The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy

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The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy - Page 6 Empty The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy

Patch Download v1.11:
MSU Download:
The patches need to be applied on ALTTP (US), no header. You need a UPS patcher.


Hello out there, I'am IntimFuchtler(currently known as DrDiabetus) and I would like to show you my Hack
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy

It's my first released Hack ever, changing all Dungeons and some minor Overworld edits. So it's kind of a half Hack.

You can expect:
- New Dungeons
- 2 Extra Dungeons
- New Dungeon Order
- Minibosses
- New to some extend unique Ideas regarding Level Design
- A new Item Order
- New Hud (thanks to the ToT Hud Patch)
- Many other stuff

V 1.11 Added MSU Edition. Changed minor thing in Swamp

V 1.1 Level Design Changes

V 1.042
- Level Design Changes, ought to be the final version

V 1.02
- Fixed a possible Softlock in Turtle Rock

V 1.01
- Some minor Changes

V 1.0 Changelog:
- Look at the Readme for more

V 0.96 Changelog:
- Fixed a gamebreaking bug before Level 1
- Fixed a mistake in the Readme
- The Map is now totally screwed up in most of the Dungeons

V 0.95 Changelog:
- Added ingame credits
- Fixed some game important bugs in Level 6 and 8 (thanks to Puzzledude)
- Balanced some things
- other minor stuff

I would like to hear some constructive critic^^

Some other questions of mine, is it possible to create a asm Patch, which will show up a message only one time in a specific part of the room (like NW, NE ...)?
Also i have removed Sahashrahala so the Pendant locations never show up on the map. Is it possible that they will show up after you have met with the priest?

Last edited by IntimFuchtler on Fri 30 Aug 2024 - 15:24; edited 21 times in total

The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy - Page 6 Image213

Since : 2016-02-12

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The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy :: Comments


Post Sat 20 Aug 2016 - 17:56 by IntimFuchtler

nope you don't, all things are possible without taking damage, I did it all myself.
You mean that room with the two eye lasers and the pegswitch?
You have to be very fast. If you wait and the eye laser is still shooting, you have to move away so that it stops shooting. Its first shot has a little delay which gives you the time you need to progress to the next safe spot

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Post Sat 20 Aug 2016 - 17:57 by sweetjohnnycage

IntimFuchtler wrote:nope you don't, all things are possible without taking damage, I did it all myself.
You mean that room with the two eye lasers and the pegswitch?
You have to be very fast. If you wait and the eye laser is still shooting, you have to move away so that it stops shooting. Its first shot has a little delay which gives you the time you need to progress to the next safe spot

Ahhhhh ok. I didn't know the delay was that significant. All good then Smile

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Post Tue 23 Aug 2016 - 5:37 by XaserLE

I want to come back to this pipeline problem. This is one of the strangest things i have ever seen in the alttp code.

Have someone ever mentioned, that for one pipe you only need one pipe-sprite?

Look at this:
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy - Page 6 Unbena10

This is room 135. The UpPipe at the upper right is enough to make this one pipe work if Link is entering the room from the right. You can start at the right, going through the pipe and then entering the pipe from the left and going through it to the right side again, despite there is no DownPipe-Sprite at the left side. The reason is that the game seems to only load the pipe-sprite that is next to Link when entering a room and then, when moving through the pipe, the sprite will be moved with Link. This is done by routine $1E/FF34. The values are at $7E0D00. MathOnNapkins docs make clear what this is:

$0D00[0x10] -   The lower byte of a sprite's Y - coordinate.
$0D10[0x10] -   The lower byte of a sprite's X - coordinate.
$0D20[0x10] -   The high byte of a sprite's Y - coordinate.
$0D30[0x10] -   The high byte of a sprite's X - coordinate.
$0D40[0x10] -   Sprite's Y velocity.
$0D50[0x10] -   Sprite's X velocity.

You only need the second pipe-sprite on the opposite to make the player able to go through the pipe, walk out of the room and then come back to the room through the left door.
Maybe the original developers wanted to save ram, cause in room 135 above you would have 8 sprites in ram for all pipes instead of 4 when entering the room. To fix this we need to manipulate the sprite-loading routine and make all pipe-sprites load.

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Post Tue 23 Aug 2016 - 6:30 by Puzzledude

Have someone ever mentioned, that for one pipe you only need one pipe-sprite?
Yes, however this is not the main problem.

