Ray's various questions...

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Tue 13 Apr 2021 - 22:06

SePH wrote:If you send me an ips patch of your project via a private message I could probably gather some strenght to do it (if I'm not too lazy). With that said, keep your money, rom hacking should always be a free hobby! ;-)

PM sent!
If you can, I can't tell you how thankful I'd be!

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by SePH Wed 14 Apr 2021 - 16:44

Jared_Brian_ wrote:well as long as you are coming out of retirement... no lol jk I'm not going to ask you to do mine too haha.
but I am curious, how do you go about changing the background scene in the title screen (the castle, mountains and lakes)? are you able to add more gfx so that you could make every bit of the background different? because I have noticed that it looks like a lot of the gfx are re used, so how would you make every or a lot of the gfx for the background different like it was done for conker's high rule tail?
is it as simple as adding more gfx with yy-chr and zcompress or does it involve asm?

I'll provide the exact steps needed to expend the titlescreen tilesets when I'm off from the job. You only need Hyrule Magic. For Conker the titlescreen was a 256 colors gif image which was loaded via a special method provided by Conn, aka a modified asm file for his Ancient Stone Tablets project.

@ray:will have a look at it when I'm off thanks!


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Post by Puzzledude Wed 14 Apr 2021 - 20:42

For Conker the titlescreen was a 256 colors gif image which was loaded via a special method provided by Conn.
Well, that explains it. I forgot you used the GIF image load not only on the ending screens/story, but also on the title. But I don't think you used this method in the prototype of Conker, when it was Parallel Universes title screen, since I know you wanted it to be mirrored, so you would save half of all tiles.

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Thu 15 Apr 2021 - 10:14

Just asking again in case my question was lost in the shuffle, not trying to be obnoxious...

Does anybody know where the palette for the Transport Bird is located? I'd love to turn the bird from white to red.

@sePH: Much appreciated!

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Post by Jared_Brian_ Thu 15 Apr 2021 - 12:45

Ray138 wrote:Just asking again in case my question was lost in the shuffle, not trying to be obnoxious...

Does anybody know where the palette for the Transport Bird is located? I'd love to turn the bird from white to red.

partially my fault sorry lol

I believe the bird uses these colors if I am not mistaken:

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Post by SePH Thu 15 Apr 2021 - 12:57

Yes puzz parallel universes had its tilesets maxed out in terms of specific tiles used for the drawing.

Pretty sure those palettes apply to more then one sprite. There's a method to change specific palettes per sprite that was found by Conn (somewhere on this board), but since the bird isn't a sprite itself, it's probably more troublesome to change it or find it's palette. It's probably documented in MathOnNapkins disassembly of the game though.

Any specifics to your titlescreen ray, beside a black background? Do you want it to be written with the same font as "a link to the past" in grey?

Also brian if you want a custom titlescreen as well, send me the specifics via a private message along with the aforemented ips patch of the hack and I'll see where this leads. Thanks!


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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Thu 15 Apr 2021 - 13:14

@Jared_Brian_ Thanks! I guess now it's just a matter of what else changes when I change that color... (edit: right away, the white shimmer that runs down the sword on the title screen is linked to the white of the bird. I think I'll just leave it alone)

@Seph, The original ALTTP font is just fine, but if it's not more work, something like the in-game text font would be great. Thanks again!

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Post by SePH Thu 15 Apr 2021 - 18:12

Fair enough, I'll do both title screen assignments soon enough, thanks guys.


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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Puzzledude Fri 16 Apr 2021 - 12:51

Yes puzz parallel universes had its tilesets maxed out in terms of specific tiles used for the drawing.
Great, good to know.

Pretty sure those palettes apply to more then one sprite. There's a method to change specific palettes per sprite that was found by Conn (somewhere on this board), but since the bird isn't a sprite itself, it's probably more troublesome to change it or find it's palette. It's probably documented in MathOnNapkins disassembly of the game though.
Does anybody know where the palette for the Transport Bird is located? I'd love to turn the bird from white to red.
The PAL change surely is in the PAL editor somewhere, like described above, but it also most likely is connected to other PALs, so that it is not used only for the bird/duck. The problem is that the PALs are not very well documented, since in HM you can only see a lot of squares and need to figuere out manually through trial and error, what they actually change - and how they are linked.
For instance we now know that Link's main sprite colours are connected to Dust lady (the one with the broom) and we also know that Agahnim's colours are connected to the Thief in the woods sprite etc.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Conn Fri 16 Apr 2021 - 18:04

Here's the bird palette:
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Palette goes in steps of 2, so the bird uses palette "22", located at snes $08/DDDB, pc 0x45ddb. If you change it to, say 24, you get the blue beak:

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20 would be green beak, 26 would be the red beak, 28 purple, 2a green, 2c gold, 2e red.
However, these palettes could change depending on the monsters on screen, you need to be careful if you switch it.

