editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
Zeldix :: Zelda III Hacking :: Requests
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editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
how difficult is it to edit the damage class of enemies such as red eyegores and koppies (which can only be killed by arrows) to allow them to get killed by sword strikes or other attacks? is there multiple sprite data that needs to be edited or can it be a few hex codes?
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
I haven't used it in a while so I don't remember, but does Hyrule Add-ons not do this?
SunGodPortal- Since : 2015-01-26
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
Boy you sure have many questions!
It's very difficult.
A good place to start looking would be in MathOnNapkins disassembly as he did separated the coding of many enemies into separate files.
Then it's a matter of knowing a little bit how asm translates to hex and you can figure out how to change many things in the game on your own, like I did....but it takes time.
His disassembly probably contains all answers to your questions...and beyond...you just have to understand it!
It's very difficult.
A good place to start looking would be in MathOnNapkins disassembly as he did separated the coding of many enemies into separate files.
Then it's a matter of knowing a little bit how asm translates to hex and you can figure out how to change many things in the game on your own, like I did....but it takes time.
His disassembly probably contains all answers to your questions...and beyond...you just have to understand it!
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
will mathonnapkins disassembly make the editing much easier?
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
Yes, if you know what you're looking for.
No, if you don't.
Here's the sprite code you wanted, for exemple:
^^Your answer lies somewhere in that mumbo jumbo!
No, if you don't.
Here's the sprite code you wanted, for exemple:
- Code:
; ==============================================================================
; *$F4700-$F4720 LONG
LDA $048E
CMP.b #$0C : BEQ .is_goriya
CMP.b #$1B : BEQ .is_goriya
CMP.b #$4B : BEQ .is_goriya
CMP.b #$6B : BNE .not_goriya
INC $0DA0, X
LDA $0E20, X : CMP.b #$83 : BNE .not_red_goriya
; Disable some of the invulnerability properties.
; ==============================================================================
; $F4721-$F4790 DATA
; ==============================================================================
STZ $0D90, X
JSR Sprite3_CheckDamage
JSR Sprite3_CheckTileCollision
; ==============================================================================
; *$F479B-$F4838 JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0DA0, X : BNE Sprite_Goriya
JMP Eyegore_Main
JSL Goriya_Draw
JSR Sprite3_CheckIfActive
JSR Sprite3_CheckIfRecoiling
LDA $0E00, X : BEQ .phlegm_inhibit
CMP.b #$08 : BNE .phlegm_delay
JSL Sprite_SpawnFirePhlegm
; Ignore the player just pressing against a wall
LDA $0048 : CMP.b #$00 : BNE Goriya_StayStill
LDY $0E20, X
LDA $F0 : AND.b #$0F : BEQ Goriya_StayStill
CPY.b #$84 : BNE .not_faster_goriya
ORA.b #$10
LDA $C761, Y : STA $0DE0, X
LDA $C721, Y : STA $0D50, X
LDA $C741, Y : STA $0D40, X
LDA $0E70, X : BNE .tile_collision
JSR Sprite3_Move
JSR Sprite3_CheckDamage
JSR Sprite3_CheckTileCollision
INC $0E80, X : LDA $0E80, X : AND.b #$0C : ORA $0DE0, X : TAY
LDA $C781, Y : STA $0DC0, X
LDA $0E20, X : CMP.b #$84 : BNE .no_fire_phlegm_logic
JSR Sprite3_DirectionToFacePlayer
LDA $0F : ADD.b #$08 : CMP.b #$10 : BCC .in_firing_line
LDA $0E : ADD.b #$08 : CMP.b #$10 : BCS .not_in_firing_line
TYA : CMP $0DE0, X : BNE .not_facing_player
LDA $0D90, X : AND.b #$1F : BNE .phlegm_charge_counter_not_maxed
LDA.b #$10 : STA $0E00, X
INC $0D90, X
STZ $0D90, X
; ==============================================================================
JSR Eyegore_Draw
JSR Sprite3_CheckIfActive
JSR Sprite3_CheckIfRecoiling
