Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by Floki Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 9:50

About 100 tracks to convert and dont have the skills for this.

If you guys want to play my hack on a sd2snes, this will be a needed step.



Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by qwertymodo Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 12:45

Do you already have loop points, or is that part of what you need done?

Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by Floki Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 14:03

No loop points are done but would be preferable to have them.

Asking in advance because the final beta should start in less then thirty days and the game should be publically released a month or two after that.



Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by qwertymodo Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 14:07

Sure, send them my way. No guarantees, but I'll at least keep you updated, so if anybody else wants to collaborate we could split up the work.

Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by Floki Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 14:14

Awesome! Much thanks. I should finish the pack tonight or tommorow then I'll upload it somewhere and you'll be able to start the conversion process!

I still need to test them in game first and also fix my hex msu-1 tables that Conn made. Once everything is alright and ready I'll keep you updated via pm!


Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by qwertymodo Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 14:18

One question, are you using $FF for max MSU-1 volume, or still using the $60 hack? That affects the volume normalization level that I'll need to apply to the tracks. $FF would be preferred, now that the SD2SNES has the proper volume levels (otherwise we're hacking around a problem that no longer exists, better to just use it the way it's intended).

Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by Conn Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 14:54

I renewed his hack to the 60 standard, so the volume of 2002 is default 60, like my alttp hack... The volume level should be the same as the alttp msu files Wink thanks for your help.

Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by qwertymodo Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 15:06

Ok, I'll have to figure out the right normalization level to use with $60. Probably somewhere around -4dB...

Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by qwertymodo Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 17:02

I did manage to get my sox/wav2msu script working, in case anybody wants to use it to make their life easier.  Script goes in the same directory as the original audio files, then extract sox and wav2msu to a folder named bin inside that same directory (i.e. track1.wav, track2.mp3, script.bat, bin\sox_goes_here)

SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

SET TRACK1TITLE=01 Title - A Link to the Past.flac

SET TRACK2TITLE=02 Hyrule Field Main Theme.wav

:More tracks here...

FOR /l %%i IN (1,1,%NUMTRACKS%) DO (
    IF NOT "!TRACK%%iTITLE!" == "" (
:        ECHO Track %%i
        IF EXIST "!TRACK%%iTITLE!" (
            ECHO !TRACK%%iTITLE!
            IF NOT EXIST output MKDIR output

            IF NOT "!TRACK%%iTRIM!" == "" SET TRACK%%iTRIM=rate trim 0 !TRACK%%iTRIM!s
            bin\sox.exe %NORMALIZATION% !TRACK%%iFORMAT! "!TRACK%%iTITLE!" -e signed-integer -L -r 44.1k -b 16 output\out.wav !TRACK%%iTRIM! !TRACK%%iEFFECTS!

            IF NOT "!TRACK%%iLOOP!" == "" SET TRACK%%iLOOP=-l !TRACK%%iLOOP!
            bin\wav2msu.exe output\out.wav !TRACK%%iLOOP!

            FOR %%f IN ("!TRACK%%iTITLE!") DO (MOVE %OVERWRITE% output\out.pcm "output\%%~nf.pcm" >NUL)

            DEL output\out.wav

It can handle format conversion from MP3/FLAC/etc (anything that sox can handle), as well as resampling, and PCM conversion, with loop points.  To add tracks, just add additional SET TRACKxTITLE/LOOP/TRIM lines.  For tracks without a loop, just omit that line.

Last edited by qwertymodo on Mon 8 Aug 2016 - 0:30; edited 4 times in total

Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by Conn Fri 5 Aug 2016 - 18:55


I'm here on my mobile and can't give a direct link...
Download my alttp archive
Open the word file and you find a link to the pcm:s by retrodan.
These pcm:s work perfectly with 60, so maybe you can examine the volume...


Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by Mr.x Sat 6 Aug 2016 - 2:46

Check your PMs when you have time SePH.

@qwertymodo Being able to add loop points would be fantastic. Certain songs in the OST lack the necessary loop points.


Since : 2014-04-10

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by Floki Sat 6 Aug 2016 - 13:48

@qwertymodo: It will finally be ready sometime during my next weekend (monday-tuesday-wednesday), taking a small two days break from the game to regain some energy and willpower. Thanks!

@Conn: thanks for implementing a much custom msu-1 for my hack. So many tracks! Hopefully the pack won't be too big!

@Trovsky: answered your pm! Thanks


Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Empty Re: Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files

Post by qwertymodo Fri 12 Aug 2016 - 16:34

I've gotten a good start on this, but it's a lot of tracks to work through. If anybody is willing to help out, I could use the extra hands. Maybe @TheRetromancer? Not sure if he's still around here...

Need someone skilled with converting waves to pcm files Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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