The main bug, which I brought up after I finished this game (and that could not be solved at the time since it was too complex) was that if you go through the pipe and then fall down the pit, you will respawn at the entrance again. Now the pipe won't work, since, as you have put it, the pipe sprite traveled with the player.

So going from A to B and falling down the pit, the player will respawn at the door, and yet pipe-entrance B is now the only one "active". A will no longer work, when it should. No idea, why original authors decided so, since this is not the way it should be. The pipe sprite should not travel with the player. Both pipe-sprites should remain where they are: A should remain on A, and B on B, and they should both be always active to be able to enter them.

So basically such room design (as on the picture) is then not allowed, since you can solve this paradox-state only with a save-state and then not fall down. I hope this can be somehow fixed (to make it so, that this pipe sprite is not following you), since this is quite a big bug and will basically not allow pipes and hurting pits in one room.

If the pipe sprite would not be following you, then again 2 sprite are needed for one connecting pipe, but that is actually ok, since you need 2 regardless, because going through the door will reset the sprites.

To fix this we need to manipulate the sprite-loading routine and make all pipe-sprites load.
That would be the best option. Hopefully this can be done, since it will debug this big bug, that the original authors made. But in original Alttp a pipe and a hurting pit are not in one room, so you can never fall down and you thus never encounter this pipe-bug in the original.

Of course the debug on the upper room could also be made by closing down all pits with a fence, so you can never fall down any pits after traveling through any pipe.

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Post Tue 23 Aug 2016 - 8:04 by XaserLE

That was what i meant, the main problem is the following sprite. I am actually working on hinder the sprite following you. Maybe i can solve it.

Edit: To jump over this routine doesn't work, Link is simply falling down. I think the sprite that moves with Link is needed to hinder him falling down. So obiously the sprite has to follow Link through the pipe.

Edit2: Just to make it more clear, i think primarily the pipe-sprite is going through the pipe and just carries Link with it.

Edit3: So the best solution would be to hook into the falling routine (when Link is falling in the pits) and reset all pipe-sprites there.

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Post Tue 23 Aug 2016 - 10:28 by Puzzledude

Edit: To jump over this routine doesn't work, Link is simply falling down. I think the sprite that moves with Link is needed to hinder him falling down. So obiously the sprite has to follow Link through the pipe.
Yes, I remember that the entire pipe is actually a falling down property, so if you tuch it, you fall down. I guess the pipe sprite is thus necessary for carrying Link.

Edit3: So the best solution would be to hook into the falling routine (when Link is falling in the pits) and reset all pipe-sprites there.
This should work. If they indeed can be reset on Link falling.

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Post Wed 28 Sep 2016 - 9:31 by Nova

Do I understand that right? I have to cheat by disabling a drawing layer in my emulator to see where I can do something (if I don't want to randomly try things)?

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Post Sat 1 Oct 2016 - 10:26 by IntimFuchtler

Normally no, cause I hinted everything.
But this hints aren't really that good so many people wouldn't get what to do.
Also this spike maze in Ganons Tower is ridiculous stupid, it's removed in my current version, sorry that you have to bear with it at the moment

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Post Sat 1 Oct 2016 - 10:53 by Nova

Ah, okay, thank you for your answer. Smile

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Post Fri 28 Oct 2016 - 8:34 by Thanatos-Zero

I wonder if you removed that one bug in Level 6 Skull Woods.
Because I currently cannot proceed.
I did shot in the eyes in the room to the right.

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Post Fri 28 Oct 2016 - 9:00 by IntimFuchtler

You are on the wrong side, this is no bug.
You need to be on the other side of the wall to be able to shoot that wall decoration

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Post Fri 28 Oct 2016 - 10:46 by Thanatos-Zero

Ehm... I already did. And now I did it again. There is no change. The wall won't go back.

Here the status. I got a key by using the Bombos and the Boomerang getting past boundaries.

Now I got it. I had to shot into the face, though that was not really clear from the beginning.

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Post Fri 28 Oct 2016 - 15:23 by IntimFuchtler

Yeah, not everyone will notice this.
In my current version this is more obvious

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Post Sat 3 Dec 2016 - 14:16 by IntimFuchtler

So, I updated the first Post with Version 1.0
I would be happy if someone could test this version and report any more bugs or things that may be too hard/unfair for the player that aren't mentioned in the readme.
If all goes well I will upload this version on Smile

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Post Sat 3 Dec 2016 - 19:59 by SunGodPortal

Congrats on reaching the 1.0 status. Very few ALttP hacks make it that far. I remember checking out an earlier version of this at some point. Looked great. I put off playing it because I wanted to wait 'til it was finished. Should be fun.