JSR Sprite3_CheckDamage
LDA $0E60, X : ORA.b #$40 : STA $0E60, X
LDA $0CAA, X : ORA.b #$04 : STA $0CAA, X
LDA $0D80, X
JSL UseImplicitRegIndexedLocalJumpTable
dw Eyegore_WaitUntilPlayerNearby
dw Eyegore_OpeningEye
dw Eyegore_ChasePlayer
dw Eyegore_ClosingEye
; ==============================================================================
; $F4864-$F4867 DATA
pool Eyegore:
db $60, $80, $A0, $80
; ==============================================================================
; *$F4868-$F488A JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .delay
JSR Sprite3_DirectionToFacePlayer
LDA $0E : ADD.b #$30 : CMP.b #$60 : BCS .player_not_close
LDA $0F : ADD.b #$30 : CMP.b #$60 : BCS .player_not_close
INC $0D80, X
LDA.b #$3F : STA $0DF0, X
; ==============================================================================
; $F488B-$F4892 DATA
pool Eyegore_OpeningEye:
db $02, $02, $02, $02, $01, $01, $00, $00
; ==============================================================================
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .delay
JSR Sprite3_DirectionToFacePlayer : TYA : STA $0DE0, X
INC $0D80, X
JSL GetRandomInt : AND.b #$03 : TAY
LDA Eyegore.timers, Y : STA $0DF0, X
LSR #3 : TAY
LDA .animation_states, Y : STA $0DC0, X
; ==============================================================================
; $F48BB-$F48CA DATA
pool Eyegore_ChasePlayer:
db $07, $05, $02, $09, $08, $06, $03, $0A
db $07, $05, $02, $09, $08, $06, $04, $0B
; ==============================================================================
LDA $0E60, X : AND.b #$BF : STA $0E60, X
LDA $0E20, X : CMP.b #$84 : BEQ .is_red_eyegore
LDA $0CAA, X : AND.b #$FB : STA $0CAA, X
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .close_eye_delay
LDA.b #$3F : STA $0DF0, X
INC $0D80, X
STZ $0DC0, X
TXA : EOR $1A : AND.b #$1F : BNE .face_player_delay
JSR Sprite3_DirectionToFacePlayer
TYA : STA $0DE0, X
LDY $0DE0, X
LDA Sprite3_Shake.x_speeds, Y : STA $0D50, X
LDA Sprite3_Shake.y_speeds, Y : STA $0D40, X
LDA $0E70, X : BNE .collided_with_tile
JSR Sprite3_Move
JSR Sprite3_CheckTileCollision
INC $0E80, X : LDA $0E80, X : AND.b #$0C : ORA $0DE0, X : TAY
LDA .animation_states, Y : STA $0DC0, X
; ==============================================================================
; $F492E-$F4935 DATA
pool Eyegore_ClosingEye:
db $00, $00, $01, $01, $02, $02, $02, $02
; ==============================================================================
; *$F4936-$F494E JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .delay
STZ $0D80, X
LDA.b #$60 : STA $0DF0, X
LSR #3 : TAY
LDA .animation_states, Y : STA $0DC0, X
; ==============================================================================
; $F494F-$F4ACE DATA
pool Eyegore_Draw:
dw -4, -4 : db $A2, $00, $00, $02
dw 4, -4 : db $A2, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, 4 : db $9C, $00, $00, $02
dw 4, 4 : db $9C, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, -4 : db $A4, $00, $00, $02
dw 4, -4 : db $A4, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, 4 : db $9C, $00, $00, $02
dw 4, 4 : db $9C, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, -4 : db $8C, $00, $00, $02
dw 4, -4 : db $8C, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, 4 : db $9C, $00, $00, $02
dw 4, 4 : db $9C, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, -3 : db $8C, $00, $00, $02
dw 12, -3 : db $8C, $40, $00, $00
dw -4, 13 : db $BC, $00, $00, $00
dw 4, 5 : db $8A, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, -3 : db $8C, $00, $00, $00
dw 4, -3 : db $8C, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, 5 : db $8A, $00, $00, $02
dw 12, 13 : db $BC, $40, $00, $00
dw 0, -4 : db $AA, $00, $00, $02
dw 0, 4 : db $A6, $00, $00, $02
dw 0, -4 : db $AA, $00, $00, $02
dw 0, 4 : db $A6, $00, $00, $02
dw 0, -3 : db $AA, $00, $00, $02
dw 0, 4 : db $A8, $00, $00, $02
dw 0, -3 : db $AA, $00, $00, $02
dw 0, 4 : db $A8, $00, $00, $02
dw 0, -4 : db $AA, $40, $00, $02
dw 0, 4 : db $A6, $40, $00, $02
