverse reading).

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by Puzzledude Thu 19 Feb 2015 - 15:52

This reminds me, Conn. Did you know, that original Alttp has 2 major monologue faults. If you receive the bow and silver arrows from a chest, there is no monologue. So using this method we could find how to rather load that monologue from the pond upgrade with the big fairy, that you got the silver arrows.

The other problem is the level-4 sword from a chest, which gives "you got a boomerang" monologue, instead of the one also from the pond upgrade.

Of course we would simply need to know the addresses. They can temporarily be set to 6A 00 for testing, until the correct monologue/value is found among the monologues.

This would be very useful to have, since the level-4 sword and silver arrows are main/powerful items and someone might want to remove the upgrade pond, since you get both from the pond at the same time. Now they can be separated and in the chest.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by SunGodPortal Thu 19 Feb 2015 - 17:21

I actually did want to remove the bomb message, so you're good there. I just always found it annoying that it would give me a message even though it did not do this for rupees or arrows (because there was really no reason for doing so). It seemed pointless for the game to explain the bombs since most people will have already received and used them long before they encounter one of the few chests that give bombs out.

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Since : 2015-01-26

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by Conn Thu 19 Feb 2015 - 18:17

@Puzz, check this out:

The monologues 91 (S.arrows) and 93 (L4 sword) are unique to these item so you can alter them the way you like (HM index dec145, dec147), the addresses given (also fairy upgrade disabling) work also with the complete items patch/all-in.

(The native boomerang message (52 as well) is untouched as this is addressed with another pointer. So no worries).

@SGP: so all good Smile

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Bomb message Empty Re: Bomb message

Post by Puzzledude Fri 20 Feb 2015 - 2:22

Puzz, check this out.
I thought I missed this somewhere, since I had a feeling it was already worked on. Great, that this was done already.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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