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Post Tue 4 Jul 2017 - 13:06 by Mr.x

Wow. Congrats on the finished hack!

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Post Tue 4 Jul 2017 - 14:38 by IntimFuchtler


Although after all there are many bad design choiches, some of them being unfair to the player I think. But after all for my first attempt i'am satisfied^^

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Post Tue 4 Jul 2017 - 15:13 by Puzzledude

If all goes well I will upload this version on
I hope you will do that, since it is not on RHDN yet. And the main crowd is there.

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Post Sat 9 Sep 2017 - 22:00 by slartifer

Wow, came across this a few days ago and have been having a blast with it since. Really impressed by the dungeon design: I like the way each dungeon ends up being sort of a big, meandering puzzle where you have to be creative and/or clever in different ways. Serious kudos.

I hope you do get it to a point you are happy with and upload it to RHDN -- this is an awesome hack and it deserves to be played by many.

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Post Sat 7 Oct 2017 - 14:07 by skater43

Just beat this hack myself yesterday and I want to say I really enjoyed it. Didn't matter that you didn't change the overworld much, the little things you did change made a difference and caused me to go about things differently or go in a different order than usual. After falling off the narrow icy paths in the Ice Palace for the 380th time, I was ready to put a curse on you and your family, but I got through it. Smile That one prolly took me the longest in figuring out where to go, where I needed to get to, etc. and it really felt like an accomplishment when I finally got to the end. I do have one question and a couple of suggestions, though. First off, beat the game with everything except the cane of Bryna, one heart piece and the red mail, so I just wanted to confirm that those are all in the game still. I figure they are, just want to double-check before I go scouring Hyrule some more (along those lines, though, I love where you put the level 4 sword. Made it seem like after a player failed on Ganon, it was an extra little boost/help, so that next time, they finish him off for sure).

As for suggestions, just two little ones. First, I ran into the same issue as SaGaRa did back on page 4 with getting stuck in the extra Light World dungeon because I used a key from there in the castle. I understand they're treated as the same dungeon and hacking them to be separate in the game's eyes would prolly be a huge hassle, but maybe putting a sign in front of the castle and the extra dungeon warning players to not mix the keys or finish the extra dungeon before doing the castle or something like that would be feasible. And the other minor suggestion is updating some of the text. You removed Sahasrahla, which is fine, but maybe update the text to tell the player to look elsewhere or mention he's dead or something, as well as some of the other text that no longer fits the narrative you're trying to tell. Anyway, just a couple of little ideas. Overall, nice work IntimFuchtler and congrats on finishing your first hack. Any plans for more hacks?

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Post Thu 26 Oct 2017 - 1:12 by Pamfafoofle

Finished this hack (version 1.02) a couple of days ago, and wanted to offer my appreciation for a very well-done hack. It never ceases to amaze me how, using the same materials, each new LttP hack offers new puzzles for dungeon navigation which have never been used before. Hylian Legacy continues this, using new tricks (mostly with the Hookshot in this game’s case) which I have not seen used in other hacks I’ve played. Your rooms use the two layers to their full advantage, creating a deliciously complex experience of navigating a dungeon as one revisits the same room multiple times as they travel up, down, and around. I was also impressed with the reliability of the hack—I had more confidence that somehow or other, the game was 100% solvable and could not be broken—even when it took me a very long time in some cases to discover how to get that last key to move forward!

I’ve been addicted to using savestates ever since the original Parallel Worlds, so I can’t give an accurate assessment of how difficult this game would be to beat normally (without saving every 10 seconds). My feeling is that there are many places in this quest which are too difficult, so much so that progressing just becomes tedious. (I especially noticed this in Dungeon 7—narrow curving paths of ice blocks with fireball shooters are just mean). I think the game would be improved if some of these places where it is extremely difficult to move without getting hit were removed, so that the focus could be a bit more on the puzzle solving. If it were just a matter of getting through a difficult room one time, that would be one thing, but your dungeon designs often require several trips through a room, and it’s very frustrating having to cross those ice bridges safely so many times. Still, it’s cool in a way to figure out how to get past some obstacles without taking damage at all, since you guarantee that this is possible everywhere in the game.