dw 0, -4 : db $AA, $40, $00, $02
dw 0, 4 : db $A6, $40, $00, $02
dw 0, -3 : db $AA, $40, $00, $02
dw 0, 4 : db $A8, $40, $00, $02
dw 0, -3 : db $AA, $40, $00, $02
dw 0, 4 : db $A8, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, -4 : db $8E, $00, $00, $02
dw 4, -4 : db $8E, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, 4 : db $9E, $00, $00, $02
dw 4, 4 : db $9E, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, -3 : db $8E, $00, $00, $02
dw 12, -3 : db $8E, $40, $00, $00
dw -4, 13 : db $BD, $00, $00, $00
dw 4, 5 : db $A0, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, -3 : db $8E, $00, $00, $00
dw 4, -3 : db $8E, $40, $00, $02
dw -4, 5 : db $A0, $00, $00, $02
dw 12, 13 : db $BD, $40, $00, $00
; ==============================================================================
LDA.b #$00 : XBA
LDA $0DC0, X : REP #$20 : ASL #5 : ADC.w #(.oam_groups) : STA $08
SEP #$20
LDA.b #$04 : JSR Sprite3_DrawMultiple
; \note I don't get this. Most other sprites don't have this check,
; do they?
LDA $0F00, X : BNE .dont_draw_shadow
LDA.b #$0E : JSL Sprite_DrawShadowLong.variable
; ==============================================================================
^^Your answer lies somewhere in that mumbo jumbo!
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
etc... those are all hex addresses, so with some digging you can actually find hex values for everything he documented.
; $F4864-$F4867 DATA
pool Eyegore:
db $60, $80, $A0, $80
^^ places like these are amongst the easiest things you can edit without asm knowledge, that's basically four hex bytes only.
etc... those are all hex addresses, so with some digging you can actually find hex values for everything he documented.
; $F4864-$F4867 DATA
pool Eyegore:
db $60, $80, $A0, $80
^^ places like these are amongst the easiest things you can edit without asm knowledge, that's basically four hex bytes only.
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
Here's an exemple... I opened the chicken file:
Found this particularly interesting part:
; Begin spawning attack chickens if the player has hit this chicken
; too many times.
LDA $0DA0, X : CMP.b #$23 : BCC .anospawn_attack_chicken
Isolated the 0x32649 hex address as the number of times you need to hit them before their special attack...
...and then changed the default value of 23 to 01 instead, just for fun...
^^and there's the results of less then 20 minutes of digging!
- Code:
; ==============================================================================
; \unused Presumably
; $32540-$325BF DATA
dw -24, -8, 8, 24, -24, -8, 8, 24
dw -24, -8, 8, 24, -24, -8, 8, 24
dw -22, -7, 7, 22, -22, -7, 7, 22
dw -22, -7, 7, 22, -22, -7, 7, 22
dw -24, -24, -24, -24, -8, -8, -8, -8
dw 8, 8, 8, 8, 24, 24, 24, 24
dw -22, -22, -22, -22, -7, -7, -7, -7
dw 7, 7, 7, 7, 22, 22, 22, 22
; $325C0-$325C1 DATA
db $40, $00
; ==============================================================================
; *$325C2-$326B0 JUMP LOCATION
LDA $0D50, X : BEQ .x_speed_at_rest
; Change h-flip status mainly when
ASL A : ROL A : AND.b #$01 : TAY
LDA $0F50, X : AND.b #$BF : ORA .h_flip, Y : STA $0F50, X
JSR Sprite_PrepAndDrawSingleLarge
LDA $0EB0, X : BEQ .not_transmutable_to_human
LDA.b #$3D : STA $0E20, X
JSL Sprite_LoadProperties
INC $0E30, X
LDA.b #$30 : STA $0DF0, X
LDA.b #$15 : STA $012E : STA $0BA0, X
LDA $0DD0, X : CMP.b #$0A : BNE .not_being_held_by_player
LDA.b #$03 : STA $0D80, X
LDA $11 : BNE .inactive_game_submodule
JSR Chicken_SlowAnimate
JSR Chicken_DrawDistressMarker
LDA $1A : AND.b #$0F : BNE .no_bawk_bawk
JSR Chicken_BawkBawk
JSR Sprite_CheckIfActive
LDA $0DB0, X : BEQ .not_part_of_horde
LDA $0F50, X : ORA.b #$10 : STA $0F50, X
JSR Sprite_Move
LDA.b #$0C : STA $0F70, X : STA $0BA0, X
TXA : EOR $1A : AND.b #$07 : BNE .horde_damage_delay
JSR Sprite_CheckDamageToPlayer
JMP Chicken_FastAnimate
LDA.b #$FF : STA $0E50, X
; Begin spawning attack chickens if the player has hit this chicken
; too many times.
