[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette?

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[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette? Empty [Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette?

Post by ShadowOne333 Fri 22 Jul 2016 - 22:07

Good day, Zeldix community.

I am the current developer of the Link to the Past Redux hack at RomHacking.net.

Right now I am mostly done with the hack, I have improved and modified everything that I felt was a little off in terms of the franchise as a whole.

The only thing I haven't been able to modify is the palette used for the King of Hyrule in the Credits.
I can change the palette for sure, however, whenever I change it, the palette for all the Green soldiers (and some other NPC's enemies) are modified. It's a shared palette so I need to find the global palette byte that controls the palette for that sprite in particular.
(For better reference, the palette I think is palette #14 in the enemies section in Hyrule Magic)

I managed to modify the global palette of some enemies like the thiefs and such using the following link as a reference:

However, it seems that the global palette for the King of Hyrule is not found in that section of the ROM (and yeah, I tried every byte in that bank Razz)

So my question here is if someone could help me out to find this global palette for the King of Hyrule sprite?

I am talking about the sprite that appear at the Credits, and not the one in the opening scene. (The sitting King in that sequence shares the palette with Agahnim btw).

Here is my mockup palette compared to that of the original:
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Basically, I want the King to use the next global palette, so instead of using the Green soldier's palette (global palette 1B), it uses the Red soldier's palette (17), which basically retains all colours in common except the Green/Red.

Anyone has any idea where these global palette bytes might be located?
Thanks in advance!

Since : 2016-04-06

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[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette? Empty Re: [Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette?

Post by Conn Sat 23 Jul 2016 - 6:24

Do you have something like this in mind?

[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette? All-in13

pc: 07/1e90: 3b -> 37

PS: requests fit best in the request section Wink

[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette? Empty Re: [Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette?

Post by ShadowOne333 Sun 24 Jul 2016 - 15:39

Wow Conn!
Thank you so much!
That was exactly what I was aiming for. Smile

If you don't mind and have time to, would you mind explaining how you found that byte, please?
I'm very interesting in the technical know-how since it might come in handy for others and for personal knowledge. Very Happy

Many, MANY thanks!

Since : 2016-04-06

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[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette? Empty Re: [Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette?

Post by Conn Sun 24 Jul 2016 - 16:51

You have the sprite palette data usually in $0E60[0x10]

Here it was a bit tricky, because the ending sprites seem to use a different address - I observed the ram in geiger and found them in $0f50[0x10] (experience).
The rest was breakpoint tracing.

[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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[Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette? Empty Re: [Help] ALttP - Change King of Hyrule global palette?

Post by ShadowOne333 Tue 26 Jul 2016 - 13:07

Oh I see, interesting.
I assume you were using Write breakpoints for the RAM addresses, right?

Thanks for the explanation Smile

Since : 2016-04-06

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