The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past DX
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The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past DX
Mercurial Magic Packs:
- Code:
Description: In contrast to Conn's patch this one works without needing to expand the rom, also included are pegasus direction change, and other hacks. Read the description at
Last edited by Conn on Wed 11 Oct 2017 - 7:02; edited 1 time in total
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past DX :: Comments
Does it work with link's apple video? Cause the other patch ihear the. Talk with his uncle but the video the screen is white...r
What do you do with .MSU1 files? I thought you only needed the unheadered rom, ips patch file, and the pcm music files to get these to work. I downloaded one of the mercurial magic packs and it only gives the .MSU1 file so I'm unsure on what to do with it. Do I still need to find a pcm pack somewhere?
.msu1 is an attempt at a standardized distribution format, to simplify the question of "what do I do with these 50 different files?". It contains all of the .pcm music files and the patch file. If you're using Snes9x v1.55, you can use that file directly by placing it into your patch directory and naming it to match your unmodified, unheadered aLttP ROM file, and it will hot-patch the file for you. Or, you can use Mercurial Magic to apply the patch and export all of the files:
qwertymodo wrote:.msu1 is an attempt at a standardized distribution format, to simplify the question of "what do I do with these 50 different files?". It contains all of the .pcm music files and the patch file. If you're using Snes9x v1.55, you can use that file directly by placing it into your patch directory and naming it to match your unmodified, unheadered aLttP ROM file, and it will hot-patch the file for you. Or, you can use Mercurial Magic to apply the patch and export all of the files:
Thanks for the quick reply but I still have a couple of questions. Do I need to patch the rom with the ips file before running it through mercurial magic? I'm running them through lr-snes9x in retroarch so when I export them using mercurial magic do I select gamepak or SD2SNES/SNES9X?
Do you mean .bps? I don't think I ever released it in .ips format... in any case, no if you're using the .msu1 pack, don't apply any patches beforehand. Export as SD2SNES/Snes9x.
qwertymodo wrote:Do you mean .bps? I don't think I ever released it in .ips format... in any case, no if you're using the .msu1 pack, don't apply any patches beforehand. Export as SD2SNES/Snes9x.
Thanks again. I got the enhanced music to work but I'm not sure I got the other features of the DX patch as I can't swap items using L/R. I mainly just wanted the music though so I'm fine with it as is.
I briefly tested (by cheating all 7ef34x items) and L/R worked for me like a charm...
Conn wrote:I briefly tested (by cheating all 7ef34x items) and L/R worked for me like a charm...
Not sure what I've done wrong then. Is there anything I need to do at all with the bps patch since I have the .MSU1 file?
You know what, I just realized that the .msu1 packs probably just include the MSU-1 audio only. So yeah, I'd grab the patch file, apply it to an original ROM, then use that to completely replace the ROM that Mercurial Magic exported.
qwertymodo wrote:You know what, I just realized that the .msu1 packs probably just include the MSU-1 audio only. So yeah, I'd grab the patch file, apply it to an original ROM, then use that to completely replace the ROM that Mercurial Magic exported.
Hmm trying to patch it using beat and it says "patch application has failed." Is there a specific version of the rom I need or anything else I need to do to it? I'm using a US rom that is unheadered. Flips also says "This patch is not intended for this rom."
qwertymodo wrote:Should be expecting the USA unheadered ROM.
Okay I got it working finally. Guess I just had the wrong version of the game as an alternate one worked. I appreciate the help and quick responses.
Any way this could be made to work with the intro Link's apple video?
It could be, I'm not really all that interested in making it happen though... and no, you can't just apply both patches on top of each other. Sorry.
Last edited by Polargames on Tue 31 Jul 2018 - 18:23; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Pepv pefers links, So I am fixing all of the ones on posted)
Last edited by Polargames on Tue 31 Jul 2018 - 18:23; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Pepv pefers links, So I am fixing all of the ones on posted)
Heres a few links to threads over at LaunchBox where 2D, 3D and Disc art for each new game patch that is released.
Direct Google Drive for Front Boxes.
Direct Google Drive for Front Boxes.
What is your set-up? Are you using an emulator? SD2SNES on real console or a Super NT? We need a bit more information.
I am running snes9x and bsnes on a Personal Computer. When I was opening up the patched rom on snes9x it was given an error complaining about the patch. I've just opened the game on it to write on here the exact message and didn't experience the same message again. I have the Zelda a link to The Past MSU that the music works great, but the the Dx version the CD quality sound don't get working, it just plays the original one.
After you patched the ROM, did you rename it to match the MSU file and PCM pack that you're trying to use with it?
After you patch the ROM, delete the patch file, or at least move it somewhere else. It sounds like you still have the patch file in the same folder as the patched ROM, and Snes9x is trying to hotpatch the already patched ROM.
Thank you guys for help. The problem was as qwertymodo pointed it out, the bps file was the issue.
I tested it only with snes9x on Windows, however, with Higan on Ubuntu it does not work.
I tested it only with snes9x on Windows, however, with Higan on Ubuntu it does not work.
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