LDA $0DA0, X : CMP.b #$23 : BCC .anospawn_attack_chicken
JSR Chicken_SpawnAvengerChicken
LDA $0EA0, X : BEQ .no_new_hits_from_player
STZ $0EA0, X
; If saturated, don't make this particular chicken bawk, because the
; others will be doing a lot of it.
LDA $0DA0, X : CMP.b #$23 : BCS .saturated_with_hits
INC $0DA0, X
JSR Chicken_BawkBawk
LDA.b #$02 : STA $0D80, X
JSR Sprite_CheckDamageFromPlayer
LDA $0D80, X : BEQ .calm
CMP.b #$01 : BEQ Chicken_Hopping
CMP.b #$02 : BNE .aloft
JMP Chicken_FleeingPlayer
JMP Chicken_Aloft
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .delay_direction_change
JSL GetRandomInt : AND.b #$0F
LDA $05AAE4, X : STA $0D50, Y
LDA $05AAF4, X : STA $0D40, Y
JSL GetRandomInt : AND.b #$1F : ADC.b #$10 : STA $0DF0, X
INC $0D80, X
STZ $0DC0, X
shared Chicken_CheckIfLifted:
JSR Sprite_CheckIfLifted
; ==============================================================================
TXA : EOR $1A : LSR A : BCC .skip_tile_collision_logic
JSR Chicken_Move_XY_AndCheckTileCollision : BEQ .no_tile_collision
STZ $0D80, X
JSR Sprite_MoveAltitude
DEC $0F80, X : DEC $0F80, X
LDA $0F70, X : BPL .tick_animation_counter
STZ $0F70, X
LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .delay_hopping_halt
LDA.b #$20 : STA $0DF0, X
STZ $0D80, X
LDA.b #$0A : STA $0F80, X
shared Chicken_FastAnimate:
INC $0E80, X
shared Chicken_SlowAnimate:
INC $0E80, X : INC $0E80, X : INC $0E80, X
LDA $0E80, X : LSR #4 : AND.b #$01 : STA $0DC0, X
BRA Chicken_CheckIfLifted
; ==============================================================================
; *$326FC-$3272E JUMP LOCATION
JSR Chicken_CheckIfLifted
JSR Chicken_Move_XY_AndCheckTileCollision
STZ $0F70, X
TXA : EOR $1A : AND.b #$1F : BNE .flee_delay
shared Chicken_SetFleePlayerSpeeds:
LDA.b #$10 : JSR Sprite_ProjectSpeedTowardsPlayer
LDA $00 : EOR.b #$FF : INC A : STA $0D40, X
LDA $01 : EOR.b #$FF : INC A : STA $0D50, X
INC $0E80, X
JSR Chicken_FastAnimate
shared Chicken_DrawDistressMarker:
JSR Sprite_PrepOamCoord
JSL Sprite_DrawDistressMarker
; ==============================================================================
; *$3272F-$3278D LONG
LDA $1A : STA $06
shared Sprite_CustomTimedDrawDistressMarker:
; Allocate some oam space...