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by SePH Sat 17 Apr 2021 - 8:37

Conn to the rescue!  Very Happy

@Brian and Ray: I'm done, check your pms!

**swiftly goes back into retirement mode**


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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Sat 17 Apr 2021 - 18:35

Just booted it up. It's so great!
Thank you so much.

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Tue 20 Apr 2021 - 14:42

Another question! (Should I make a new thread? I feel bad making multiple threads...)

Anybody know where I can find the palette to the Red Shield while it's on display in the shop?
I've changed it to look like the Hylian Shield, but it still has it's original color palette when for sale in the shop.
I've altered the shop keepers dialog to mention the difference when you buy it, denying "false advertisement" declaring "all sales final", but it would be nice to just make the colors match.
(though, I do like the quirkiness of the dialog & interaction this way... So I dunno.)

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Conn Wed 21 Apr 2021 - 3:21

The pallette for the small shield, at least in the witch shop dark world, is at pc 0xf73fb: 04. Change it to 02 for red or 00 for brown.

But be careful, if you buy it it changes the palette position, here it is pc 0x484A0: 05. These go in steps of 1, so you can try 04 or 06 or anything.

Much luck


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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Conn Wed 21 Apr 2021 - 17:50

I just realized you wanted the L2 shield (shop only). In the DWorld shop it is located at pc 0xF7423: 08. It goes also in steps of 2.... 0a,0c...

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Fri 23 Apr 2021 - 13:12

What program do I use to find those palettes? I'm using YY-CHR Palette Editor, but I'm not finding the correct colors.

Also, another question:
Is there a way to roll back the Eastern Palace Star Symbol & the altered Hieroglyphs from the Redux Patch back to the USA/EU versions?
It's not a big deal, but I prefer the changed versions over real-world symbols.
(fantastic patch, by the way. I realize several of the users here worked on it. Thanks!)

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Conn Fri 23 Apr 2021 - 16:02

I look into the oam, located at 7e0800, each 4 byte represent a tile: 1-x,2-y coordinate, then 3-tile index, then 4-palette and flip information. I try and error the 4th byte in Geiger debugger ram to see the effect, then make a trace log to see where that byte originates.

Or was your question related to how to change the RGB values of a specific colour in a palette, so that e.g. red is Green? In this case, puzz or seph should be able to help

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Mon 3 May 2021 - 21:55

Can't thank you all enough for the help!

Another question:
If I change the Hieroglyph text from @$~ to regular text, will it appear as regular text in-game?
I could change it & play through to find out, but I thought I might get a quicker answer this way.

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by SePH Wed 5 May 2021 - 5:34

Is there a way to roll back the Eastern Palace Star Symbol & the altered Hieroglyphs from the Redux Patch back to the USA/EU versions?
It's not a big deal, but I prefer the changed versions over real-world symbols.
(fantastic patch, by the way. I realize several of the users here worked on it. Thanks!)
Since it's just graphics, you can probably just edit them with yy-chr and re-insert your prefered changes with zcompress!

If I change the Hieroglyph text from @$~ to regular text, will it appear as regular text in-game?
I could change it & play through to find out, but I thought I might get a quicker answer this way
Yes, if you change the symbols into regular alphabet, it'll display as such in game. Similarly, you could also use hieroglyph text anywhere else in game by using those special symbols.


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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Sun 9 May 2021 - 13:01

Since it's just graphics, you can probably just edit them with yy-chr and re-insert your prefered changes with zcompress!

Sounds easy enough, but I can't figure out zcompress...

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by SePH Mon 10 May 2021 - 6:23

Err..send me an ips of your most recent version and I'll do the edits when I'm not working!


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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Wed 12 May 2021 - 20:26

Sent! Thank you SO much!
What an awesome community!

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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by SePH Fri 14 May 2021 - 21:12

I work all weekend, but will try to do this request as soon as I can thanks!


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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by SePH Tue 18 May 2021 - 17:12

Here you go Ray, here's your proposed rollback changes!

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Apply to your latest rom, make a backup in any case before applying Wink


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Ray's various questions... - Page 2 Empty Re: Ray's various questions...

Post by Ray138 Tue 18 May 2021 - 20:05

Thank you so much!

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