I expected to be disappointed by the lack of significant overworld changes, but I think I was mostly wrong about that. The 98% of the overworld that is identical to the original means that the player really gets thrown for a loop when they encounter some of the 2% that was changed. In addition, the order of items is so different from the original that, even though the overworld is basically the same, it is challenging to remember which bonus areas you have and haven’t been to yet, because you’re not used to accessing them in that order.

I appreciated your attempt to provide dungeon maps. I know they’re a very glitchy element to hack and don’t always work, but this is the first LttP hack I’ve played that even attempts to provide working dungeon maps. I hope you will be able to figure out ways to clean up the maps in future versions, but I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate even the glitchy maps offered in this release.

I know others have commented on this, but I hope at least some of the game text changes in the next version release—that the first Pendant not direct you to a nonexistent Sahasrahla, that King Zora asks the correct price for his item (which does not allow Link to use any waterways!), etc.

I guess I was disappointed with the “bonus” treasure of the final dungeon in the pyramid, since by the time you can access the way to Sword4, it is completely useless and you’d save time just beating the game normally rather than falling down to get it. I would almost say that chest ought to be switched with the Silver Arrows, so that you have to fight Ganon the first time without them and have no choice but to fall down to get that “bonus” chest. Other than that, I thought the order of items was interesting and logical.

Once again, congrats on a well-done hack that was a pleasure to play!

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Post Thu 9 Nov 2017 - 12:10 by IntimFuchtler

Thank you both really much, I really appreciate it Smile

As for the Key-Out-Of-Order problem with Castle Tower and the bonus Lightworld Dungeon, its stated in the readme (maybe i should hide a password in there for the actual hack like good old Redesign did) but I understand your idea there, but I dont think I will work on this any further, besides some major glitches, game breakers are found.

As for the ingame Text, back when I was working on this it allways got messed up so I left it untouched (I'am lazy I know), but I wrote the major changes also in the Readme :O

At least, things like Ice Palace, yeah, they can get tedious, exspecially that icy paths (be happy you didnt play 0.96 xD), but with some patient everything is possible, just dont rush things (but I know that there are some questionable design choices).

I like to do to more hacks (I have one planned out, but only did like 2 Rooms as of jet, ie=nothing), but currently I have so much other things to do. But if one would ask me to design a dungeon for them (if they feel I'am good enough for them) I would gladly accept, if I dont need to worry about other things.

Hopefully you had a great time Playing this^^

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Post Sat 23 Dec 2017 - 0:04 by wizzrobemaster

Do you have a link to the 1.0 version? also how is the level linearity handled? can some dungeons be played out of order and are there optional dungeon items? I advise refraining from using any bomb jumps because they can be difficult to execute.

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Post Sat 23 Dec 2017 - 7:01 by wizzrobemaster

One thing I have noticed is that you have Kholdstare in a non-dungeon (i.e. the location of the Ice Rod), which means you cannot use the magic mirror if you run of magic, thereby causing an unwinnable situation where death or quit are the only options. This is a design flaw that I would avoid.

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Post Sat 23 Dec 2017 - 10:21 by wizzrobemaster

So after using HM to observe the lay out and playing some of the rooms, I have noticed there are design flaws that should be fixed:  

-The Pyramid has no exit unless you get through the gauntlet of enemies.
-Make the Magic Mirror completely mandatory and the sooner the better. Without it, the player can get stuck in dungeons.
.This can lead to very punishing game design where having no magic will result in forcing a save and quit and bosses such as Trinexx and Kholdstare cannot be defeated without magic.
.you placed too many spiked floor tiles, and Vitreous/Geldogger is extremely unforgiving because of this layout.  "Moldorm" is another problem as well.  
.Also, I would like to see Ganon's Tower as the very last dungeon or if it somehow connects to the pyramid.
Another idea is to allow the player to enter the pyramid early, however, they cannot reach Ganon. You can use the arrow switch as a lock for example.
.Non-dungeon rooms cannot use the Magic Mirror. Make sure any puzzles or challenges are in a dungeon based room to allow players to try again.
.All dungeons need an easy exit if there a entrance from a hole.
-Remove the spike block obstacles that require the hookshot. This is exploiting a bug.

-Although it was mentioned earlier, never put a player in a situation where they are forced to take damage when solving a puzzle or entering a room.

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