LDA.b #$10 : JSL OAM_AllocateFromRegionA
LDA $06 : AND.b #$18 : BEQ .return
LDX.b #$03
LDY.b #$00
REP #$20
LDA $00 : ADD.l .x_offsets, X : STA ($90), Y
AND.w #$0100 : STA $0E
LDA $02 : ADD.l .y_offsets, X : INY : STA ($90), Y
ADD.w #$0010 : CMP.w #$0100 : SEP #$20 : BCC .on_screen_y
LDA.b #$F0 : STA ($90), Y
LDA.b #$83 : INY : STA ($90), Y
LDA.b #$22 : INY : STA ($90), Y
PHY : TYA : LSR #2 : TAY
LDA $0F : STA ($92), Y
PLX : DEX : BPL .next_oam_entry
; ==============================================================================
; *$3278E-$327B7 LOCAL
JSR Chicken_Move_XYZ_AndCheckTileCollision : BEQ .no_tile_collision
JSR Sprite_Invert_XY_Speeds
JSR Sprite_Move
JSR Sprite_Halve_XY_Speeds
JSR Sprite_Halve_XY_Speeds
JSR Chicken_BawkBawk
DEC $0F80, X
LDA $0F70, X : BPL .not_grounded
STZ $0F70, X
LDA.b #$02 : STA $0D80, X
JMP Chicken_SetFleePlayerSpeeds:
JMP Chicken_FastAnimate
; ==============================================================================
JSR Sprite_MoveAltitude
shared Chicken_Move_XY_AndCheckTileCollision:
JSR Sprite_Move
JSL Sprite_CheckTileCollisionLong
; ==============================================================================
; $327C3-$327D2 DATA
pool Sprite_DrawDistressMarker:
; \task Name this pool / routine.
dw -3, 2, 7, 11
dw -5, -7, -7, -5
; ==============================================================================
; *$327D3-$32852 LOCAL
TXA : EOR $1A : AND.b #$0F : ORA $1B : BNE .spawn_delay
LDA.b #$0B
LDY.b #$0A
JSL Sprite_SpawnDynamically.arbitrary : BMI .spawn_failed
LDA.b #$1E : JSL Sound_SetSfx3PanLong
LDA.b #$01 : STA $0DB0, Y
JSL GetRandomInt : STA $0F : AND.b #$02 : BEQ .vertical_entry_point
LDA $0F : ADC $E2 : STA $0D10, Y
LDA $E3 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D30, Y
LDA $0F : AND.b #$01 : TAX
LDA $9F3C, X : ADC $E8 : STA $0D00, Y
LDA $E9 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D20, Y
BRA .set_velocity
LDA $0F : ADC $E8 : STA $0D00, Y
LDA $E9 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D20, Y
LDA $0F : AND.b #$01 : TAX
LDA $9F3C, X : ADC $E2 : STA $0D10, Y
LDA $E3 : ADC.b #$00 : STA $0D30, Y
LDA.b #$20 : JSR Sprite_ApplySpeedTowardsPlayer
shared Chicken_BawkBawk:
LDA.b #$30 : JSL Sound_SetSfx2PanLong
; ==============================================================================
Found this particularly interesting part:
; Begin spawning attack chickens if the player has hit this chicken
; too many times.
LDA $0DA0, X : CMP.b #$23 : BCC .anospawn_attack_chicken
Isolated the 0x32649 hex address as the number of times you need to hit them before their special attack...
...and then changed the default value of 23 to 01 instead, just for fun...
^^and there's the results of less then 20 minutes of digging!
Founder- Since : 2012-06-19
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
that does seem as complicated as the beamos edit.
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
You can not just make a sprite which is vulnerable only by arrows to suddenly be vulnerable to sword. This means pretty much the same as before with Beamos (reprograming the sprite).wizrobemaster wrote:how difficult is it to edit the damage class of enemies such as red eyegores and koppies (which can only be killed by arrows) to allow them to get killed by sword strikes or other attacks? is there multiple sprite data that needs to be edited or can it be a few hex codes?
Puzzledude- Since : 2012-06-20
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
you asked the same thing about damage class editing here:
what specifically about the replies given in that topic didn't work?
what specifically about the replies given in that topic didn't work?
Re: editing enemy damage class weaknesses/immunities
I found an easier way how to deal with trinexx: change the damage class of the somarian block to 15. that way you do not have to worry about crystal switches getting destroyed. if you find 15 too strong then set the class to one that has a damage half to the fighter sword. it also works against most enemies that require a specific item to kill them and it works against agahnim and ganon when he is invisible. it will also destroy small blade traps. of the bosses not affected, only masked helmasaur king and wart when the fuzzies are attached to him. by changing this damage class, the cane of somaria becomes a lot more versatile. the downside of course is that enemies will not flinch.
wizzrobemaster- Ganon
- Since : 2015-01-04
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