dungeon entrance from a house

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dungeon entrance from a house - Page 2 Empty Re: dungeon entrance from a house

Post by wizzrobemaster Wed 17 Feb 2016 - 11:07

sungodportal i am pretty sure it is 13 because the game lists hyrule castle and the tower as separate dungeons. you can bring a room key to the sewers/church but not the tower.


Since : 2015-01-04

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dungeon entrance from a house - Page 2 Empty Re: dungeon entrance from a house

Post by SunGodPortal Wed 17 Feb 2016 - 15:15

sungodportal i am pretty sure it is 13 because the game lists hyrule castle and the tower as separate dungeons. you can bring a room key to the sewers/church but not the tower.

I believe I was refering to Hyrule Magic. I can't check though because I transferred all of my Zelda hacking files to an external drive and removed them from my computer because I need a break from this stuff.

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Since : 2015-01-26

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dungeon entrance from a house - Page 2 Empty Re: dungeon entrance from a house

Post by wizzrobemaster Wed 17 Feb 2016 - 16:47

i think HM lists 15 dungeons. hyrule castle is one location but it is divided. the sewers and church is like ganondorf's tower in oot, which is another dungeon in a dungeon.


Since : 2015-01-04

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dungeon entrance from a house - Page 2 Empty Re: dungeon entrance from a house

Post by SunGodPortal Wed 17 Feb 2016 - 18:55

i think HM lists 15 dungeons.

Not in the dungeon properties tab where you can edit the entrance, exit and boss rooms required for pendant and crystal drops.

so besides you and PD, who else has a copy? erox and conn?

Dunno. Whoever downloaded it while it was up, but like I mentioned there are probably less than 10 people in the entire world that had access to it.

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Since : 2015-01-26

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dungeon entrance from a house - Page 2 Empty Re: dungeon entrance from a house

Post by Conn Wed 17 Feb 2016 - 19:18

I just have no time to test your patch sorry, but I carefully read the review by Puzz and SGP.

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Since : 2013-06-30

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dungeon entrance from a house - Page 2 Empty Re: dungeon entrance from a house

Post by wizzrobemaster Wed 17 Feb 2016 - 20:05

sorry, that comment was misplaced. i am using a 3DS so i have subpar wifi.


Since : 2015-01-04

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