Super Mario Kart
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Super Mario Kart
So, it's not quite ready, but it's mostly done, so I guess I might as well showcase what's working so far. It supports separate songs per track (e.g. Mario Circuit 1 can have a different song from Mario Circuit 2), or shared songs for all tracks of the same type. This all works via the track missing fallback flag, so it works with a single patch.
Current issues:
-I need to figure out how to stop a playing SPC track without muting the SPC since that also mutes the SFX (only affects SPC fallback)
-The title screen song start is delayed for some reason
Now, I just need to loop and convert a ton of tracks...
Also, if anybody knows of a good source of "remastered" versions of the original OST, I'd really appreciate it. At this point, I'm using MKWii as my primary source, but most of the tracks don't actually match the original songs. That isn't really an issue for the different-song-for-every-track version, but I'd like to also have another pack with songs that actually match the originals. I just can't find any other than the 3 you hear in the demo video above (Title Screen, Select Screen, Mario Circuit).
Last edited by qwertymodo on Mon 4 Sep 2017 - 17:59; edited 4 times in total
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
Hey Qwertymodo. Great job with mario man..cant wait till see thats done heheh..i,want it so bad!!!
kurrono- Since : 2015-03-22
Re: Super Mario Kart
Nice! Maybe we could ask member of the OC Remix community to come up with reorchestrated tracks ?
DarkShock- Since : 2014-12-29
Re: Super Mario Kart
I asked for help over there back when we were first working on aLttP and didn't get any takers, so I'm not sure if there will be any now, but it might be worth a shot.
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
The value for mute spc without muting sfx is 1e-I need to figure out how to stop a playing SPC track without muting the SPC since that also mutes the SFX (only affects SPC fallback)
The tracks are called here:
- Code:
$80/9758 BD 18 0E LDA $0E18,x[$80:0E18] A:FF7F X:0000
$80/975B 80 40 BRA $40 [$979D] A:FF04 X:0000
$80/979D C9 14 CMP #$14 A:FF04 X:0000
$80/979F F0 02 BEQ $02 [$97A3] A:FF04 X:0000
$80/97A1 05 40 ORA $40 [$00:0040] A:FF04 X:0000
$80/97A3 8D 40 21 STA $2140 [$80:2140] A:FF04 X:0000
$80/97A6 C2 30 REP #$30 A:FF04 X:0000 Y
$80/97A8 60 RTS
You can try SPC mute without SFX mute by simply cheating with
lda #$1e
sta $2140
this stops the spc without muting the sfx anytime - unfortunately it is with fadeout, but maybe it is what you need.
Much luck!
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: Super Mario Kart
Yeah, I'm aware that $1E triggers a fade-out, which isn't what I want to do, but it's my back-up plan if nothing else works. My current main hook is at $8097A3, so you found exactly the same code snippet that I did
The only other hook I needed was at $81F435 because that was the only place I could find the actual value of the current song bank, briefly loaded into the X register, then copied into RAM, but by the time the race actually starts and you get to $8097A3 where it starts track $04 to play the main song for the bank, that memory location has been cleared. So I have to hijack the code at $81F435 to store the X register into my own RAM location to read back later.
Speaking of which, the other thing I'm not 100% certain of is whether or not the RAM locations I chose for my variables are actually completely unused. I need 4 bytes, and am currently using $7E012A-D. I tried searching around to see if anybody else had found any other free RAM for other hacks, but didn't find any. If anybody happens to know of any, please let me know. I played through every race, sat through the credits, and played a round of battle mode with breakpoints on those 4 addresses and never triggered one, so hopefully they're free and don't cause side effects...
The only other hook I needed was at $81F435 because that was the only place I could find the actual value of the current song bank, briefly loaded into the X register, then copied into RAM, but by the time the race actually starts and you get to $8097A3 where it starts track $04 to play the main song for the bank, that memory location has been cleared. So I have to hijack the code at $81F435 to store the X register into my own RAM location to read back later.
Speaking of which, the other thing I'm not 100% certain of is whether or not the RAM locations I chose for my variables are actually completely unused. I need 4 bytes, and am currently using $7E012A-D. I tried searching around to see if anybody else had found any other free RAM for other hacks, but didn't find any. If anybody happens to know of any, please let me know. I played through every race, sat through the credits, and played a round of battle mode with breakpoints on those 4 addresses and never triggered one, so hopefully they're free and don't cause side effects...
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
If your problem with 1e is the fade out, try 1d instead
I briefly checked the rom with searching for the hex ad 2a 01 - ad 2d 01 (same with 8d 2a 01, and ce 2a 01 - seems to be free
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: Super Mario Kart
Really awesome work. I really like how far the MSU-1 community has come. I might be able to work on a song or two, if you'd like. ATM, I'm working on another music pack relating to Chrono Trigger.
Re: Super Mario Kart
Conn wrote:
If your problem with 1e is the fade out, try 1d instead
I briefly checked the rom with searching for the hex ad 2a 01 - ad 2d 01 (same with 8d 2a 01, and ce 2a 01 - seems to be free
I swear I tried 1D, but it looks like I didn't, that's the one! Now I just need to figure out this weird delay at the title screen...
Edit: The delay is gone... wtf, must've created a weird loop somewhere. Oh well, works for me!
Edit 2: Nevermind, it's not gone.
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
So qwerty..we goin to see that release...oops.for asking..ur guys are awesome...about reading the stack..ill never get it...
kurrono- Since : 2015-03-22
Re: Super Mario Kart
Yeah, right now the code works and the main holdup is finding music. Since I can't find songs that actually match the originals, I'm going to go with the unique-song-per-track version which gives me an excuse to use different songs, but it also means 5 times as many of them (and I already have to do normal and fast versions for every one...). If anybody has music suggestions I'm more than happy to consider them.
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
Release ur lovely code. Ill do a research in,every eay possible...pluse we,need to find out where the pcms go to...from msu1-1 to whatever goes ... maybe 30 ... conn release sf2 without music...we can alwayz find smthing..
kurrono- Since : 2015-03-22
Re: Super Mario Kart
kurrono wrote:the pcms go to...from msu1-1 to whatever goes ... maybe 30 ...
Uhhh... try 119. But yeah, I'll probably just go ahead and release the code at this point. I'll try to remember to upload it tonight.
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
Thanks qwertymodo..u the best and u the one who created snes9x with msu supoort..unique on ur style man!!!
kurrono- Since : 2015-03-22
Re: Super Mario Kart
Track List:
Note: Either include tracks 32-72 OR 80-119, you don't need both (and if you do include both, tracks 32-72 won't get played).
Go nuts Enjoy!
Track List:
Note: Either include tracks 32-72 OR 80-119, you don't need both (and if you do include both, tracks 32-72 won't get played).
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
Potential TODO list:
* Check if the game actually uses command $1D anywhere, I just realized that I don't actually handle it on the MSU-1 side.
* Potentially include resume support for the invincibility jingle. I know the original game just starts the track over, but it's a thought.
* Check if the game actually uses command $1D anywhere, I just realized that I don't actually handle it on the MSU-1 side.
* Potentially include resume support for the invincibility jingle. I know the original game just starts the track over, but it's a thought.
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
6 am,here ..the patch works nice.. i tested 3 songs already..awesome...ill try to find more resourcesnon internet when i wake up time to go will be done soon
kurrono- Since : 2015-03-22
Re: Super Mario Kart
Where the pcm for faster songs go? On sd2snes..omg sounds like a ststic ugly sound..i guess we need spc fallback there...
kurrono- Since : 2015-03-22
Re: Super Mario Kart
Is your firmware fully up-to-date? I tested SPC fallback on the faster tracks and it works fine in higan and Snes9x (didn't test the SD2SNES though). In any case the fast version of each track-n.pcm is track-n+1.pcm, as mentioned in the comments at the bottom of the track list I posted.
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
Re: Super Mario Kart
Hey qwertymodo i need ur guidance on smthing....whats best app for normalizing pcms or mp3s...some programs are pain in the ass. Like mp3gain..i used it and it mess up my mp3 very
kurrono- Since : 2015-03-22
Re: Super Mario Kart
kurrono wrote:Hey qwertymodo i need ur guidance on smthing....whats best app for normalizing pcms or mp3s...
The tool I made specifically for creating .pcm's
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
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